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Barron Family
Wendy and Tim were married in the Manti temple, and have adopted two children from Vietnam. Features photos, adoptive family information and humor.
Bates Family
Information about various family outings, genealogy, and religious beliefs.
Baumann, Timothy
Collection of quotes from LDS leaders on the proper role of government.
Beardall, Bill
Gospel Doctrine lesson helps, and Last Days weather and natural disasters watch. Also pages for daughters Brittany and Danielle.
Beatty Family
Contains photos with celebrities, MCSE training links, and other interests of Brad and his wife.
Bellows, Kylene
Includes a photo album and links.
Blalock, Spencer
Brief biography and related links.
Bolton, Chris
Provides information in interests and his family. Also provides LDS essays.
Bosley, Ted and Rita
Contains biographical information and a list of links.
Bowden Family
Information on the church, homeschooling and education ideals.
Bowie, David
Information about him, his family, his interests, and other various links.
Brazil, Eduardo
Includes curriculum vitae, family information and links.
BrightFeather's Funny Farm
Provides guestbook.
Bringhurst, Jason and Jennifer
Offers guestbook, photo album and family background.
Brown Family
Information on family history and temple work.
Brown, Lisle G.
Links to some online resources and original writings on LDS themes.
Brown, Peter
An LDS fan of heavy metal music. Includes pictures and songs that he's written.
Buchanan, Joseph F.
Works for the University of Utah TACC. Provides course information and various links.
Buchanan, Nathan
Includes educational history, information about his mission, and music related links.