english deutsch
Abundant Life Apostolic Church
Oconomowoc. Contact information, map, regular schedule, history, testimonies, what to expect at a worship service.
Apostolic Life Tabernacle
Waukesha. Contact information, map, service times, overview of ministries, vision.
Calvary Apostolic Church
Clintonville. Staff information, events, and calendar. [Flash]
Calvary Gospel Church
Madison. Holds worship services in English and Spanish. Also a weekly service on the UW campus. All services interpreted for the Deaf. Schedule, map, contact information, list of ministries, and lots of UP links.
Elim Tabernacle
Milwaukee. Information about vision, map, history, location, prayer requests, and contacts. Ministries include BREAD, bus, correctional, and Elim Academy.
New Life United Pentecostal Church
Dodgeville. Service times, mission statement, ministries.
Philadelphia Apostolic Spirit & Truth Church o
Mailing address in Kewaunee, meets in Alaska. Has a Hispanic ministry. Questions to ask when thinking about a church.
Willow Ridge Apostolic Church
Stevens Point. Location, contact information, Bible study, youth and pictures.