Acton United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship schedule including 2 evening services per month, Sunday School for all ages, fellowship opportunities, support groups, and local and global mission.
Albright United Methodist Church, Atlanta
Worship Sunday School schedule, address and email contact.
Albright United Methodist Church, Mishawaka
Worship and Sunday School schedules, bible study, preschool, deaf ministry.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Evansville
Worship schedule, news, local and global missions, history, prayer requests, map, staff list and means of contact.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedule, staff, history, missions, map, and contact information.
Alexandria First United Methodist Church, Alexandr
Worship and Sunday School schedule, contact information, United Methodist Women, a typical Order of Worship, and info on wedding arrangements.
Alvarado United Methodist Church, Hamilton
Services, programs, pastor's page, history, events and an overview.
Arlington United Methodist Church, Bloomington
Worship schedule, schedule of mid-week opportunities, a map with directions, contact information, and church publications.
Avilla Calvary United Methodist Church, Avilla
Worship schedule and description, child and adult programs, missions, staff bios and email links, history, and a map with directions.
Baker Chapel United Methodist Church, Boonville
Worship schedule, a map with directions, how to be involved, calendar, youth and children opportunities, staff with email links.
Barbour Avenue United Methodist Church, Terre Haut
Worship schedule, Sunday School descriptions and schedule, history, and local and global missions.
Bartlett Chapel United Methodist Church, Avon
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, news, youth page, a site search engine, and a map with directions.
Beech Grove United Methodist Church, Beech Grove
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff info, missions, and ministries for adult, children, women, family, and youth.
Bethany United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
Bethel United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and pre-school
Bonds Chapel United Methodist Church, West Baden
Worship and Sunday School schedule, special events, and a prayer chain.
Bradley United Methodist Church, Greenfield
Worship and Sunday School schedules (one service is signed for the deaf), staff page, building renovations, and a pipe organ page.
Bridgeport United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a map.
Bristol United Methodist Church, Bristol
Worship and Sunday School schedules, a map and directions, staff with biography, and weekday events.
Broadway Christian Parish United Methodist Church,
Worship schedule, upcoming events, and missions.
Broadway United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship schedule, one service in Korean, Sunday School schedule and description, news, bible study, history, outreach, and a map.
Brook United Methodist Church, Brook
Worship and Sunday School schedule, address and an email contact.
Brown Street United Methodist Church, Lafayette
Services, pastor, history, heppenings, newsletter, kids, adults, photos, fun, map and links.
Brushwood United Methodist Church, Rensselaer
Worship and Sunday School schedules, children and adult programs, sermon archive, weekly calendar, music, prayer concerns, and a map with directions. Also a newsletter and an order of worship, which both require Adobe Acrobat.
Bunker Hill United Methodist Church, Bunker Hill
Worship, Sunday School and bible study schedules, address and an email contact.
Burlington United Methodist Church, Burlington
Worship and Sunday School schedule, upcoming special events, education opportunities for all ages, midweek opportunities.
Calvary United Methodist Church, Bippus
Worship and Sunday School schedule, history, United Methodist Women, staff, calendar, and a rough map.
Calvary United Methodist Church, Elkhart
Worship, Sunday School and bible study schedule, mid-week schedule, preschool, endowment fund information, and a map with directions.
Calvary United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Devotional links, a map with directions, daycare, fellowship groups, missions, music, history, endowment fund information.
Castleton United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedule, adult, youth and children's programs, music, membership information, Stephen Ministry, missions, United Methodist Women, and a map with directions.
Celebration United Methodist Church, Warsaw
Worship and Sunday School schedule, history, a prayer request form, children's group, and a map.
Centenary and Shepherd's Heart United Methodi
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
Centenary United Methodist Church, Lebanon
Worship and Sunday School descriptions and schedules, bible study, staff page, children and youth programs.
Center United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedules, announcements, staff list, history, missions, music, cub, boy and girl scouting, United Methodist Women, and a map.
Central United Methodist Church, Evansville
Worship service and Sunday School schedules, staff, children and youth programs, day care, music, outreach ministries, and a map.
Chester Heights United Methodist Church, Richmond
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a map with directions.
Christ United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedule. All worship services are recorded and are available over the web (Quicktime plugin required for sermons).
Christ United Methodist Church, Georgetown
Worship and Sunday School schedules, missions, activities for all ages, staff, and a map.
