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Answers for Non-Christians
Answers on Jesus Christ's Life, Death and Res, ArabicNoor, Beyond Blind Faith, Blackballing Scripture: Scholarship Takes a Beadin, Breaking The Da Vinci Code - Christianity Today Ma, Brent Bozell: ABC's Empty Assault on Jesus, Comparing Jesus and World Religions, INSP Jesus: The Search Continues, Jesus Seminar Preface, Jesus' Missing Years
Art and Film
Birth of Jesus - The Christmas story, Carl Bloch Alter Pieces, Celluloid Jesus - The Christ Film Web Pages (New T, Explore The Passion of Christ Movie, Great Art - Looking At Classic Art with a Spiritua, Hope Gallery - Frederiksborg Castle Collection, Interview WIth Jesus - Flash Movie, Jesus Christ in Art, PASSION: the Mel Gibson Film, Pastor Johns House Review of Mel Gibson's &qu
Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecy
A Ready Defense - Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled i, Bible Basics - Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus, Bible Prophecy That Jesus Fulfilled, Biblical Prophecy Resource Center - Prophecies Ful, Evidence - Messianic Prophecy, Jesus and Scripture's Historical Records and , Messianic Prophecies, Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ, Messianic Prophecy, Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
The Miracles of Jesus, The Miracles of Jesus, The Miracles of Jesus Proved Who He Was
Near Death Experience Encounters With Jesus
Derry's Near Death Experience, Final Frontier: Jeanette Mitchell Meadows, Healed by Christ, In The Divine Light, Jesus Spoke To Me - Suite101.com, John F's NDE, Mommy, I Saw Jesus, My Glimpse of Eternity - Betty Malz, Near-death Experiences of Christians, Rob's NDE
Source Material
A Harmony of the New Testament, Into His Own, Jesus' Words in Red in the New Testament, The Book of Jesus, The Four Witnesses, The Fourfold Gospel, The Gospels As Historical Sources For Jesus, The Parables of Jesus Christ, The Search for a No-Frills Jesus, The Words of Jesus
The Passion
Crucifix, How Did Jesus Christ Die?, Interactive Passion History, Medical Aspects Of The Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ, On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ, Ten Questions to Ask About The Passion of the Chri, The Cross of Jesus Christ, The Law and the Spirit, The Passion of Jesus Christ, The Passion of Jesus Christ
The Shroud of Turin
Archbishop of Turin's Website, Collegamento pro Sindone, Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin, Crucifixion and Shroud Studies, Holy Face of Jesus, Mission of the Shroud, Science and the Shroud, Shroud of Jesus, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin Center in Richmond Virginia
Articles: Historical Jesus
A series of articles by Dr. William Lane Craig addressing the miracles of Jesus and the Resurrection.
Bible History Online - Jesus Resources
Historical site which contains links to articles on the Lord Jesus.
Biographical Jesus Institute
All about historical Jesus of Nazareth: words, teachings and life of Jesus Christ - Online educational resource
Catholic Encyclopedia: Jesus Christ
Articles on the Life of Christ from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Christ Jesus
Examines the evidence for the Resurrection.
Christian History
The life and times of Jesus of Nazareth from the on-line magazine, "Christian History".
Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Eviden
After an appraisal of recent scholarship on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Professor William Craig contends that "the resurrection appearances, the empty tomb, and the origin of the Christian faith - all point unavoidably to one conclusion: the resurrection of Jesus".
Fifth Gospel of Jesus Christ
Four Gospels collated into a fifth, translated from the Majority Greek Text, with expanded, grammatically enhanced sayings of Jesus. Questions and answers and Bible study.
Finding the Historical Jesus: An Interview With Jo
Catholic University scholar John P. Meier discusses how the Jesus of faith is linked to the Jesus of history.
Highlights in the Life and Ministry of Jesus Chris
A series of biblically based lessons on the life and message of Jesus.
History, Archaeology and Jesus by Paul L. Maier
Extra-biblical references to Christ and to people named in the New Testament.
An inspirational site which explores the message of the Lord Jesus.
Jesus Christ Only
A collection of sermons, articles & illustrations to help you understand the unique person of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Jesus the Christ
A Christology Course by Gerard Hall, Head of the School of Theology at McAuley Campus, Brisbane, Australian Catholic University. The site successfully draws on modern historical scholarship, while maintaining respect for the sacred.
Jesus the Jew
Explores the Jewishness of Jesus.
Jesus' Teachings, as Told in the Gospels
Summary of Jesus' teachings. Includes chronological table, map of His life and ministry.
Life of Christ
Life, history and teachings of Jesus.
Life of Jesus
An analysis of the life and teachings of Jesus by Professor Barry D. Smith of Atlantic Baptist University.
Question This
Asks the tough questions about Jesus Christ.
Explores His life, character, teachings and followers, how He has been quoted and misquoted, written about, worshipped and argued over.
Studies in Apologetics
Presents the towering mind and character of Jesus and discusses Old Testament prophecies concerning His Lordship.
The Earthly Ministry of Jesus in His Travels and M
Master's Thesis on the travels and miracles of Jesus' earthly ministry.
The Last Interview of Jesus
Fictional interview seeking to explore the mindset of Jesus shortly before his death.
The Ministry of Jesus Christ
The story of Jesus with photos and links for keywords.
The Resurrection: Miracle or Myth?
Can we know beyond any doubt that Jesus really rose from the dead?
The Times and Places of Jesus
Paul L. Maier emphasizes the temporal and geographic locatedness of Christ, as opposed to mythical reference points and unsure chronologies.
To The Ends Of The Earth
Mystic, Prophet, Holy Man, Healer--who is Jesus? Did he really claim to be the Son of God? Is there any evidence to prove the extraordinary things claimed about him?
What About Jesus
Dedicated to offering real answers to the questions, challenges and objections that people may have about Jesus, the Bible and Christianity.
When Was Jesus Born?
Author examines possibilities of timelines for the birth of Jesus Christ.
Who is Jesus
Jesus..The most influential life ever lived..More than a moral teacher.
Who is Jesus ?
Lists Christian resouces that will help a person understand who Jesus Christ is and answer questions that they may have, it has resources for children, seekers, and mature christians.
Who Is Jesus?
Teacher? Lord? Liar? Genius? Prophet? God? Myth? Savior?
Who is Jesus? Liar, Lunatic or Lord?
Explores the questions: Who is Jesus of Nazareth? Is Jesus Christ Lord, Liar or Lunatic? Is Jesus God? Is Jesus the Savior?
Why the Historical Jesus Matters
An essay by Stephen Davis, professor of philosophy and religion at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California. He argues that there is a strong link between the Jesus found in the Gospels and the Christ Whom Christians worship.