english deutsch
Cappeli, Ron
A collection of thoughts, reflections and perspectives on various gospel subjects.
Carroll, James L.
Research on the truth of the Mormon church and how temples play into the plan of salvation. Site includes information on the sybolism of the temple.
Chamberlin, Sandy
Includes information on Sandy, genealogy, and Composite Cluster B Disorder(CCBD).
Chrislip, Matthew D.
Website and graphic designer from New York. Includes profile, portfolio, and resume.
Clegg, Carl
Includes Sunday School reading schedules from 1997 and 1998 and other church information.
Cleverly, Michael
Former missionary in Brazil gives information on his personal soapbox, including junk mail and credit card offers.
Conrad, Anna
Contains information on sewing, quilting and smocking.
Covalt, Roger
Offers a personal biography and links.
Crawford Family
Focuses on their beliefs in the LDS church and interest in amateur/HAM radio.
Crowder, Ben
Biographical information, weblog, and personal writings.
Cunningham Family
Family member biographies, recent events and special features of the Scott and Kris Cunningham family of Three Lakes, Wisconsin.