Apologetics on the Net, From Hopelessness to Life in Jesus, Islam's Worldwide Revival, Mormons and Their Temples, To Every Muslim An Answer, Why the Church and the Lodge Disagree
Baptism Benefits, Baptism of Infants, Baptism: A Christological Work, Baptism: Christ Marks Us as His Own, Holy Baptism: A Brief Study, Infant Baptism, Infant Baptism in Early Church History, Infant Baptism: An Ongoing Event in the Christian , Into the Womb of Again, Luther and Baptism
Christ and the Tabernacle, Christ Today: His Presence in the Sacraments, Communication of Attributes in the Person of Chris, For You?, Jesus Humbled Himself, Not WWJD but WDJD, The Atonement, The Deity of Christ, The Two Natures In Christ
In God's Stead and at God's Behest, Private Confession, Private Confession in the Lutheran Church
Creation and Evolution, Of Creation, The Governor's Surprise, What does the ELCA teach about creation vs. evolut
Creeds and Symbols
Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord, Smalcald Articles, Small Catechism, The Nicene Creed and the Filioque: A Lutheran Appr, What do Lutherans Believe?
Ecumenical Relations
A Statement on Lutherans and Jews, Churches and Religion in Finland, Ecumenical statement by Pope Jean Paul II, Episcopal-Lutheran "Concordat of Agreement&qu, Evangelical Catholics and Confessional Evangelical, Lutheran - Jewish Relations, Lutheran-Reformed Proposal, Lutheran-Roman Catholic Covenant, Lutherans and Other Christians, Pro Unione
Concordia Bioethics Institute, Interview: Ted Peters, Lutheran Church-Canada Opinion on the Ontario Divi, Slavery, Humanism, and the Bible, The Progression of Evil
Law and Gospel
Fellow Patients in the Same Hospital, Law and Gospel by C.F.W. Walther, Law and Gospel: A Summary, Martin Luther on Law and Gospel, The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel, The Proper Distinction of Law and Gospel,, Walther and Finney, What is Law and Gospel?, Why Know Law from Gospel?
Lord's Supper
A Brief Look at Closed Communion, Close or Closed?, Closed Communion in Contemporary Context, Conflict Over a Meal, Crypto-Calvinism and Open Communion, Fellowship in the Lord's Supper, Frequency of Celebration of the Lord's Supper, Sacrament Forum: The Lord's Supper, Straight Talk about Closed Communion, The Biblical Practice of Closed Communion
A Betrayal of the Gospel, A Comparison of Lutheranism with Other Churches, Church Fellowship, Concerning the Name Lutheran, DayStar Network, Denominational Differences, Distinction Between Orthodox and Heterodox Churche, Evangelical Lutheran Church: The True Visible Chur, Explicating the Common Understanding of Justificat, Get that Camel's Nose out of the Tent!
Predestination and Election
Double or Nothing: Martin Luther's Doctrine o, Election Questions and Answers: Summary, Falling away from Faith
A Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the
LCMS paper emphasizing theological concerns of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Adiaphora: In the Reformation and Today
Historical consideration of the theology of indifferent matters, including how and when this label should be used. Current considerations and applications are examined.
CAT41 TableTalk: Files and Resources
Original essays and papers including synergism, whether the Pope is Antichrist, the Masonic Lodge, and the Campbellites (Churches of Christ). Luther Seal and other graphics. [WPD, DOC, RTF]
Christianity and Culture: God's Double Sovere
Lutheran theology of two kingdoms is applied to examination of the Christian Church in society and its relationship to and independence from the social order, by Gene Edward Veith.
Church and Ministry in the Lutheran Confessions
Cites the Book of Concord in exploring the interdependence of the pastoral office and the body of Christ while also comparing the congregation to all of Christendom.
Compendium of Positive Theology
English translation of the introductory theses to each chapter of the book. Work quoted is the C. F. W. Walther edition of a dogmatics text by Johannes Baier.
Confessional Lutherans
Intended to serve and connect those who desire to remain faithful to the Word of God and the Confessions as they have been delivered to us.
Correlation Between B'rith (Berith) and Diath
Examination interpretation using stereotypical covenant theology versus the testamental exegesis of Lutherans, especially in Pauline writings.
Cranach Institute
A research and educational arm of Concordia University Wisconsin working out implications of the Lutheran doctrine of vocation and engaging contemporary culture with the Lutheran confessions.
