Concordia Bioethics Institute
Affiliated with Concordia University Wisconsin. Dedicated to ethical decision-making in times of changing morals and advancing science and technology.
Interview: Ted Peters
ELCA seminary professor discusses genetic determinism, evolution, genetic engineering, and human purpose and direction and the need for "the theological and genetic communities to be talking to each other."
Lutheran Church-Canada Opinion on the Ontario Divi
Doctrinal opinion from the Lutheran Church-Canada opposing the decision rendered concerning same-sex marriage. Includes arguments from Scripture, confessional writings, law, and logic.
Slavery, Humanism, and the Bible
In 1863, C. F. W. Walther of The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod attacks man-centered theology and discusses the believer's remaining true to his vocation, whether slave or free.
The Progression of Evil
Builds on a statement by Charles Porterfield Krauth in examining moral decline in society.