Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fairfield,
Includes Worship schedule, faith statements, events and activities calendar, location with map, scout news, contacts, and links.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, South Dakota
Contains Worship schedule, event calendar, driving directions, ministries, weekly devotion, contacts.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Bellevue, Washington (
Includes Worship schedule, pastoral message, history, calendar, service and fellowship opportunities, faith statements, sermon archive, devotional material, newsletter, location with map, contacts, and links.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Creve Coeur, Missouri
Includes Worship schedule, fellowship and activities calendar, study opportunities, youth page, location, and contacts.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Lincolnton, North Caro
Includes Worship schedule, pastoral message, history, calendar, service and fellowship opportunities, faith statements, sermon archive, prayer list, devotional material, newsletter, location with map, contacts, and links. News, chat, and worship times.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Livonia, Michigan (ELC
Contains Worship times, history, bulletin and newsletter, ministry descriptions, service and fellowship opportinities, photos, location with map, and contacts.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Maple Lake, Minnesota
Worship schedule, mission statement, map, description of education programs.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Mountain Home, Arkansa
Includes Worship times, events and fellowship opportunities, location, contacts and links.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Oakdale, Minnesota (EL
Contains Worship schedule, staff directory, calendar, newsletter, location, and contacts.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Omaha, Nebraska (ELCA)
Contains worship times, pastoral message, history, events calendar, mission and ministry outline, location, and contacts.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Salem, Oregon (ELCA)
Worship times, location, contact details, outreach ministries, and opportunities for fellowship.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, South Dak
Includes Worship schedule, pastoral message, history, calendar, service and fellowship opportunities, faith statements, sermon archive, devotional material, newsletter, location with map, contacts, and links.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Springfield, New Jerse
Includes worship schedule, pastoral blog, calendar, ministry opportunities, devotional material, nursery school and kindergarten information, location with map, contacts, and links.