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Bakersfield Outpost #27
Show window of Bakersfield's Royal Rangers at Hope Tabernacle. Has contact information.
Bakersfield Outpost #87
Info site on Bakersfield's Royal Rangers at Northland Assembly of God. Informs on how to contact the outpost.
Bonita Outpost #106
Web site of Bonita's Royal Rangers. Has information on the outpost, upcoming events, commanders a store and some photos.
Buena Park Outpost #42
Info site offering contact information for Buena Park's Royal Rangers.
Citrus Heights Outpost #301
Provides information about the RR program, a calendar of events, latest news from OP #301's events and some important links.
Clovis Outpost #256
Shop window of Clovis' Royal Rangers with contact information for the outpost.
Concord Outpost
Website of Concord's Royal Rangers with information about the local outpost and the age levels.
Fresno Outpost
Homepage of Royal Rangers at Family Joy Community Church in Fresno, CA. Informs about the program and its age groups.
Fresno Outpost #148
Info site on Fresno's Royal Rangers at Northeast Assembly of God. Contact information is offered.
Fullerton Outpost #72
Contact information for Fullerton's Royal Rangers.
Harbor Section
A site for Royal Rangers in the South Bay and Long Beach areas of Southern California.
Huntington Beach Outpost
Web site of Huntington Beach's Royal Rangers. Informs aboutthe age groups.
La Mesa Outpost #186
Info site on La Mesa's Royal Rangers offering contact information.
La Palma Outpost #71
Info site with contact information for Royal Rangers in La Palma, CA.
Lomita Outpost #195
Info site on Lomita's Royal Rangers. Offers contact information.
Long Beach Outpost
Royal Rangers at Christian Life Church in Long Beach, CA, inform about the program and their events.
Los Angeles Outpost #133
Contact information for Los Angeles' Royal Rangers.
Mojave Outpost #97
Web site of Mojave's Royal Rangers. Has photos and a guestbook.
Mojave Section
Official Website of Royal Rangers in Mojave Section. has news, a calendar, images, links and downloads.
National City Outpost #184
Info site on National City's Royal Rangers with contact information.
Northern California and Nevada District
Official Website of Royal Rangers in Northern California and Nevada. Has information on the ministry and the agegroups.
Norwalk Outpost
Website of Norwalk's Royal Rangers. Contains information about the program and its age levels.
Oakland Outpost #61
Show window of Oakland's Royal Rangers. Offers contact information for the outpost.
Ontario Outpost #196
Contact information of Royal Rangers in Ontario, CA.
Orange Hills Outpost #189
Web site of Orange Hills' Royal Rangers. Provides information about the program and its purpose.
Orange Section Royal Rangers
Website of Southern California District's Orange Section (25 outposts in Orange County and surrounding communities). Has information about the sectional staff, upcoming events and training, pictures and contact addresses.
Oroville Outpost #139
Web site of Oroville's Royal Rangers. Has some information on the OP and links.
Paramount Outpost #62,
Website of Royal Rangers at Clearwater Christian Center offering photos, a calendar, forms and some important links.
Pasadena Outpost #352
Show window of Pasadena's Royal Rangers offering contact information for the outpost.
Pleasant Hill Outpost #149
Website of Royal Rangers outpost 149 in Pleasant Hill, Northern California and Nevada District. Has a monthly calendar, photos, news and some links.
Poway Outpost #238
The website of Poway's Royal Rangers contains information about the program and its age groups.
Royal Rangers Outpost #269
The outpost at Visalia First Assembly in Visalia, CA informs about the RR program and the new age levels. There's also photos of recent events.
San Bernardino Outpost #94
Info site of San Bernardino's Royal Rangers at Victory Outreach. Contact information for the outpost is offered.
San Diego Outpost
Information about Royal Rangers at Church On The Rock in San Diego, CA.
San Diego Outpost #162
Info site with contact information for Royal Rangers at Sweetwater Assembly of God in San Diego.
San Diego Outpost #174
Contact information of San Diego's Royal Rangers at Mission Bay Christian Fellowship.
San Diego Outpost #260
Info site of Royal Rangers at San Diego's New Harvest Christian Fellowship.
San Diego Outpost #37
Web site offering contact information for San Diego's Royal Rangers at New Life Assembly.
San Diego Outpost #49
Show window of San Diego's Royal Rangers at Bethel Church. Provides contact information.
San Fernando Outpost #175
Info site of San Fernando's Royal Rangers offering contact information.
San Joé Outpost #100
Web site of San José's Royal Rangers at Bethel Church. Has information on the ministry and a calendar of upcoming events.
San José Outpost #178
Shop window of San José's Royal Rangers at Twin Palms Assembly of God. Has contact information for the outpost.
San José Outpost #373
Web site of San José's Royal Rangers at The Father's House. Has information about the commanders and a order form for Ranger gear.
San Mateo Outpost #247
Show window of San Mateo's Royal Rangers offering contact information.
Santa Maria Outpost #110
Info site of Santa Maria's Royal Rangers. Has contact information.
Southern California District
Official website for Royal Rangers in Southern California, containing information about the district's events, training and staff. Included are the supply house's catalog and important forms and files for download.
Spring Valley Outpost #31
Web site of Spring Valley's Royal Rangers. Has information on the agelevels, FCF and upcoming events.
Temecula Outpost #291
Shop window of Temecula's Royal Rangers with contact information.
Tracy Outpost
Web site of Tracy's Royal Rangers. Informs about the ministry, its purpose and RR basics.
Tujunga Outpost #410
Show window of Tujunga's Royal Rangers. Provides contact information.
Whittier Outpost
Web site of Whittier's Royal Rangers in spanish language. Has devotions, photos and a guestbook.
Yucaipa Outpost #300
Info site on Yucaipa's Royal Rangers offering contact information.