Baptism Benefits
LCMS response to questions on the Lutheran view of the sacrament and whether it actually creates a Christian.
Baptism of Infants
Uses Scripture to show the Lutheran understanding that the rite is not only allowed, but encouraged and even needed for all, even young children.
Baptism: A Christological Work
Lawrence Rast speaks of the sacrament as an integral part of justification by grace through faith. He argues especially against the Pietism of Arndt and Spener.
Baptism: Christ Marks Us as His Own
David Scaer develops Luther's understanding that Baptism is more than a rite, but is almost synonymous with the Christian life.
Holy Baptism: A Brief Study
An excursis through baptismal texts in the Bible, beginning with Matthew 28 and Mark 16. Shows institution, purpose, power, and need for the sacrament with special emphasis on infants and small children.
Infant Baptism
Sermon by Martin Luther from the Collection of Sermons on the Church or Church Postil. The text is Matthew 8:1. Defends and encourages the baptism of small children.
Infant Baptism in Early Church History
The Reverend Dennis Kastens uses ancient sources to argue for baptizing very young children.
Infant Baptism: An Ongoing Event in the Christian
Peter J. Scaer argues that Baptism is not a treasure of the past to remember fondly but a vital part of the believer's daily existence.
Into the Womb of Again
Kent Burreson speaks of Baptism as a second birth to a new mother, the Christian Church, giving examples from the Baptismal rite of Lutheran Worship.
Luther and Baptism
Rite dated from 1523 of a baptismal service which the reformer translated into German and modified. Includes the exorcism.
The Large Catechism: Baptism
The fourth part of the basic text on pastoral theology by Martin Luther deals with the theology and practice of the sacrament and how it involves the Christian life, especially in confession and absolution.
Whose Work is Baptism?
Study of whether it is man's symbolic action for God or God's efficacious action for man.