Bonners Ferry United Methodist Church
welcome, news, worship, education, activities, women, centennial celebration, contact and links.
Collister United Methodist Church, Boise
Calendar, church details, mission, newsletter, events, photos and links.
Crossroads UMC, Kimberly
Calendar, pastoral invitation, Christian education, and special programs.
Emmett United Methodist Church
Visitor information, news, youth, photos, location and contact.
First United Methodist Church, Moscow
Worship, pastor, sermons, events, calendar, concerns, ministries, activities and contact.
First United Methodist Church, Nampa
Activities, news, calendar, purposes and objectives.
Hagerman-Wendell United Methodist Churches, Wendel
Portal for two-point charge with sermons.
Hillview UMC, Boise
Sunday schedule, newsletter, ongoing events, and a weekly calendar.
Jason Lee Memorial United Methodist Church, Blackf
Worship, calendar, journal, grace notes, sermon briefs, photos, location and contact.
Jerome United Methodist Church
Services, concerns, minutes, photos and links.
Lewiston First United Methodist Church
Calendar, service times, and directions.
New Meadows United Methodist Church
Services, calendar, newsletter, youth, pictures, pastor and contact.
Pocatello First United Methodist Church
Worship times, pastor bio, sermon schedule and weekly newsletter.
Rupert United Methodist Church
Welcome, services, Sunday school, location and contact.
Salmon United Methodist Church
Welcome, mission moment, youth page, pictures, worship, ministries, activities and an overview.
Southside Blvd UMC, Nampa
Pastoral message, mission statement, youth page, and links.
Whitney United Methodist Church, Boise
Fellowship, church details, photos, leadership, ministries and contact.