english deutsch
Adventism in Conflict, by Leroy Moore
Perfection and Christ's righteousness are not incompatible ideas.
Adventists and Genesis, by Paul Nethercott
The Biblical account of creation is true, and the world was made in 7 literal days. Radioactive rock dating and the Primary Time Theory (gap theory) are explored and proven to be false from a Biblical viewpoint.
Alone With God Fitting For Service, by Matilda Eri
The fundamentals of prayer, and the power to achieve a close walk with God are explored. (1917) Edited by Paul Nethercott.
America Superpower of Prophecy
History of the Church from the Reformation, to coming to the new world for liberty of conscience, to the rise of the U.S., to the eventual transformation of the U.S. to a power that persecutes true Christians. Selections from "The Great Controversy".
As a Little Child
How to have a closer walk with God is expressed in terms of a relationship that brings together the various phases of Christian concepts and objectives needed in everyday life.
The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, by Arthur Daniells
This book shows how God has used the gift of prophecy to guide his people through the ages, from Bible times down to our own. The last section of the book deals with Ellen G. White, whom the author knew well. He personally had a leading role in some of the experiences he recounts.
The Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen White
In the book of the Acts God clearly indicates that the Christian today shall experience the presence of the same Spirit who came with power at Pentecost and fanned the gospel message into a flame. Incidents in the lives of early apostles are told. (1911)