english deutsch
A Lutheran Stance Toward Contemporary Bible Studie
Commission on Theology and Church Relationships of the LCMS examination of hermeneutics in the light of historical-critical scholarship.
Being a Man of God
Attributes and actions of the Christian.
Bible Correspondence Course: Viet Nam
Eight Vietnamese language courses with additional materials in English or French from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Book of Jude
Background and author information with examination of the text.
Books of the Way
Online Scripture studies, sermon helps, Bible helps and inspirational short stories. Includes topic, text, psalm and hymns for both Christian Worship and Lutheran Hymnal.
Cleansing of the Temple Passages
Examines whether Christ cleansed the Jerusalem temple once or twice, and the circumstances, prophetic foreshadowing, and implications of this act.
eBible Commentary
Online interactive study of Scriptures and Biblical languages featuring Lutheran pastors and professors using voice communication software. Annual subscription fee.
Galatians: Martin Luther Commentary
Public domain HTML transcription of Project Wittenberg text of the Theodore Graebner abridged translation of the 1538 volume. Divided into twelve sections with translator's notes.
God Speaks To Us
Online study in 16 lessons with quizzes for each lesson and a glossary.
ILCW Lectionary Bible Studies
Detailed analyses of pericopes from the three-year cycle of readings, based on the original languages, and presented in Adobe PDF format.
What it is and what the Bible says about it.
Lutheran Braille Workers
Providing braille and large-print Bibles and Christian reading materials to the blind and visually impaired of the world.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Bible Study
Topics, Christian lists, links to Lutheran theology and historical documents.
Examination of what it is and isn't and how the Christian responds and resists.
The Bible Tutor
Intended to strengthen basic knowledge of Biblical structure and content through independent study and interactive self testing. Online with expanded CD-ROM for sale from Luther Seminary.
The Holy Bible
Scripture study on the Holy Scriptures, letting them say what they are.