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Coptic Hymns
History, calendar of feasts, and links. (By Sameh Boulos)
Coptic Hymns Network
RealAudio hymns for feasts, fasts, and events of the Coptic Orthodox church.
Coptic Hymns Vol. 1
[Several RealMedia files]
Coptic MIDI Files
Popular hymns and songs in MIDI format.
Coptic Music from Sphinx Records
Commercial site featuring modernized music CDs and tapes.
Coptic Music Intro
An introduction to Coptic music in both French and English.
David Ensemble
Official site for David Ensemble, a large ensemble performing Coptic hymns and music.
Contains digital music and videos of Coptic liturgies, hymns, songs, and Coptic hymn lessons.
The Alhan Website
RealAudio hymns and downloads of hymns for major feasts, fasts, and events.
Welcome to COEPA ONLINE - Coptic Orthodox Electron
Commercial media publishing site offering the Higher Institute of Coptic Studies' official hymns CDs for several major feasts and events.