Catholic Encyclopedia
St. Olaf Haraldson, martyr and King of Norway, d. 1030.
Catholic Online
Biographical sketch of St. Olaf, patron saint of Norway. His feast day is 29 July.
For All the Saints
Biographical sketch of St. Olaf, King of Norway. Gives as variants on the saint's name: Olave, Ola, Olao, Tola, and Tooley.
Patron Saints Index
Profile of St. Olaf II, also known as St. Olaf Haraldson, Olaf Haraldsson, Olav II, Olav the Thick, or Olaf the Fat.
Snorri Sturlason: Heimskringla
The Saga of Olaf Haraldson. In eight parts, by an important chronicler of the Viking age.