english deutsch
Christ's Object Lessons
Christ's Object Lessons recounts stories of the Master Teacher that draw practical, down-to-earth lessons from common scenes, objects, and incidents of life.
Christ's Object Lessons, by Ellen White
In his parable teaching Jesus linked divine truth with common things and incidents, as may be found in the experiences of the shepherd, the builder, the tiller of the soil, the traveler, and the homemaker (1941).
Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
Ellen White wrote this, her first book, to tell others of the visions and instructions given her by God. (1851)
Cowee Mountain School
A self-supporting school based on the principles advocated by Ellen White was founded in North Carolina in 1911. Book work, hand work, all faculties were engaged in training young men and women to further God's kingdom.
The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection, by A.
Presentation of the essence of his 1888 message regarding the nature of Christ and perfection.
The Cross and Its Shadow, by Stephen Haskell
Early Adventist book examining the Hebrew sanctuary services in detail as a "shadow" of the plan of salvation.