english deutsch
Brentford Free Church
Brentford, Middlesex. Contacts, location service details and history for this lively new URC Baptist local ecumenical partnership in North London.
Bush Hill Park United Reformed Church
Enfield, London. Details of people, services and activities, with news of the church, and a links page.
Christchurch Methodist/URC, Hitchin
Ecumenical Methodist and United Reformed partnership. Times of worship, contact details, location, alpha course, and wide range of activities for all ages in this lively town centre church.
Leytonstone United Free Church
London. A joint Baptist Union and United Reformed Church. Directions, schedule of services, weekly activities.
Saint Andrew's United Reformed Church
Ealing, London. Background, contacts, service details, how to hire the halls.
St George's United Reformed Church Hemel Hemp
Services, diary, activities, events, youth, articles and history.
The Hyde Church
Colindale, London. Member of the Evangelical Alliance. Description of the congregation, regular schedule, vision statement, contacts, location, virtual tour. Induction loop system.