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Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Thomas Becket
Biography of this martyr, also known as St. Thomas of Canterbury, where he was archbishop and where he was murdered in 1170.
Catholic Online: St. Thomas Becket
Brief biography.
Edward Grim's Account of the Murder of Thomas
From Vita S. Thomae, Cantuariensis Archepiscopi et Martyris. Grim was an eyewitness and, in fact, tried to stop the first blow.
Patron Saints Index: Thomas a Becket
Illustrated, with links, and a reading from a letter by St. Thomas.
Sacred Heart Parish: St. Thomas Becket
Profile of the patron saint of Portsmouth.
Saint Thomas Becket
Entry for this bishop and martyr, from the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
The Ecole Glossary: Thomas à? Becket
Short biography, by Karen Rae Keck. Has some odd breaks in words.
The Life of S. Thomas, Martyr, of Canterbury
A medieval hagiography. From "The Golden Legend," by Jacobus de Voragine. William Caxton translation.
The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket
Miniature from a fifteenth-century Flemish book of hours.
The Murder of Becket
Excerpt from a novel by Alfred Duggan.
Thomas à Becket, Saint
Biographical article, in the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Includes bibliography.
Thomas Becket
Resources for the study of Becket and the controversies surrounding him, compiled by Scott McLetchie. Texts, bibliography (including films), virtual pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral.
Thomas Becket (of Canterbury)
"Thomas stands for the principle of God against Caesar."
Thomas of Canterbury
Includes a digression on "benefit of clergy", and an excerpt from T.S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral".
Todd Drain: St. Thomas Becket
Fairly lengthy biographical essay. With prayers.