english deutsch
Crux Benedicta, Easter Song, Fortunatus, Hail! festal day! through every age divine, On Easter, See the destined day arise, The Royal Banners Forward Go, The Standards of the King Go Forth, Venantius Fortunatis, Welcome, Happy Morning!
Encyclopædia Orbis Latini: Venantius Fortunatus
Biographical profile of the bishop and Latin poet.
For All the Saints: Venantius Fortunatus
Biographical essay.
Lengthy biographical article on the talented sixth-century poet and hymn-writer. In the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Fortunatus Window
Venantius Fortunatus depicted in stained glass at Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston.
Pange Lingua Gloriosi
Article in the Catholic Encyclopedia on the two hymns of this name. The second is by Thomas Aquinas. The first is "generally credited" to Venantius Fortunatus, though some believe it is the work of Claudianus Mamertus.
Patron Saints Index: Venantius Fortunatus
Profile, with links.
St. Venantius Fortunatus
Brief biographical profile.
Venantius Fortunatus
Text and translation by James DenBoer of 25 poems from Book XI of Opera Poetica.
Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop, c.530-c.603
Brief biography and a translation of one of his secular poems.
Venantius Fortunatus, Saint
Brief biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
Venantius Fortunatus: A Latin Poet in Merovingian
William E. Klingshirn reviews Judith W. George's 1992 book.
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
Short biography. English translations of five hymns, with MIDI files.