english deutsch
Abernethy United Methodist Church, Asheville
Schedule of services, events calendar, information on programs and history of the church.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Durham
Pastor's message, announcements, worship, education, music, directory, missions, stewardship, history, links, location, and contact information.
Amity United Methodist Church, Chapel Hill
Information on traditional and contemporary worship services, Sunday school, community outreachs and missions. Newsletter, announcements, calendar, contacts, and member tools.
Angier United Methodist Church, Angier
Worship information including service times, news, events, calendar, programs, people, references and contact.
Ardmore United Methodist Church, Winston-Salem
General church details, visitors, worship services, Sunday school, news, programs, ministries, inks, and contact.
Asbury United Methodist Church, Asheville
Service of worship, staff, journal, history, and happenings.
Asbury United Methodist Church, Cove City
Sunday school, worship, children's and youth ministries, men and women, activities, ministries, location, and mission statement.
Avent Ferry United Methodist Church, Raleigh, NC
Schedule of events, ministries, and other information.
Ayden United Methodist Church
Site contains information about the future, the past of the church. Also, a calendar and contact information.
Badin United Methodist Church
Photographs of the church and an introduction to the pastor.
Bass Chapel United Methodist Church, Greensboro
Welcome Message, Site Map, Newsletter, Contact, Map, Service Times, History, Audio Files
Bethany United Methodist Church, Lexington
Celebrating Life and Mission
Bethel United Methodist Church, Waynesville
Worship services, Sunday school, and church related activities. Also includes links to devotional sites and prayer request sites.
Bethesda United Methodist Church, Bethesda
Regular Schedule, Special Announcements and Events, Directions to the Church, Programs, Work Areas, Missions, The Church Staff, and Links.
Bonds Grove United Methodist Church, Waxhaw
Services, pastor, missions, and activities related to the church and community.
Bradley Memorial United Methodist Church, Gastonia
Vision, ministries, newsletter, calendar, events, religious and community links.
Burkhead United Methodist Church, Winston-Salem
A Caring Community of Christians.
Calvary United Methodist Church, Durham
Calendar, Lectionary, Committee Meetings, Upcoming Events, Links, and Photo Gallery
Cambodian United Methodist Mission Church, Charlot
This web site has information about church activities, youth, and contact information. Also a photo gallery and link page.
Camp Ground United Methodist Church, Fayetteville
Calendar, classes, ministries, projects, pastor's page, and links.
Canaan United Methodist Church, Denton
Daily blessing and devotional pages, youth/kids, links, fun and games, events, prayer, history and services.
Central United Methodist Church, Ablemarle
Activities, ministries, and a newsletter. Also covers the preschool for children two to four.
Central United Methodist Church, Asheville
Church activities, staff, church history, and Christian resource links.
Central United Methodist Church, Canton
Worship, Staff and Leadership, Sunday Archives, Resources, Youth Ministry, Monthly Newsletter, Announcements, Monthly Calendar, Scrapbook, and Contact.
Central United Methodist Church, Concord
Services, visitor area, newsletter, location and map, devotional, calendar, news, leadership, activities, counseling, contact and links.
Central United Methodist Church, Monroe
Sharing God's love through Christian caring and programs with all who would like to be part.
Christ Church (United Methodist), Chapel Hill, NC
Church overview, services, contact information. Includes information about opportunities for adults and youth. Mission team, links, and church calendar.
Christ United Methodist Church, Fayetteville
Programs, services and upcoming events.
Christ United Methodist Church, Greensboro
Upcoming events, sermons, newsletter, contact information and information about the church.
Christ United Methodist Church, Hickory, NC
Worship schedules, calendar, ministries, photos and contact details.
Clemmons United Methodist Church
Worship, visitor information, calendars, ministries, groups, services and publications.
Coburn Memorial United Methodist Church, Salisbury
Coburn Memorial is a multigenerational United Methodist Church located in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Salisbury.
Cole Memorial United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Includes beliefs, history, missions, events, worship schedule, choirs, and other ministries.
Cornerstone United Methodist Church, Fayetteville
Photos, sermons, construction, songs, calendar, directory, vision statement, newsletter, features, prayer requests, services, contact and location.
Crowell Memorial United Methodist Church, Lincolnt
Welcome by the pastor, history and calendar.
Cumberland United Methodist Church, Fayetteville
Nurture, outreach and witness including faith sharing, newsletter, worship, history, location and contact.
Davidson United Methodist Church
Your Church, Yourself, Your Family, Your World,
East Flat Rock United Methodist Church
Worship, ministries, audio sermons, youth, prayer requests and concerns, activities, contact, and links.
