english deutsch
CLC Schools
Luther Memorial School, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (CL, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran School, Austi, St. Stephen Lutheran School, Mountain View, Califo
ELCA Schools
Advent Lutheran Elementary and Middle School, Boca, Bethel Lutheran School, University City, Missouri , Gethsemane Lutheran School, Maplewood, Minnesota (, Lafayette Lutheran School, Louisiana (ELCA), Laurel Hall School, North Hollywood, California, Martin Luther Christian School, Stoughton, Wiscons, St. John's Christian Day School, Brooklyn, Ma, Trinity Lutheran School, Kissimmee, Florida (ELCA), Trinity Lutheran School, Newport News, Virginia (E
LC-MS Schools
California, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Christ Lutheran School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Concordia Lutheran School, Conover, North Carolina, First Lutheran School, Knoxville, Tennessee, Grace Lutheran School, Huntsville, Alabama, Immanuel Lutheran School, Columbus, Nebraska, Martin Luther School, Bismarck, North Dakota, Mount Olive Lutheran School, Miami, Oklahoma, Our Shepherd School, Indianapolis, Indiana, Pilgrim Lutheran School and Child Development Cent, St. John Lutheran School, Massillon, Ohio
WELS Schools
Christ Lutheran School, North St. Paul, Minnesota , Emanuel Lutheran School, New London, Wisconsin (WE, Garden Homes Lutheran School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Grace Lutheran School, Sandy, Utah (WELS), Immanuel Lutheran School, Manitowoc, Wisconsin (W, Lord and Savior Evangelical Lutheran School, Chrys, Morning Star Lutheran School, Jackson, Wisconsin (, Our Savior's Lutheran School, Longmont, Color, Prince of Peace Lutheran School, Salt Lake City, U, Salem Lutheran School, Stillwater, Minnesota (WELS
Christ Lutheran Schools, Kitchener - Waterloo, Ont
Includes contacts, location, academic program, and tuition information for both primary and high school programs, kindergarten to Grade 12 (OAC).
Christ Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska
Information on elementary, pre-school and day care with calendar, programs and curriculum, location and contacts.
Good News Lutheran School, Middle Park, Queensland
Private co-educational school. Information includes pre-school to year 7 academic calendar, events calendar, history, extra-curricular activities, staff profile, faith and mission statements.
Martin Luther School, Phoenix, Arizona
Contains history, curriculum guide, mission and ministry information, facilities description, location, and contacts.
Our Saviour Lutheran School, Chicago, Illinois
School includes full day preschool and Kindergarten to eighth grade. Before and after school care program available. Includes location, contacts, youth activities and faculty profile.
Parkland Lutheran School, Tacoma, Washington (ELS)
Includes information about school facilities and programs for pre-Kindergarten to eighth grade, contacts, tuition, school policies and enrollment process.
Peace Lutheran School, Holiday, Florida
Includes registration and contacts information for school academic program from kindergarten through eighth grade.
Portland Lutheran School, Portland, Oregon
Includes academic program for kindergarten to Grade 8, fees, mission statements, and contacts.