Bible Study
A Lutheran Stance Toward Contemporary Bible Studie, Being a Man of God, Bible Correspondence Course: Viet Nam, Book of Jude, Books of the Way, Cleansing of the Temple Passages, eBible Commentary, Galatians: Martin Luther Commentary, God Speaks To Us, ILCW Lectionary Bible Studies
A Shot at Inclusive Language
Essay against gender neutral language or turning masculine nouns into male and female compounds in Scripture translation. Uses arguments against feminism and original languages and context of the Bible to state a case.
An Open Letter on Translating
English translation of letter of Dr. Martin Luther in reply to inquiry concerning criticism of his translating of the Bible.
Biblical Theology and the Analogy of Faith
Critical evaluation of a major Lutheran hermeneutical principle. Argues that the Analogy destroys sola scriptura.
Die Bibel: Martin Luther Translation
A searchable site of the original German translation of the Bible.
Does the Bible Matter?
Article in The Lutheran on authority of the Scriptures and ways of studying them with guide and related articles.
Luther and Inerrancy
Archived discussion on the reformer's understanding of the inspiration and veracity of Scripture.
Luther Bible
Search engine from the University of Chicago ARTFL Project.
Lutherans Interested in the Bible and Related Anti
LIBRA, an organization of confessional Lutheran scholars joined to uphold the classical Lutheran interpretation of Holy Scripture by means of activities which shed light on the historical context of the biblical text.
Messianic Prophecy
Dr. Andrew Bartelt gives the characteristics and shows some of the fulfillments of Old Testament predictions of the coming of the Christ.
Sermon Study Notes
Studies and comments based on the three year lectionary for Lutheran pastors and church workers. Written by Professor Harry Buls.
The Doctrine of Holy Scripture in the Lutheran Con
Statements from the Book of Concord as to how the reformers and confessors viewed the Bible.
The Great Premillennial Hoax
Don Matzat examines and opposes a literal, earthly thousand year reign of Christ before the end of the world, offering a Lutheran alternative.
The New Testament: Which Text?
Argument for accepting the Received or Majority Text rather than later critical constructions.