Edenton Street United Methodist Church, Raleigh
Traditional worship and contemporary praise and worship at "The Gathering". Services, Bible study, Sunday school, choir, youth fellowship, news, programs, events and contact.
Elevation United Methodist Church, Benson
Services, ministries, events and calendar, mission statement, contact and location.
Epworth United Methodist Church, Concord
Services, ministries and opportunities, staff, contact and links.
First United Methodist Church
A Gothic cathedral with a diverse congregation in the heart of Charlotte with many embracing ministries.
First United Methodist Church, Bessemer City
Pastor, pictures, youth, committees, location, history, friends and contact.
First United Methodist Church, Cary
Worship schedule, visitor center, newsletter, ministries, calendar, staff, events, and vision.
First United Methodist Church, China Grove
Directions, staff, history, links and contact.
First United Methodist Church, Forest City
Staff, Schedule, and Links
First United Methodist Church, Rockingham
Messasge from pastor, photo tour and history.
First United Methodist Church, Salisbury
Links, calendar of events, staff directory, and youth group.
Flag Springs United Methodist Church, Asheboro
Mission statement, times of worship, pastor's message, activities, ministries, and church history.
Fletchers Chapel United Methodist Church, Durham
Services, background information and ministries, events, youth, pastor's page, music, children, photos, links and contact.
Forest Hill United Methodist Church, Concord
An active United Methodist Church in the community.
Four Oaks United Methodist Church
Welcome message, worship information, newsletter, Calendar, contact information, and related links.
Front Street United Methodist Church, Burlington
Mission statement, pastor's message, program detail, staff, tour facilities, sermons, lectionary, contacts, location and links.
Gardner's United Methodist Church, Fayettevil
This site contains information about the history and directions to the church. Also a welcome message for visitors from the pastor.
Genesis United Methodist Church, Cary
Ministries, missions, and outreach. Hours of worship and children's programs.
Genesis United Methodist Church, Greenville
Worship celebrations and directions.
Glendale Heights United Methodist Church, Durham
Pastor, Sunday school, choirs, activities, missions, services and contact.
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Sunday schedule, calendar, map, newsletter, staff, beliefs, vision and ministries.
Grace Chapel United Methodist Church, Granite Fall
Calendar of weekly events, mission, ministries, church history, Cub Scouts
Grace United Methodist Church, Salisbury
History, services, pastor, men and women, Music, Grace's Thursday Night Fellowship, Puppet Ministry, Newsletter, and calendar of events.
Groce United Methodist Church, Asheville
News about prayer, ministries, youth, music, outreach, links and contact.
Hawthorne Lane United Methodist Church, Charlotte
History, directions, pastors, bishop, links, calendar including service times, chat, newsletter, photos and contact.
Hay Street United Methodist Church, Fayetteville
Worship service information, Sunday school, children, ministries, Disciple Bible study, staff, photos, location, links and contact.
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church, Raleigh
Offering a variety of services to the community and the congregation. Worship services, calendar and newsletter.
Hickory Grove United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Welcome, staff. mission statement, services, sermons, bulletin location and contact.
Highland United Methodist Church, Hickory, NC
Pastoral message, worship schedule, ministries, photos, location and contact details.
Hope Mills United Methodist Church
Vision, pastor's notes, ministries, newsletter, calendar, events, religious and community links.
Horne Memorial United Methodist Church, Clayton
Learn a bit about the United Methodist Church, and about the people who attend Horne Memorial UMC.
Knightdale United Methodist Church
Newsletter, history, calendar, and links.
Knotts Island United Methodist Church
Events, announcements, youth page, links and visitor information.
Light of Christ United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Includes church information, a calendar, bookstore, and employment opportunities.
Macedonia United Methodist Church, Cary
Worship, Music, youth, children, preschool, scouts, events and location.
McMannen United Methodist Church, Durham
Mission statement, services, announcements, events, calendar, life enrichment, missions, Russian initiative, pastor's corner, children, youth, history, memorials, prayer requests, contacts and links.
Mebane United Methodist Church
Information about the ministries of the church and upcoming activities.
Milford Hills United Methodist Church
Information about services and ministries. Event calendar, pictures, history, and mission projects.
Mitchell-Yancey United Methodist Parish, Bakersvil
One church meeting at four locations in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, Walkertown
A look at the church's history & general information with a weekly update on the devotional page. Upcoming events, preschool page, and links.
Mount Carmel United Methodist Church, Monroe
Church history, youth page, and links.
