A Statement on Lutherans and Jews
Position paper produced by the Council of Presidents of the Lutheran Church of Australia.
Churches and Religion in Finland
Describes the role of the Evangelical-Lutheran church as the established state church and the role of other churches in the Finnish constitution, law, and social fabric of Finland.
Ecumenical statement by Pope Jean Paul II
Vatican visit by delegation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Episcopal-Lutheran "Concordat of Agreement&qu
Ecumenical documents between the Episcopal (Anglican) church in the United States and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leading to altar and pulpit fellowship.
Evangelical Catholics and Confessional Evangelical
Gene Edward Veith uses Lutheran theology and its paradoxes to illustrate the ecumenical polarities of Lutheranism and show why generic ecumenism is not part of confessional Lutheranism.
Lutheran - Jewish Relations
Guidelines for relations in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Lutheran-Reformed Proposal
Background and official text for A Formula of Agreement, regarding full communion between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and three Reformed churches.
Lutheran-Roman Catholic Covenant
Documents and statements concerning Christian unity between the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches.
Lutherans and Other Christians
A report by the Lutheran Council of Great Britain regarding inter-church relations and reconciled diversity.
Pro Unione
The full text of the Lutheran - Roman Catholic report, Ways to Community, produced by the joint commission of the Lutheran World Federation and the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity.
Report Submitted by Denmark
Information on implementation of individual provisions of Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with reference to Danish minority Lutheran independent churches.
The Porvoo Communion
Information on the fellowship of the Churches of England and Ireland (Anglican), the Church in Wales (Anglican) and the Episcopal Church of Scotland, together with the Lutheran (State) Churches of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and the Evangelical-Lutheran Churches of Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia and Lithuania.
We Will Resist
Statement of protest and dissent regarding the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) by 14 Lutheran theologians from Germany, America, Norway, and Denmark.