Christ United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedules, Stephen Ministry, and a newsletter with weekly calendar.
Christ United Methodist Church, Lafayette
Worship schedule, Sunday School descriptions and schedule, Wednesday nights schedule, music, outreach ministries, fellowship and study groups, special activities, and a map.
Christ United Methodist Church, Washington
Welcome, overview, programs, people and resources.
Church of the Saviour United Methodist Church, Ind
News, and local information.
Cicero United Methodist Church, Cicero
Worship and Sunday School schedule, newsletter (Acrobat reader required), special events.
Clay United Methodist Church, South Bend
Worship and Sunday School schedules, detailed description of opportunities for all ages, special events. Includes search capabilities and a site map.
Clinton First United Methodist Church, Clinton
Worship schedule, detailed information about opportunities, missions, men's and women's clubs, children and youth activities, contact information and a map with directions.
Cloverdale United Methodist Church, Cloverdale
Worship, Sunday School and bible study schedules, calendar, preschool, history and a map with directions,
Colfax United Methodist Church, Colfax
Worship schedule, monthly calendar, and a staff list with pastor bio.
College Avenue United Methodist Church, Muncie
Worship and Sunday School descriptions and schedules, calendar, special events, preschool and after school programs, youth, and a map.
Columbia City United Methodist Church, Columbia Ci
Worship schedule, pastors, groups, Bible studies, calendar and staff.
Community United Methodist Church, Vincennes
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a staff page.
Cook Memorial United Methodist Church, Jeffersonvi
Services, pastor, mission, location and contact.
Covenant United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedule, purpose and mission, events, staff, youth, calendar, programs, history, photos, job opportunities, contact, links, and map.
Crosswind United Methodist Church, Logansport
Worship, mission, prayer, ministries, staff, testimonies and a calendar.
Cumberland United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship, Sunday school, programs, contact and directions.
Curry's Chapel United Methodist Church, Green
Directions to the church, prayer requests, history.
Daleville United Methodist Church, Daleville
Worship and Sunday School schedule, opportunities for children, youth and adults, mid-week events, mission outreaches, and music opportunities.
Deaf Community Church of Grace at St.Luke's U
All activities designed specifically for the deaf. Worship and Sunday School schedules, announcements, children's, youth and adult events, history.
Dearborn Hills United Methodist Church, Lawrencebe
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff, education, children and youth ministries, music, missions, and mid-week opportunities.
Delphi United Methodist Church, Delphi
Worship and Sunday School schedules, prayer request form, children's and youth opportunities, music, and history.
Dunlap United Methodist Church, Elkhart
Worship and Sunday School schedules, events, groups, mid-week schedule, missions, preschool, calendar, and youth activities.
Dyer United Methodist Church, Dyer
Worship schedule, all ages Sunday School schedule and themes, upcoming events, staff with bios, youth ministries, and a map with directions.
Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Shelburn
Worship and Sunday School schedules, a greeting, history, missions, United Methodist Women, and maps with directions.
Eden United Methodist Church, Greenfield
Address, pictures, and directions to the church.
Edwards United Methodist Church, Liberty
Worship and Sunday School schedules, bible study, staff pages, history, wedding policy, location, youth groups, United Methodist Women and Men, how to join, and a newsletter.
Edwardsville United Methodist Church, Georgetown
Worship and Sunday School schedules, bible study, calendar, music, missions, newsletter, staff, youth news, and a map with directions.
Elnora United Methodist Church, Elnora
Worship and Sunday School schedules, a welcome, a form to suggest events for the calendar, and a suggestion box.
Etna and West Point United Methodist Churches, Col
Worship and Sunday School schedule, mid-week activities.
Fairlawn United Methodist Church, Evansville
News, joys and concerns, vision, calendar, bookstore, worship, directions, history, ministries, staff, chat, contact and links.
Fairview United Methodist Church, Bloomington
Worship and Sunday School schedules, opportunities, for all ages, staff, and a map with directions.
Fairview United Methodist Church, Fountaintown
Location, Sunday schedule and contact.
Faith United Methodist Church East, Indianapolis
Profile, events, directory and calendar.
Faith United Methodist Church West, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedules, history, jail ministry, events, staff and a preschool.
Faith United Methodist Church, Goshen
Worship and Sunday School schedules, missions, calendar, special events, youth programs, daycare, staff, and a map.
Faith United Methodist Church, Kokomo
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and recurring events.
