Aldersgate UMC, Lees Summit
Schedules of services, descriptions of ministries, photos, staff contacts, and links.
Arlington United Methodist Church, Bridgeton
History, schedules, descriptions of ministries and activities, and links.
Asbury United Methodist Church, St. Louis
Contact information and links.
Avondale United Methodist Church, Kansas City
Schedules, staff, education, youth, contact information, and links.
Bellefontaine United Methodist Church, Saint Louis
History, calendar, worship and music, staff, descriptions of programs and activities, schedules, and links.
Branson United Methodist Church
Greetings, calendar, events, schedule, and links.
Broadway United Methodist Church, Kansas City
History, schedules, descriptions of ministries and programs, virtual tour of stained glass windows, and links.
Cabanne UMC, St. Louis
Statement of purpose, schedule of services, and links.
Camdenton United Methodist Church
Welcome, Sunday schedule, and upcoming events.
Carl Junction United Methodist Church, Carl Juncti
Pastoral page, announcements, fellowship opportunities and a youth page.
Carterville United Methodist Church
A church which proclaims "Come as you are." History, schedule, and youth sections.
Centennial United Methodist Church, Elsberry
History, missions, and ministries.
Central Community United Methodist Church, Shell K
Contemporary and traditional worship, events, prayer, ministries, music, groups, food pantry and thrifty closet.
Centralia United Methodist Church
Announcements, youth page, ministries, and many links.
Champion City UMC, Leslie
Service schedule, calendar of events, and links.
Christ Community UMC, St. Louis
History of this congregation.
Community United Methodist Church, Columbia
Calendar, directions, schedule, staff, and ministries.
Concord Trinity UMC, St. Louis
Worship schedules, sermon archive, calendar of events, descriptions of programs and activities, and links.
Corder United Methodist Church
History, photos, and leadership.
Cornerstone United Methodist Church, O'Fallon
Services, pastors, activities, ministries, calendar and a welcome.
Country Club UMC, Kansas City
Mission statement, descriptions of ministries and activities, sermon archive, history, and links.
Court Street United Methodist Church, Fulton
Worship, staff, groups and prayer.
Diamond United Methodist Church
History, mission, calendar, and map.
Eldorado United Methodist Church
Worship schedule, ministries, events, and a youth page.
Epworth-Roanoke United Methodist Church,
Schedule of regular worship services, programs and activities, and links.
Eureka United Methodist Church
Beliefs, worship, study, services, history, ministries, sermons, overview and location.
Fairview United Methodist Church
Upcoming events, links, and opportunities to share with prayers, gifts, presence and service.
Faith United Methodist Church, Saint Charles
Schedule of weekly services, ministries, weddings, building usage and staff.
Fenton United Methodist Church
Events, activities, programs, and news.
First UMC, North Kansas City
Descriptions of ministries and activities, archived newsletters, contact information, calendar of upcoming events, and links.
First UMC, St. Charles
Descriptions of programs and activities, photos, schedule of services, and links.
First UMC, Webster Groves
Schedules of regular services and activities, descriptions of ministries, and links.
First United Methodist Church, Sedalia
Welcome, information about ministries, locations, newsletter, staff and mission.
First United Methodist Church, Blue Springs
Church with Saturday evening and Sunday morning services. Programs, bulletin, FAQ, online sermons, and newsletter.
First United Methodist Church, Joplin
Photos, schedule of weekly services, descriptions of ministries, and links.
First United Methodist Church, Poplar Bluff
Traditional, contemporary and casual service schedules, and contact information.
First United Methodist Church, Sarcoxie
Contact information.
First United Methodist Church, Washington
Calendar of upcoming events, schedule of weekly services, photos, and links.
Good Shepherd UMC, Kansas City
Worship services schedule, calendar of events, descriptions of ministries and activities, and links.
Grace Community United Methodist Church
Just south of Buffalo. Newsletter, calendar, youth groups, missionaries, and humor.
Grace United Methodist Church, Lee's Summit
Calendar and announcements, descriptions of ministries and programs, and links.
Grandview UMC
Regular worship service schedule and contact information.
Herculaneum UMC
Schedule of regular services and meetings, descriptions of ministries and activities, photos, and links.
Hillsboro United Methodist Church
Newsletter, photos, contact information, and links.
Iberia United Methodist Church
Schedules, history, photos, and links.
Kimberling City UMC
Church history, calendar of events, descriptions of activities and programs, photos, and links.
King's Way UMC, Springfield
Traditional and contemporary service schedules, contact information, and links.
Knob Noster United Methodist Church
Pastor's page, schedules of weekly services, directions, and descriptions of ministries and activities.
