Biblical Evidence
A Creation-Evolution Online Library, Creation Science Defense, Does God Expect Man to be Able to Tell Time?, The Biblical Creation Society
CEM Online Fun for Kids, Dinosaur reconstruction from jumbled bones, Dinosaurs & People, Dinosaurs and the Bible?, Dinosaurs and theBiblical Flood, Dinosaurs: The Biblical and Scientific Case For an, Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs Lived at the Sa, Genesis Park, Name That Reptile, New Zealand Sea Creature: Basking Shark or Plesios
Answers in Genesis Creation Education Center, Awesome Works, Creation Answers Net, Creation Education Center, Creation Research of the North Coast, Creation Tips: Creation-Evolution Info for Christi, Good Science: Botany Articles,, Homeschool Resources in Creation Science, ICR Graduate School, North Santee, California
Personal Pages
Ethan Sudman's Scientific Creationism Page, Ken Clark: Creation Outreach, Noah's Flood - As in the Days of Noah
17 Evidences Against Evolution
Listing of specific scientific and historic facts that do not fit the evolutionary paradigm but mesh well with the creationist view.
A Case For Creation
Evidence against evolution and for creation in the fields of astronomy, biology, geology, paleontology, physics Easy-reading format.
Amazing Creations
Essays on creation & evolution, with an emphasis on giving scientific evidence for a short chronology of this earth.
Answers in Genesis
Mega site on scientific evidence in support of the Genesis creation account and a short chronology. Archived articles of Creation Magazine, curriculum resources and FAQs on various questions surrounding creation science.
Awesome Works
Proposes to sell only items that strengthen faith in God: Online book with some unique perspectives; sales of videos, books, curriculum material; seminars to book; links. Dennis Petersen, president.
Barry Setterfield: Research Library
Research papers, including several papers on the speed of light, which Setterfield believes is not constant.
Biblical Creation Society
U.K site that deals with philosophical as well as scientific issues surrounding the evolution/creation debate.
Coalition of Christians for Biblical Creation
Creation vs. evolution -- equipping people to combat the naturalistic worldview of evolution. Articles and links related to the fossil record, dinosaurs, cavemen, catastrophic geology, Genesis, young age of the universe, and scientific and biblical evidence that supports creation by design.
Creation Discovery Project
Harmonizes findings of science and Scripture to support a six-day creation.
Creation Evidence
Pictures and explanations that present the evidence for a young earth in fields such as biology, space, and history. Contains articles, video downloads, and offers.
Creation Evidence Museum
Chartered scientific museum established to excavate and display scientific evidence for creation. Research involves experimenting within a simulated pre-Flood environment in a hyperbaric biosphere. Some artifact photos, info on excavations, scientific creation model, complete doctoral dissertation of Carl Baugh, Fun for Kids pages. Question and answer section, critiques other views.
Creation Resource Library, Wichita, KS
Lending library of creationist videos and books.
Creation Resources Trust
Description of services and resources available on the subject of creation and evolution, and excerpts from some recent publications.
Creation Science Association of British Columbia
News, information, links, educational resources.
Creation Science Resource - Education from Insight
Specializes in providing creation science curriculum materials. Hosts discussion forums and has site search engine.
Creation SuperLibrary - ChristianAnswers.Net
Abundance of in-depth information on Creation/Evolution. The SuperLibrary is provided by a team of experts who answer questions on a wide variety of topics. Multilingual.
Creation Truth Foundation
Article database defends a literal reading of Scripture, including the Genesis account of creation.
Creation, Dinosaurs and the Flood
Author Charles Liebert argues for a young earth and a literal six-day creation week, taking issue with creationists who argue for a longer period of time. Videos, creation science supplies, seminars. Fact of the Month.
Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia
Facts and statements from scientists, most of whom are evolutionists, validating the claim that creation is the only viable explanation for the origin of life. Hundreds of pages, "the most exhaustive resource on creation vs. evolution on the internet."
Creation-Science Research Center
Articles and online books ("The Creation Explanation" and "Jesus Christ Creator") by Robert E. Kofahl & Kelly L. Segraves.
Creation...The Science
Series of scientific essays, analyses, and hypotheses beginning with a scientific feasibility analysis of the creation of life using molecular biology and physics, followed by a probabilities analysis of a superior being existing based on a scientific analysis of the Torah or first five books of the Bible. By former evolutionist Carl Cantrell.
Creation Science quarterly reports contrast creation with evolution; reports on life's origin.
Earth History Research Center
Multi-lingual site including technical scientific papers as well as information in simpler question-and-answer format.
Geological Dating Principles Questioned
Guy Berthault puts forward the Paleohydraulic Analysis. Questions the fundamentals of sedimentology which automatically constitutes a questioning of stratigraphy, and as a consequence, geological dating. Full debate and discussion.
Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter
Creationist answers to many evolutionist objections, using the latest scientific evidence.
Jesus, Dinosaurs, and More
Discusses dinosaurs in the Bible and how fossil evidence today does not support human evolution from an ape-man.
Mike's Origins Resource
Examination of evidence from biology, geology, astronomy, human history and various dating methods.
Missouri Association for Creation, Inc
Examines philosophical and religious implications of the evolution/creation controversy, as well as dating methods, fossils, origin of man, history of the controversy. David N. Menton who reveals a fine sense of irony writes many of the articles.
Molecular History Research Center
Dedicated to conducting creation research in Molecular Biological issues. Presently the MHRC is researching possible explanations for the formation of unprocessed pseudo genes. By Michael Brown.
Origin of Life
Evidences from biology, physics, and astronomy contradicting evolutionary theory. Evidence for a universal deluge, a young earth, and a young universe. "Ape men" exposed as hoaxes. Critiques from Darwin's contemporary critics.
Science, Creation, and Evolution
Babu G. Ranganathan's article refutes the evolutionary theory in support of the creationist's view.
Seek the Truth
Young earth evidences. Articles on evolution, psychology, the big bang, natural selection and Darwin.
The ARK Foundation
Biblical creation science defense, activities, resources, and FAQ, comments and stories.
The Creation Concept
Examination of Bible cosmology such as the firmament of Genesis 1, geological effects of the flood, drumlins, and the question of Ice Ages.
The Creation Research Society
Professional organization of trained scientists and interested lay persons committed to scientific special creation, according to a literal reading of Genesis. Searchable database of CRS Quarterly journal articles, abstracts and notes.
The Creation Station
Presents evidence on the contradiction of the evolutionary theory in the fields of biology, physics, geology, astronomy and geology.
The Young Earth Creation Club
Uses simple language to present biblical and scientific evidence that God created the universe and that macro-evolution did not occur.
Twin Cities Creation Science Association
Supports literal reading of Genesis. Online debates, cartoons, forums, adventure safaris.