Celtic Christianity
Celtic Spirituality for Today, Churches, Communities and Fellowships, Education, Historical, Liturgy, Mailing Lists, Celtic Orthodoxy, David's Celtic Christianity Page, New Age Celtic Christian Church, Stuart's Celtic Christianity Page
7th Day Sabbath Believers Directory, A Digest of the Sabbath Question, Assorted Flavors of 7th day Sabbatarians, Calvin in the Hands of the Philistines, or, Did Ca, Mid-South Sabbatarians, Sabbatarianism, Sabbatarianism Re-Examined, Sabbatarians, Sabbatarians, Sabbatarianism, Sabbath Observance
Snake Handling
Augusta Chronicle: Taking Up Serpents, If God Was a Rattlesnake, Would You Pick it Up?, Religious Movements: Snake Handlers, Snake Handlers, Snake Handlers and the Law, Snake Handling, Snake Handling, Snake Handling in the Pentecostal Church: The Prec, Sound Portraits: John Brown, Jr., Serpent Handler, Taking Up Serpents: A History of Snake Handling
Spiritual Direction
Catholic Encyclopedia: Spiritual Direction, Institute for Spiritual Leadership, Pneuma, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Formation, The Anam Cara Academy for Spiritual Directors
Art as a Source of Christian Meditation
Using art to nurture a Christian spiritual outlook on life, or as a springboard to meditative prayer.
InterPlay and WingIt!
Site for practices that help with body/spirit integration. "Exploding boundaries between art forms between secular and sacred between audience and performer between art, education, business, social change, and personal transformation."
Spiritual Disciplines
A very useful starting point for traditional spiritual disciplines and practices.
Spiritual Journals
Site seeks to challenge other persons to develop journals related to their own lives.