Britannia: Joseph of Arimathea
Explains how British monarchies claimed Joseph of Arimathea as an ancestor, and why this myth unravels.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Joseph of Arimathea
All we know for certain of Joseph of Arimathea is what is told of him in the canonical Gospels.
For All the Saints: Joseph of Arimathea
Hagiography. Lots of legendary material.
James Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Joseph
Discusses the legend that Joseph of Arimathea went to Britain. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Joseph of Arimathea, Biblical & Legendary Acco
Canonical, noncanonical, and legendary accounts of this mysterious figure, with an emphasis on medieval English legend.
Mystic Realms: Joseph of Arimathea
Quotes passages of Scripture and of noncanonical works related to Joseph of Arimathea, delves into the origin of the legend of the Grail.
Patron Saints Index: Joseph of Arimathea
Illustrated profile.
Saints' Lives: Joseph of Arimathea
Short story based on the saint's life, told as a first-person account. By Edmund LoPresti.
The Acts of Pilate
Apocryphal, probably written between the late third and mid-fifth century. Alexander Walker translation of a first and second Greek form. Chapters 11-16 deal with Joseph of Arimathea, and chapter 15 in the first Greek form includes interesting baptismal imagery.
The Narrative of Joseph
Apocryphal, purports to be by Joseph of Arimathea. From the Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, American edition. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
The Passing of Mary
Attributed to Joseph of Arimathea, but a medieval Latin version of a fourth-century Greek work. English translation by Alexander Walker.