Fillmore United Methodist Church, Fillmore
Missions, staff, mid-week activities, and a map.
First United Methodist Church, Anderson
Worship and Sunday School schedules, calendar, youth, local and global missions, Stephen ministries, United Methodist Women, lots of pictures.
First United Methodist Church, Bedford
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, monthly calendar, ministry opportunities, youth, and news.
First United Methodist Church, Bloomington
Worship and Sunday School schedules, adult, youth, children's, and university age adult opportunities, outreach, parish nurse program, archives of sermons, staff, Stephen Ministry. Many brochures are offered in pdf format (Acrobat Reader required). Samples of choir music are offered (Real Player required).
First United Methodist Church, Bluffton
Worship and Sunday School schedules, youth ministry, and mid-week opportunities.
First United Methodist Church, Crown Point
Worship schedule, Sunday School themes and schedule, staff with bios, calendar, special events, missions, music, preschool, programs for adult and youth, prayer concerns, library, sermon archive, becoming a member, and a map.
First United Methodist Church, Elkhart
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff list, music, youth, and mid-week opportunities.
First United Methodist Church, Hammond
Worship and Sunday School schedules, calendar, children's programs, day care, missions, music, newsletter, small group ministry, United Methodist Women and Men, and a map.
First United Methodist Church, LaPorte
Worship and Sunday School schedule, calendar, fellowship groups, staff page, children's and youth programs, Wednesday nights schedules, preschool, and maps.
First United Methodist Church, Mishawaka
Monthly calendar, staff list, history and a map.
First United Methodist Church, Montpelier
Worship and Sunday School descriptions and schedules, and fellowship groups.
First United Methodist Church, Mooresville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff list, youth, history, newsletter, missions and a map.
First United Methodist Church, Noblesville
Worship and Sunday School description and schedule, staff page, calendar, preschool, music, youth pages, retreat, and a map with custom driving directions.
First United Methodist Church, Petersburg
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
First United Methodist Church, South Bend
Worship and Sunday School schedule, staff list, history, music, children and youth programs, local missions, and a map with directions.
First United Methodist Church, Valparaiso
Worship and Sunday School schedule, youth activities, events, and a staff list.
First United Methodist Church, Vincennes
Worship and Sunday School schedules, missions, Walk to Emmaus.
First United Methodist Church, Wabash, Indiana
Welcome, informal worship, traditional worship, Sunday school, youth news, sctivities, bible study, staff, map, who we are.
First United Methodist Church, Warsaw
Worship schedule including one lake service on summer Sundays, music, programs for children, youth and adults, church-wide events, staff list, and a pastor's page with bios.
First United Methodist Church, West Lafayette
Worship and Sunday School schedules, weekly schedule, sermon schedule, music and fellowship opportunities, staff list, nursery school, singles groups, and a map.
First Wayne Street United Methodist Church, Fort W
Worship and Sunday School schedule, music, staff, mid-week schedule, United Methodist Women, missions, and a map.
Fishers United Methodist Church, Fishers
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff, history, calendar, music, children and youth programs, preschool, information on joining, small groups, missions, and a map with directions.
Forest Park United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff page. Signing is provided at one worship service.
Forest United Methodist Church, Forest
Worship and Sunday School schedules and a special events calendar.
Fortville First United Methodist Church, Fortville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and a staff list.
Freetown United Methodist Church, Freetown
Worship and Sunday School schedules, overview, pastor's message, ministries and youth information.
Galveston United Methodist Church, Galveston
Worship and Sunday School schedule, church history, preschool, newsletter, and a map.
Garden; A Blossum of St. Luke's United Method
Informal services held in a dinner theater, staff and pastor pages with bios, sermon schedule, the Good Earth Band, and past publications.
Gethsemane United Methodist Church, Muncie
Worship schedule, programs, history, calendar, ministries, events, map and a staff list.
Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church, Greencastl
Worship and Sunday School schedules, stained glass windows, and church history.
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedule, prayer requests, pre-school and youth page.
Grace United Methodist Church, Elwood
Worship and Sunday School schedules and a map with directions.
Grace United Methodist Church, Franklin
Worship schedule, staff page, pastors, calendar, programs, ministries, mission, photos and sermons.
Grace United Methodist Church, Kokomo
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and description, weekly calendar, special events, history, music, staff pages with bios, programs, youth page, missions, and a map.
