Christian Dilemma
Defined, Rapture, timing, paradox, visible return, seven year tribulation period, explanations, and verses.
Basic beliefs, comparison to other eschatologies, destruction of Jerusalem, third coming, and rapture.
In His Presence
Definitions, spiritual rapture, new heaven and earth, Book of Revelation meanings explained, and other topics.
Preterism And Prophesy
Second Coming, 1,000 year reign of Christ, diagram, Mark of the Beast, book of Daniel, resurrection, and other topics.
The Preterist ABCs
Destruction of Jeruslem, Second Coming, day of the Lord, passing of the heavens and the earth, and general basics.
The Preterist Cosmos
Questions and answers, articles, email discussion group, salvation, baptism, deity of Christ, and general issues.
Eschatology, millennium, Second Coming, articles, ezine, message board, ministry news, and links.