A Brief Look at Closed Communion
Rev. Alan Taylor uses Scripture directly and by analogy, as well as Luther, the Lutheran Confessions, and more recent theologians to defend this doctrine.
Close or Closed?
German text of Christian Dogmatics by Francis Pieper and quote from Norman Nagel constitute a challenge to communion statement by LCMS Texas District President Gerald Kieschnick.
Closed Communion in Contemporary Context
Official statement and study documents from Lutheran Church --Canada. Also deals with administration, elements, and other sacremental issues.
Conflict Over a Meal
Paper analyzing the problem with communion practice that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, including the social mind-set of the people of Corinth.
Crypto-Calvinism and Open Communion
Derogatory term for false Lutherans is used to label those who work against closed communion. Article examines arguments based upon Judas' participation in the Last Supper.
Fellowship in the Lord's Supper
Pamphlet by Dr. A. L. Barry of the LCMS writes to show that insisting on doctrinal unity before sharing communion is the way of Scripture, Christian history, and Lutheran heritage.
Frequency of Celebration of the Lord's Supper
Using theological and historical investigation, Pastor Randal Ehrichs concerning how often Holy Communion is offered rather how often the individual should commune.
Sacrament Forum: The Lord's Supper
Intended to generate discussion and appreciation among Christians for the doctrine and practice of the Lord's Supper, highlighting its Christian teaching and practical implications.
Straight Talk about Closed Communion
Question and answer format used to discuss controversy about this practice in the Lutheran Church, including LCMS and ELCA intercommunion.
The Biblical Practice of Closed Communion
Textual study of 1 Corinthians 11, including comments from Luther and Lenski, used to defend communing in doctrinal unity. Paired with comments on recent Lutheran practice.
The Case of the Lost Luther Reference
Examination of a misplaced Luther quote in the Formula of Concord and its impact on Communion theology.