Grace United Methodist Church, Lafayette
Worship schedule and descriptions with sample bulletins, staff page, youth, news, history, and a map.
Grace United Methodist Church, Rochester
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, United Methodist Women, local and global missions, staff page with bios, and a map with directions.
Grace United Methodist Church, South Bend
Worship and Sunday School schedules, newsletter, youth, Crown Ministries, Stephen Ministries, calendar, latest sermon, preschool, and a map.
Grant Line United Methodist Church, New Albany
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and day care.
Greensburg United Methodist Church, Greensburg
Worship and Sunday School schedule, ministries, prayer, calendar, activities and pastor's pen.
Greenwood United Methodist Church, Greenwood
Worship and Sunday School schedules, prayer requests, sermon archives, newsletter, calendar, music and drama, youth programs, history, and a map.
Hanfield United Methodist Church, Marion
Worship schedule and a discussion forum.
Hartford United Methodist Church, Hartford
Worship and Sunday School schedules, history, prayer chain, and recent church news.
Hartsville United Methodist Church, Hartsville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and monthly events.
Henryville United Methodist Church, Henryville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, mid-week activities, upcoming events, and a map.
Hillcrest United Methodist Church, Elkhart
Worship schedule, announcements, youth and children's ministries, sermon archives, and a staff page.
Hope United Methodist Church, Hope
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff, history, wedding fees and policy, and a map with directions.
Hopewell United Methodist Church, Frankfort
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a pastoral letter.
Huntertown United Methodist Church, Huntertown
Worship and Sunday School schedule, calendar, history, programs for men, women and children of all ages, staff with bios, and a map.
Irvington United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedule, sermon schedule, news, preschool, missions, music, monthly message, layout of property and a map with directions.
Jamestown United Methodist Church, Jamestown
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and youth ministries.
Jefferson Center United Methodist Church, Warren
Worship and Sunday School schedule, monthly calendar, a community tutoring program, and a map with directions.
Lincoln Hills United Methodist Church, English
Worship and Sunday School schedule and a prayer request form.
Losantville United Methodist Church, Losantville
View schedules for worship and Sunday school, children and youth programs, United Methodist Women, the choir, and fellowship night.
Main Street United Methodist Church, Boonville
Worship and Sunday School schedules and descriptions.
Main Street United Methodist Church, Kokomo
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, ministries list, staff list, bulletins, monthly calendar, and newsletters.
Main Street United Methodist Church, New Albany
Worship schedule, staff list, and soup kitchen.
McGrawsville United Methodist Church, Amboy
Worship and Sunday School schedule, children's, youth and adult ministries, missions, music, prayer requests, announcements, calendar, staff page with bios, church history, and a map.
McNatt United Methodist Church, Marion
Worship and Sunday School schedules, lots of pictures, and a map.
Memorial United Methodist Church, Terre Haute
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and maps with directions.
Meridian Street United Methodist Church, Indianapo
Worship and Sunday School schedules, calendar, sermon schedule and archive, staff page with bios, missions, United Methodist Women, music, children and youth programs, special needs children programs, and Camp Otto.
Methodist Temple United Methodist Church, Evansvil
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, newsletter with archive, staff page with bios, children, youth, college and adult ministries, day care, worship ministries, music, United Methodist Women, missions, and scouting. (Acrobat Reader needed for newsletters).
Milroy United Methodist Church, Milroy
Worship and Sunday School schedule.
Monrovia United Methodist Church, Monrovia
Worship and Sunday School schedule, history and a map with directions.
Monticello United Methodist Church, Monticello
Worship and Sunday School schedule, pastors' page with bios, and children and youth.
Morton Memorial United Methodist Church, Claksvill
Worship times, events, prayer requests, pastor's letter, staff and location.
Mount Comfort United Methodist Church, Greenfield
Worship and Sunday School schedules and descriptions, newsletter, ministries for adults, youth, children, and pre-schoolers, calendar, history, and special events. (Acrobat Reader required for newsletter.)
Mount Olive United Methodist Church, Marion
Worship and Sunday School schedules, monthly calendar, staff list, opportunities to volunteer, and prayer requests.
New Carlisle United Methodist Church, New Carlisle
Worship and Sunday schedule, youth and children's ministries, preschool, staff page with bios, and upcoming events.
New Haven United Methodist Church, New Haven
Worship descriptions and schedule, Sunday School schedule, newsletter with archive, calendar, staff pages with bios, and directions to the church.