Dead? Wounded? Or Merely Uniformed?
Examines Lutheran understanding of salvation by grace through faith by defining terms and comparing with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and of Charles Finney.
Doctrinal Issues
Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod brief writings on Baptism, Lord's Supper, forgiveness and confession of sins, salvation, heaven and hell, creeds, the Bible, and prayer.
Free Will and Salvation
Comparison of freedom of choice in Erasmus' philosophy versus Luther's theology of the bondage of the will.
Gospel, Baptism, Eucharist, Absolution
Short study showing the Christian's need for the fullness of the means of grace.
Holy Ordination in the Church
Defines and examines what it is to be ordained, seeing how it confesses the doctrine of the Holy Ministry, and using historical sources.
Jesus, Mary and Martin
A Confessional Lutheran view on mariology and the Blessed Virgin. Explains difference between using "Protestant" and "Evangelical-Catholic" as labels for Lutherans.
Justification and Deification
Dialogue between the Tübingen Theologians and Patriarch Jeremias II.
Kelly, Robert: Articles and Opinions
Professor of Systematic Theology at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary writes on A Brief Theology of Baptism, Lutheran Identity in a "Pluralistic" Context, and Some Thoughts on Ordination.
LCMS Official Position on Church and Ministry
A number of papers dealing with the doctrinal interrelationship of Church and the Pastoral Office in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod from a perspective of lay oversight and final authority.
Luther Academy
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of genuine confessional Lutheran theology and research.
Luther Land
Confessional Lutheran essays including "Who is God," "Intro to Lutheran Theology," and "Gems of Lutheran Theology"; book and music reviews.
Luther's Devotion to Mary
Discussion of the Reformer's Marian understanding and its place in modern Lutheranism.
Luther's Little Instruction Book
The Small Catechism, R.E. Smith translation.
Lutheran Renewal
Promoting acceptance of special experiences of the presence of the Holy Spirit among individuals and churches through prayer, worship, retreats, and conferences.
Lutheran Theology
Compendium of basic Lutheran texts and commentaries. Also original essays in Confessional Lutheran theology by Rector David Jay Webber of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Lutheran Theological Seminary in Ternopil', Ukraine.
Mary: A Model of Faith and Faithfulness
Seeks to describe an understanding and honoring of the Virgin between Roman Catholic veneration and Protestant ignoring or belittling of the Mother of God.
Original Sin, Justification, and Sanctification
Explores loss of righteousness in the fall of Adam and its inheritance in all humanity. Teaches that if this is not properly understood, then forgiveness, holiness, and the Christian life are misinterpreted.
Ronald Feuerhahn writes on the subjectivism of this 17th century theology and its continuing influence on Lutheran thought.
Reason and the Two Kingdoms
Analysis and treatment of Luther's understanding of reason as a "whore" in matters of faith.
Renewal in Missouri
Promoting Lutheran acceptance of charismatic practice in the LCMS and the LC-C.
Saved By God
Don Matzat defends divine monergism, promoting the absoluteness of salvation by the cross of Christ, by the Gospel, and by faith and identifying these all as the same work.
Tell Your Women Who They Are
Emily Carder of the LCMS challenges assumptions of feminism and the men the Lutheran Church, encouraging them to teach and model male headship according to Scripture and the Confessions.
The Disappearing Ghost
Examination of why the term Holy Spirit has replaced Holy Ghost in contemporary usage and the difference it can make in understanding of the Third Person of the Trinity.
The Doctrine of the Means of Grace
Differentiates among Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Reformed understanding of the proclamation and apprehension of the Gospel.
The Experience of Christ's Real Presence in F
Argument for acceptance of Charismatic theology in mainstream Lutheranism, based in part on understanding of Christ's presence in the Lord's Supper.
The Nature of a True State of Confession
Defines and applies the ecclesial term "status confessiones," especially as it applies to the actions of a church body.
The Role of Women in The Church
Theses from the LC-C examining Biblical and Lutheran confessional evidence, church history and tradition. Includes headship and subordination, priesthood, church offices and government, and the pastoral office.
Total Depravity
Interview of John Warwick Montgomergy examines original sin and the extent of human inability to cooperate with God.
Treatise on Good Works
M. Reu's translation of Martin Luther's writing defining what actions are truly pleasing to God and examining their necessity for salvation.
What Lutherans Believe
Linked to the full text of the Book of Concord and to the varied theological writings of Dr. A. L. Barry, president of The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod.