10,000 Folksongs from Around the World: Hymns
[300+ files, some with lyrics].
Ames Hymn Collection
Over 100 midi hymns sequenced by Brian M. Ames.
Background Music, ChristianAnswers.Net
Contemporary music and Christian hymns.
Bill's Digital Universe
Features over 150 commercial midi orchestral accompaniments.
Bombay New Zealand Hymns
150+ Hymns we sing at St Peters in the Forest, Bombay New Zealand.
Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary
[1200+ hymn tunes: MIDI, PDF scores, Noteworthy Composer scores] fully indexed.
Christian Music Page
20+ MIDI files; hymns and gospel songs.
Christian Teens: Midi Station
[900+ midi] mostly from CyberHymnal; some new or original
Dave's Catholic MIDI
Includes MIDI and lyrics for about a dozen traditional hymns and a dozen carols.
Hymns Old and New
Includes about 50 MIDI files from this hymnbook of the "2x2s".
Melody Lane: Religious Songs, Hymns, Spirituals
Lyrics and MIDI files of hymns, in a picture songbook format. 30+ files.
NewSong's Old Songs...MIDI Hymns
100+ MIDI hymns and also 40+ Gospel songs.
PraiseLeader Midi
Christian midi site offering new versions of popular Christian praise and worship songs, ready for immediate, free download and use in public worship.
The Cyber Hymnal
Thousands of Christian hymns and Gospel songs with lyrics, MIDI files, scores, pictures, and history.
The Multimedia Library Hymn of the Week
261+ files in a single very large table.
Tim Bode's Music Page
28+ files. Most are 17th century and older re-arranged to a more contemporary style.
Victrolla Music - Hymns Page
110+ files.
Wilstar's Christian Jukebox
[45 midi] Searchable index of hymns at other sites