Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Synodical
List of synods featuring links to synodical office sites.
Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod (ELCA)
Official synodical office site.
Minneapolis Area Synod (ELCA)
Official site of the largest synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Statistics, ways to locate churches and pastors, news items, calendar.
Northeastern Minnesota Synod (ELCA)
Official site. Covers the Arrowhead plus parts of north central and east central Minnesota. Photos and profiles of synod staff, bimonthly newsletter (in PDF), links to online congregations.
Saint Paul Area Synod (ELCA)
Official site. Some statistics, events calendar, photo directory and profiles of synod staff, vision statement.
Southeastern Minnesota Synod (ELCA)
The Southeastern Minnesota Synod official site offers resources for congregations, congressional leadership, clergy.
Southeastern Synod (ELCA)
Official synodical office site serving congregations in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee.
Southeastern Synod (ELCA) - Ebenezer Conference
Lutherans in Coastal Georgia congregational directory, programs and faith statements.
Upper Susquehanna Synod (ELCA)
Official site for synod with headquarters in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.