Black Theology vs. Feminist Theology
1974 article by Ruether, published in Christianity and Crisis, has some criticism for both parties.
Bridging the Gap
Article by Ruether debunks the myth that "progressive" equals "secular."
Comments from a Christian Perspective on Religion
1994 article asks whether religion is really a problem to be swept under the carpet.
Outline by Ruether. From Open Eye magazine. Plain text, appears to have some scanner errors.
Ecojustice at the Center of the Church's Miss
1999 article by Ruether states that an individualistic view of salvation which ignores society and the redemption of creation is unbiblical.
Rosemary Radford Ruether
Biographical essay and examination of her theology by Grant D. Miller, bibliography, "quick notes" by Mark Mann. From the Dictionary of Modern Western Theology.
Rosemary Radford Ruether: Deconstructing Family Va
Celebrated feminist shares her insights about the future of women, families, and the earth and how we can all participate in a more sustainable theology. Interview by Alan Jones, in RealAudio.
Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology by
Highlights from this 1983 book, presented by Sunshine for Women.
Sojourners Magazine Articles by Rosemary Radford R
Bibliography with brief excerpts. Full text of some articles is available online.