Mount Carmel United Methodist Church, Winston-Sale
Upcoming events, photo gallery, puppet ministry, Kids for Christ, youth page, and music ministry.
Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, Manteo
Announcements, contacts, events and activities, special services, worship services, prayer requests, and directions.
Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church, Bahama
Worship, mission statement, music, organizations, children's ministries, outreach, services, mission statement and contact.
Mt. Mitchell United Methodist Church, Kannapolis,
worship, study, outreach, caring, children, Youth, and music
Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church, Lexington, Nor
Announcements, Carolina Cross Connection, Church Library, Directions to the church, Facilities, Heart Circle, ThE LiNk, Methodist Men, Mt. Olivet UM Youth, The Olive Branch, Prayer List, Recommended Links, Sunday School Classes, Sunday's Worship Order, Worship Highlights
Mt. Shepherd United Methodist Church, Asheboro
Ministries, missions, and links to the larger United Methodist community.
Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Church, Durham
Welcome by pastor, preschool, worship, education, ministries, missions, staff, links, photos, directions and contact.
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Stokesdale
Pastor, weekly services, map and directions, history, events, pictures, links and contact.
Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte
General information including vision statement also worship and service times, staff, Sunday school, ministries, youth, children, sermons, events and contact.
Newbegun United Methodist Church, Elizabeth City
Worship schedule, calendar of events, visitor information and directions, bible studies, choir, children's ministries and youth group.
Orange United Methodist Church, Chapel Hill
Disciples, ministry, activities, Sunday school, history, calendar, services, links and contact.
Parkwood United Methodist Church, Durham
Services, mission, news, programs, missions, calendar, fellowship, location, contact and links.
Piney Grove United Methodist Charge, Randloph Coun
This charge is made up of three churches; Piney Grove UMC, Pleasant Grove UMC, and Tabernacle UMC.
Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church, Thomasvill
Worship schedule, ministries, pastor's welcome, newsletter, church history, and upcoming events
Providence UMC, Charlotte
Welcome, services, sermons, news, calendar, devotional, activities for all ages, staff, music, Bible study, contact and location.
Providence United Methodist Church, Forest City
Services, church information, history, events, outreach, pastors, links, location and contact.
Reconciliation United Methodist Church, Durham
Calendar including services, beliefs, chat, mission and ministry, groups, children, bookstore, meditations, photo, location, contact and links.
Reeds United Methodist Church
Includes information on ministries, worship and Sunday School classes, a church calendar, contact information, and a location map.
Resurrection United Methodist Church, Durham
Services, staff and directions.
Rocky Ridge United Methodist Church, Concord
Staff, links, program descriptions, calendar and contact information.
Royal Oaks United Methodist Church, Kannapolis
Worship schedule, staff, and upcoming events.
Saint Francis United Methodist Church, Cary
Church information, services, ministries, and community groups.
Saint James United Methodist Church, Greenville
Provides calendars and introductory information about the church. Designed for members and non-members.
Salem United Methodist Church, Simpson
Located near Greenville, NC. We are a friendly, welcoming church. Please visit us.
St. Francis United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Calendar, services, youth, staff, pre-school children's center, scouts, window and location.
St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Fayett
Search the Bible, listen to an audio sermon, view a monthly newsletter, and contact the church on this site.
St. Stephen United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Worship schedules, calendar, ministries, photos and contact details.
St. Timothy United Methodist Church, Brevard
Services, youth ministry, meet the pastor, worship and music, history, outreach, community, ecumenical and contact.
Straits United Methodist Church
Includes a message from the pastor, local church history, beliefs, ministries, a newsletter, events, and links.
Sunrise United Methodist Church, Holly Springs
Worship, ministries, newsletter, staff, events, sermon, contact, and location.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Official site for the church with features including: church missions and activities, prayer requests, church history, staff and pastor information, and service hours.
Union Grove United Methodist Church
Building, mission statement, staff, youth, music, service in the community, location and links.
University City United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Bulletin, newsletter, events, and ministries.
University United Methodist Church, Chapel Hill
Features programs and activities, music ministry, outreach and missions, directory, prayer list, newsletter.
Wesley Heights United Methodist Church, Fayettevil
Staff, calendar including service times and links.
Wesley United Methodist Church, Charlotte
Worship information including service times, ministries, staff and child development centre.
West Chapel United Methodist Church, Asheboro
Contact information and time of services. Links to other area churches.
Westford United Methodist Church
Features staff and schedule of services plus programs for music, senior adults, sports, and children.
White Plains United Methodist Church, Cary
Worship. administration, education, mission, resources, calendar, prayer, location, contact and links.