Answers in Genesis Creation Education Center
Young-earth, biblical world view on creation, evolution, dinosaurs, age of the earth. Curriculum information, lesson archive, online study guides, overheads.
Awesome Works
Proposes to sell only items that strengthen faith in God: Online book with some unique perspectives; sales of videos, books, curriculum material; seminars to book; links. Dennis Petersen, president.
Creation Answers Net
Several slide presentations, teaching aids, scientific papers supportive of young earth chronology. By Wayne Spencer.
Creation Education Center
Learn about man's origins from a Christian worldview.
Creation Research of the North Coast
Creation Research of the North Coast is a non-profit, tax exempt organization dedicated to spreading the truths of the Book of Genesis through seminars, publications and television.
Creation Tips: Creation-Evolution Info for Christi
Ideas for college assignments, school essays, sermons, talks, conversation starters, Sunday school lessons and games on topics surrounding "creationology."
Good Science: Botany Articles
Articles to aid instructors of K-12 science. From the Institute for Creation Research.
Creation Science curriculum. Includes list of homeschool resources.
Homeschool Resources in Creation Science
K-12 resources for teachers and students.
ICR Graduate School, North Santee, California
Immediate goal is to foster research and provide graduate-level training in those fields of natural science that are particularly relevant to the study of origins. Offers M.S. degrees programs in Astrophysics/Geophysics, Biology, Geology, and Science Education.
Kid's Corner: Creationist Materials for Child
Directory of educational resources for young children, including hard copy and web sites.