An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Letter to the Duke of Norfolk, On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine, The Idea of a University
Tracts for the Times
Tract 1: Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission, Tract 2: The Catholic Church, Tract 10: Heads of a Week-Day Lecture, Delivered t, Tract 11: The Visible Church, Letters 1 and 2, Tract 15: On the Apostolical Succession in the Eng, Tract 19: On Arguing Concerning the Apostolical Su, Tract 20: The Visible Church, Letter 3, Tract 21: Mortification of the Flesh a Scripture D, Tract 31: The Reformed Church, Tract 33: Primitive Episcopacy
Cyber Hymnal: John Henry Newman
Six hymn texts or translations, including "Lead, Kindly Light" for which John Bacchus Dykes composed the tune "Lux Benigna." Portrait, historical background, lyrics, MIDI files and NoteWorthy Composer score for suggested tunes.
Faith and Private Judgement
A provocative sermon on the virtue of faith, from "Discourses to Mixed Congregations".
Surrender to God
From "Discourses to Mixed Congregations". A sermon preached at St. Chad's Cathedral on the first Sunday in Lent of 1848. About mortification.
The Dream of Gerontius
A poetical work. Includes "Firmly I believe and truly" as well as "Praise to the Holiest in the height." In plain text, HTML (uses Unicode), or Adobe Acrobat format. With portraits of Newman.
The Parting of Friends
One of Newman's most famous sermons, and his last as an Anglican. Preached 25 September, 1843, at Littlemore.
The Pillar of the Cloud
A poem by Newman, included in The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse.
The Second Spring
A remarkably moving sermon about the reorganization of the English hierarchy, preached before the bishops at the First Provincial Synod of Westminster, 13 July, 1852.
The Stations of the Cross
The "longer" stations, written in 1860. With notes by Roger J. Smith.
The Stations of the Cross
The "shorter" Newman stations, from his "Meditations and Devotions", published 1893.
The Theory of Developments in Religious Doctrine
The last of Newman's University Sermons, delivered in 1843. The roles of faith and reason, the limitations of language, the purpose of dogma, are all explored in this brilliant lecture, undergirded by a keen understanding of human psychology.