New Horizons United Methodist Church, Anderson
Worship and Sunday School schedules, news, mission statement, a list of members, missions, programs for adults and youth, sermons for the month and a map. One service broadcast on local radio.
New Life Community Church, Lafayette
Pastor's corner, mission, calendar, goals, Sunday services and contact.
New Palestine United Methodist Church, New Palesti
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
New Salisbury United Methodist Church, New Salisbu
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
North Salem United Methodist Church, North Salem
Worship schedule, and bible study.
Northwest United Methodist Church, South Bend
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and a day care.
Oak Chapel United Methodist Church, Marion
Mission, worship, activities, staff, location, ministries and resources.
Odon United Methodist Church
Features worship schedule, events news, message board, mission reports, suggestion box, and newsletter.
Old Bethel United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, today's events, announcements, calendar, outreach, music, preschool, and a map.
Old North United Methodist Church, Evansville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, history, pre-school, newsletter, weekly schedule, and missions.
Ossian United Methodist Church, Ossian
Worship schedule, newsletter with archives, calendar, staff list, and a map with directions.
Otterbein United Methodist Church, Washington
Worship and Sunday School schedule, address and an email contact.
Owensville United Methodist Church, Owensville
Worship and Sunday School schedule, calendar, and music.
Palmyra United Methodist Church, Palmyra
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and history.
Paoli United Methodist Church, Paoli
Worship schedule, Sunday School descriptions and schedule, mid-week schedule, children and youth programs.
Patronville United Methodist Church, Rockport
Worship schedule and a pastor's page with bios.
Plainfield United Methodist Church, Plainfield
Worship and Sunday School schedules and descriptions, staff pages with bios, special events, Stephen Ministries, United Methodist Women, boy scouts, preschool, vacation bible school, and a map with directions.
Pleasant View United Methodist Church, Borden
Worship schedule, address, and contact information.
Poneto United Methodist Church, Poneto
Worship and Sunday School schedules, special events, and a pictoral directory.
Reynolds United Methodist Church, Reynolds
Worship and Sunday School schedule, prayer requests, and a sample order of worship.
Richvalley United Methodist Church, Richvalley
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a history.
Richville United Methodist Church, Ligonier
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and a staff list.
Ridge United Methodist Church, Munster
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, adult ministries, and music.
Rising Sun United Methodist Church, Rising Sun
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a history.
Roberts Park United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedule, calendar, education opportunities, youth, missions, music, and a staff list.
Rockford and St. Andrew United Methodist Churches,
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
Rolling Prairie United Methodist Church, Rolling P
Address and an email contact.
Rosedale Hills United Methodist Church, Indianapol
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, youth page, and upcoming events.
Salem United Methodist Church, Evansville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, newsletter, staff, pre-school, missions, and directions to the church.
Salem United Methodist Church, Hebron
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff page with bios, a funny page, calendar and a map.
Sandy Hook United Methodist Church, Columbus
Find activities and events as well as learn about the programs of this church. Read a pastor's letter or turn in a prayer request.
Santa Claus United Methodist Church, Santa Claus
Worship and Sunday School schedules, and a youth site.
Scipio United Methodist Church, Scipio
Calendar, preschool, and a map with directions.
Shiloh United Methodist Church, Kokomo
Worship and Sunday School schedule, newsletter, sermon archive, missions, children and youth, calendar, and a map.
Simpson United Methodist Church, Evansville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, announcements, calendar, newsletter, music, prayer requests, youth, children and senior's ministries, small group ministry, and United Methodist Women.
Simpson United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedule, music, youth, and a map with directions.
Sonrise at Aboite United Methodist Church, Fort Wa
Worship and Sunday School schedules, history, staff page, and prayer requests.
Southport United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedules, pastor's page with bios, youth groups, news, singles ministries, special events, announcements, and a wedding policy.
St. Andrew United Methodist Church, West Lafayette
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and descriptions, adult study groups, history, music, newsletter archive (Acrobat Reader required), and a map with directions.
St. James West United Methodist Church, Evansville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff page with bios, and a map.
St. Joseph United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff list, preschool, music and ministries for preschool age, elementary, youth, adult and seniors.
St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Indianapo
Worship and Sunday School schedules and descriptions, music, sermon archive, staff list, education opportunities for adults and children, lay ministries, and other special interest groups. Sermons are available for watching (Windows Media Player required.)
