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Agreka Books, Amberlin Books, Brass Lamp Publishers, Cedar Fort, Covenant Communications Inc., Gibbs Smith, Greg Kofford Books, Horizon Publishers & Distributors, Mapletree Publishing Company, Signature Books
Book of Mormon Lands
Phyllis Carol Olive's geographical profile of the area around Hill Cumorah in western New York as Nephite and Lamanite homelands. Also The Lost Tribes of the Book of Mormon assert relation to the Mound Builders of 500 BC - 400 AD.
Chapman's Family Bookstore
Books, games, music, scriptures, and embossing services. Located in New Hampshire, online catalog available.
Confetti Antiques & Books
Specializes in rare, out-of-print, used, secondhand, and other hard-to-find books.
Deseret Book
Offering a large collection of LDS products including a searchable inventory database. Also has a wide range of LDS information.
FAIR LDS Bookstore
An academic collection of books and journals on Mormonism, apologetics, scripture, and religious studies.
George Washington Taggart's Rare Mormon Books
Listing of used books for sale and books wanted. Online auctions, Mountain Meadows Massacre reading list, and links to publishers.
HammerheadIII Books
Specializing in used, rare, and out-of-print books written by church leaders. Offers product information and related links.
Kindness to Animals and Caring for the Earth
Statements and stories from Church leaders, scholars, historians, and frontiersmen.
Latter-day Family Resources
Provides personally reviewed resources, homeschooling curriculum, books, music, scrapbooking supplies, and herbs.
Latter-day Harvest
Discount online bookstore.
Latter-day Saint Books
Large offering of new, used, out-of-print, and rare Mormoniana from Sam Weller's Zion Bookstore.
LDS Books
Offers a selection of titles covering history, doctrine, classics, fiction, preparedness, and children's books. Also offers software, music, genealogy materials, and missionary gift ideas.
LDS Scripture Covers
Scripture covers to protect your Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.
"Think about it... Why Should I be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?" Police stories written by officer Samuel Jeppsen.
Little Lit
Sells kits to make cloth activity books based on scripture.
Moby Books
Family bookstore located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Carries a full line of products.
Mormons on the Internet
By LauraMaery Gold. Information about prior and upcoming versions. Also website index and submission information.
Morning Star Books
Laramie, Wyoming-based bookstore.
Odysseys of the Saints
Historical fiction co-authored non-member father and daughter, Joseph Friedman and Dr. Carol T.F. Bennett.
Prophecy, Ancient History, and Mormonism
Books by Anthony E. Larson on apocolyptic themes.
Seagull Book And Tape
Discount bookstore chain, primarily located in Utah.
The Light of the Morning
Elaine Stienon's book covering early Church history through the journals of the people involved. Order and shipping information, e-mail subscription for free copy of Sidney Rigdon section.