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A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
Examines historical context, authenticity and authorship, date, recipients. Detailed verse exposition with reference to the original Greek text. Published in 1860, 368 pages. (Image, text, or PDF)
An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthi
Surveys introductory issues and proceeds with verse-by-verse analysis. 1860 edition (Image, text, PDF).
An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinth
Delves immediately into verse exposition adding context from related passages in Acts and First Corinthians. Published in 1862 (Image, text, PDF).
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Theological treatise and exegetical commentary. Written 1864, 716 pages. (Image, text, PDF)
Dabar.org: Systematic Theology
Ongoing project creating e-text of Charles Hodge's "Systematic Theology."
Finney's Lectures on Theology
Charles Hodge's response to Charles Finney's "Lectures on Systematic Theology." [PDF]
Fire and ICE: What is Meant by Adopting the Westmi
Hodge explains the meaning and relevance of the Westminster Confession (Word, PDF).
Letter to Pope Pius IX
Hodge writes on behalf of the General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church.
Reformation Ink: Ground of Faith In The Scriptures
Essay from an 1857 book entitled "Essays and Reviews," discussing the belief in the Scriptures.
Sermons Preached Before the Congregation of the Pr
Memorial sermons by Charles Hodge and John Hall upon the occasion of the death of James Waddell Alexander, late Pastor in 1859.
Sola Scriptura: The Covenant of Grace
E-text of a portion of Hodge's "Systematic Theology" (volume II, pp. 354-377) which addresses God's covenant.
Systematic Theology: The Fourth Commandment
Excerpted article on keeping the Sabbath.
The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Chu
Chapters four and five, covering the years 1740-1745.
What Is Darwinism
E-text of book published in 1874. Examines theories of origin concluding that evidence demands a Designer. Attacks Darwinism not for evolution, but for denial of teleology. (Image, text, PDF)
What is Presbyterianism
An address delivered before the Presbyterian Historical Society in 1855 (Image, text, PDF).