Christ and the Tabernacle
Typology is used to show the Old Testament tent of worship, the place where the Lord dwelt with his people, as a type or prefiguring of Jesus, who encamped in human flesh among mankind.
Christ Today: His Presence in the Sacraments
Article discusses the reality of Jesus being in church and ministry, Baptism, Absolution, Holy Communion and the communicant, and other church rites.
Communication of Attributes in the Person of Chris
Illustrated chart shows sharing, transferrence, and cooperation of the attributes of the divine and human natures, especially as they involve human salvation. [PDF]
For You?
Examination of atonement and of how the death of Christ is applied to the Christian.
Jesus Humbled Himself
The Second Article of the Apostles' Creed is used to frame a study of the humiliation of Christ. References to Catechetical Helps by Kurth and the 1943 Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism.
Turns attention from asking, "What would Jesus do?" to understanding what he did do to save people from sin.
The Atonement
A look at the Scriptural teaching of redemption through the blood of Christ, including universal grace, that Jesus died for all, not only the elect.
The Deity of Christ
Examination the full divinity of Jesus and why that is vital for human salvation.
The Two Natures In Christ
Excerpts from Martin Chemnitz' work on the Son's human and divine natures, especially concerning the Lord's Supper.