LaSalle UMC, St. Louis
Photos, vision statement, and links.
Lathrop United Methodist Church
Contact information, message from pastor, and links.
Lee's Summit United Methodist Church
Offers beliefs, worship, services, ministries, sermons, overview, news and location.
Leslie United Merthodist Church
Contact information, schedules of services, and links.
Lexington United Methodist Church
Schedule of weekly services and contact information.
Liberty United Methodist Church
Welcome, special events, ministries, staff, and links.
Manchester United Methodist Church
News, sermon archives, calendar, photos, descriptions of activities and ministries, and links.
Meadowbrook United Methodist Church, Gladstone
Projects, events, Lectionary readings, and links.
Midway Locust Grove United Methodist Church, Colum
Welcome, history, news, links, and mission work.
Missouri United Methodist Church, Columbia
Schedule, history, news, past sermons, and church business.
Morning Star Church, O'Fallon
Mission, vision, purpose, values, activities, youth, pastor's thoughts and staff.
Moundville United Methodist Church
Services, events, history and links for the district.
Mount Zion UMC, St. Louis
Schedule of services, history, news, and links.
New Hope UMC, Owensville
History, directions, schedule of weekly activities and services, and links.
North Park UMC, St. Louis
Schedule of services, description of programs and activities, and links.
North Spring United Methodist Church, Blue Springs
Calendar, announcements, ministries, newsletter, and scrapbook.
Old Union UMC, Marble Hill
Contact information and weekly schedule.
Ozark United Methodist Church
Worship, fellowship, ministries, prayer, church details, sermons, contact and links.
Paris UMC
History, photos, descriptions of programs and activities, and links.
Paul H. Linn Memorial United Methodist Church
Mission, history, newsletter, schedule, and a list of activities.
Platte Woods UMC, Kansas City
Overview, calendars, first-time visitor, services, programs, building and history.
Princeton UMC
Contact information and schedule of regular services,
Red Bridge UMC, Kansas City
History, schedule of traditional and contemporary services, activities and meetings schedules, and links.
Red Rock UMC, Harrisburg
History, schedules of regular activities, and links.
Rock Port United Methodist Church
Calendar, descriptions of ministries, and UMC links.
Salem in Ladue UMC, St. Louis
Message from pastor, contact information, descriptions of programs and activities, and links.
Samaritan UMC, St. Louis
History, contact information, schedule of services, descriptions of ministries and activities, and links.
Schell City United Methodist Church
Includes the history, photos, worship schedule and profile of pastor.
Schweitzer UMC, Springfield
Schedule of services, message from pastor, descriptions of ministries and programs, history, and links.
Sikeston First United Methodist Church
Schedules of services and activities, photos, descriptions of ministries, and links.
Smith Chapel UMC, Sikeston
Contact information, schedules of services, newsletter, and links.
Smith Creek/Central Grove Charge, Warrenton
Schedule of weekly services, contact information and links.
St. Andrews United Methodist Church, Florissant
Schedules of weekly services, history, descriptions of programs and activities, and links.
St. James UMC, Kansas City
Staff contacts, schedule of weekly services and meetings, and links.
St. John's UMC, Kansas City
History,newsletter, schedule of regular activities, descriptions of ministries and activities, and links.
St. Luke's United Methodist Church, St. Louis
Worship service schedules, contact information, descriptions of programs and activities.
St. Paul United Methodist Church, St. Joseph
History, schedules of services, newsletter, photos, and links.
St. Peter United Methodist Church, Blue Springs
Site is in development but has the address and a flash presentation.
St. Stephen United Methodist Church, Troy
Worship schedules, descriptions of ministries, current newsletter, calendar of events, and pastor's message.
SunRise United Methodist Church, O'Fallon
Beliefs, events, ministries, and schedules of the church.
Trinity UMC, Mountain Grove
Calendar of events, worship schedules, and contact information.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Kansas City
A reconciling and welcoming congregation in Midtown.
Union UMC, Wright City
History, staff contacts, and links.
United Methodist Church of Belton
Welcome, ministries, and other activities.
United Methodist Church of the Shepherd, St. Charl
Staff, programs, online sermons, and links.
Waynesville United Methodist Church
Schedule of regular services and activities, descriptions of activities and ministries, and links.
Webster Hills UMC, Webster Groves
Schedules of services, calendar of events, descriptions of ministries and activities, committees and work areas, devotionals, and links.
Wentzville United Methodist Church
History, description of programs and activities, calendar of upcoming events, newsletter, and links.
Wesley UMC, Trenton
Schedule or regular events, staff contacts, and music ministry.
Woods Chapel United Methodist Church, Lee's S
Descriptions of programs and activities, staff contacts, and links.