english deutsch
Offers information on her religion, work and family.
Lajeunesse Family
Includes information about their military adventures, children (including the child they lost), and their beliefs.
Larson Family
Mike and Juliann, with their children, in-laws and grandchildren Laurie, Russell, Nanette, Scott, Jaclyn, Josh, Jacob, Nathan, Kaylin, Jason, Andrea, Evan, Tracy, Julielyn and Adam.
Larson, Chris
Consists of information about his sporting activities and the church.
Larson, Wade and Stacie
Has links to pages about twins and mothers of twins and about the LDS church.
Laub, Michael and Megan
Live in Boise where Michael attends Boise State University and Megan works at MicronPC.
Laws Family
Paul is married to Becky. they have four children, Anyse, Miranda, David, and Joli. Their home page includes information about homeschooling.
Leach, Larry and Silvia
Family bios, photos, and genealogy information for Texidor and Leach lines.
Leigh, Allen
Book reviews; essays on Mormonism, parenting skills, abortion, and Christ; wheat recipes; and testimonies of people that have visited the site.
Lindsay, Jeff
Writings on various subjects, including LDS apologetics and education. Also includes a variety of links.
Look Upward
Gathered information about the Last Days, and an admonition to look upward for the City of Enoch, rather than backward to the city of Independence.