St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Kokomo
Sunday School schedule and descriptions, Wednesday evening schedule, staff pages with bios, children and youth ministries, preschool, music, radio broadcast services, bulletin archive, Stephen Ministry, building layout, and a map.
St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Bloomingt
Worship and Sunday School schedule, pastors' bios, newsletters, hear past sermons (Real Player required), missions, child, youth and adult education, a pledge calculator, and a map.
St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Carmel, I
Information on worship schedules, missions, Bible studies, Sunday school and adult education, fellowship groups, preschool, and outreach programs.
St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Decatur
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff page, prayer requests, United Methodist Woment, children's and youth ministries, and a map.
St. Matthew United Methodist Church, Anderson
Worship and Sunday School schedules and an address.
St. Matthew United Methodist Church, Frankfort
Worship and Sunday School services, one service is radio broadcast, staff page, program opportunities, and a map.
St. Paul's Memorial United Methodist Church,
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a history.
Stockwell United Methodist Church, Stockwell
Worship and Sunday School schedule, history, calendar, children and youth ministries, and missions.
Sunnycrest United Methodist Church, Marion
Worship and Sunday School schedules, announcements, monthly calendar, fellowship opportunities, bible study, missions, United Methodist Women, youth, boy schout, staff page, and a map.
Sunnycrest United Methodist Church, Marion
Announcements, worship schedule, activities, fellowship, Disciple course, pastor, staff, ministries and contact.
Surprise United Methodist Church, Seymour
Worship and Sunday School schedules, pastor's message, ministries and youth.
Sweetser United Methodist Church, Sweetser
Worship and Sunday School schedule, history, missions, sample order of worship, monthly calendar, youth, United Methodist Women and Men, staff list, and a map.
Thorntown United Methodist Church, Thorntown
Calendar, history, and a map.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Crawfordsville
Read about the mission and core values, or find what?s on the calendar of worship and study opportunities of this congregation.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Elkhart
Worship schedule, Sunday School themes and schedules, sermons archive (Acrobat Reader required), staff, children and youth opportunities, mid-week opportunities, bible study, music, missions, history and a map.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Fort Wayne
Worship schedule, staff page and a map.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Hobart
Worship and Sunday School schedule, youth groups, bible study, staff, and music.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Kendallville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff, officers, prayer concerns, and youth page.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Lapel
News, missions, prayer concerns, and a youth page.
Trinity United Methodist Church, New Albany
Worship schedule, Sunday School schedule and description, staff list, history, missions, music, news, and a map.
Trinity United Methodist Church, Rensselaer
Worship and Sunday School schedules, staff list, and missions.
Tyner United Methodist Church, Tyner
Worship and Sunday School schedule.
Union Chapel United Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Worship and Sunday School schedules, calendar, staff list, news, history, and a wedding policy.
Union Chapel United Methodist Church, Muncie
Worship and Sunday School schedules, sermon archives in written (Acrobat Reader required) or audio (Real Player required) formats, small group ministries, prayer requests, newsletters with archive, staff page with bios, and a map.
Unity Chapel United Methodist Church, Ramsey
Worship and Sunday School schedules, special events calendar, staff page with bios, and preschool.
Wakarusa United Methodist Church, Wakarusa
Worship and Sunday School schedule, preschool, history and sample sermons.
Wall Street United Methodist Church, Jeffersonvill
Worship schedule and themes, Sunday School schedule, music, missions, and United Methodist Women.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Worship schedule and contact details.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, Warsaw
Worship and Sunday School schedules.
Waterloo United Methodist Church, Waterloo
Worship and Sunday School schedule, and a map.
Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, New Albany
Worship schedule, announcements, weekly schedule, staff page with bios, and a newsletter.
Wesley United Methodist Church, Culver
Worship schedule including a lakeside service on summer Sundays, children and youth pages, United Methodist Women and Men, newsletter with calendar, and a map.
West Baden United Methodist Church, West Baden Spr
Worship and Sunday School schedule, special events, news, prayer list, and a church history.
Yorktown United Methodist Church, Yorktown
Worship and Sunday School schedules and descriptions, adult and youth programs, history, and a map with directions.
Zionsville United Methodist Church, Zionsville
Worship and Sunday School schedules, groups, ministries, youth, prayer, newsletter, calendar, staff, pastor and directions.