Calvary United Methodist Church, Fargo
Services, church details, bulletins, newsletter, calendar, staff, ministries, missions, prayer and contact.
First United Methodist Church of Fargo
Worship, church details, calendar, newsletter, music, groups, outreach, map and contact.
First United Methodist Church, Bismarck
Sunday schedule and location, with areas such as "Encounter God".
Friendship Church, Fargo
Ministry opportunities, photos, youth page, and links.
Hillsboro United Parish
Joint United Methodist and United Church of Christ congregation. Worship schedule, staff, history, youth, location and contact.
St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Jamestown
Welcome, ministry team, worship schedule, prayer, kids, music, photos, calendar, location and links.
The Des Lacs Valley Parish
Churches in Bowbells, Donnybrook, and Kenmare. Includes a newsletter for the three churches.
The Dickinson United Methodist Church
Beliefs, calendar, pastor's page, youth page, and a description of the worship services.
Vincent United Methodist Church, Minot
Worship, pastor's corner, staff, events, youth, education, location, contact and links.
Zion United Methodist Church, Grand Forks
Devotions, newsletter, and coming events.