The History of King Richard III (Excerpt), The History of King Richard the Third, Utopia, Utopia, Utopia, Utopia, Utopia
A Father for All Seasons
Essay on Thomas More as a model Christian father.
A Kinder, Gentler Republic: The Effects of Plato&a
An academic paper, by H. Solomon Poretsky.
BBC History: Sir Thomas More
Biographical essay on the lawyer, writer, statesman, Chancellor of England.
Bold Type: Peter Ackroyd
Excerpt from Ackroyd's biography of Sir Thomas More, and an interview of the author.
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Thomas More
Biographical article on the Lord Chancellor of England, and martyr. Beheaded 1535.
Catholic Online: St. Thomas More
Biographical portrait of the martyr.
Catholic Pages: St Thomas More
Short biographical sketch.
Columbia Encyclopedia: More, Sir Thomas
Short biographical article.
For All the Saints: Thomas More
Biographical sketch, with excerpts from More's writings.
Franciscan and Other Saints: St. Thomas More
Short, pious hagiography of the Third Order Franciscan.
Great Voyages: Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
Part of a course at Oregon State University on the history of Western philosophy. Portrait of More, brief biography, timeline, links, bibliography.
Henry W. Targowski: Sir Thomas More
Timeline, links.
Ideas and Society, 1500-1700: Sir Thomas More
Portrait, short biography, photograph of a page from More's Dialogue on the Veneration and Worship of Images.
Kim Dyer: Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
Short biography.
Mark P. Shea: St. Thomas More
More is proof that even lawyers can get to heaven.
Meeting Sir Thomas More
Winner of an essay contest for teens. John Griffin tells why, if he could travel through time to meet someone, it would be More.
Muriel Mirak-Wiessbach: St. Thomas More
Speech presented to a Schiller Institute conference. Delves into More's idea of law and his ideal of the king.
Patron Saints Index: Thomas More
Illustrated profile, with links. Also a reading from a letter that More wrote to his beloved daughter Margaret while he was in prison.
Proclaiming Saint Thomas More Patron of Statesmen
Apostolic letter, issued motu proprio, by Pope John Paul II. Includes biographical information on the saint, lauded even in his own lifetime as a model of moral integrity and devotion to justice.
Saint Sir Thomas More
Essay on why this sixteenth-century statesman is a saint for our time.
Saint Thomas More, Martyr, Chancellor of England
From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
Sir Thomas More & the Renaissance
Unit from a course at Austin College. Lecture notes.
Sir Thomas More and His The History of King Richar
From the Richard III Society, American Branch.
Sir Thomas More and the Art of Dialogue
Ph.D. dissertation by Romuald Ian Lakowski, analyzing the structures of four works by Sir Thomas More: The History of Richard III, the 'Dialogue of Counsel' in Book I of Utopia, The Dialogue Concerning Heresies, and The Dialogue of Comfort in Tribulation.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church: Thomas More
Portrait, short biography.
St. Thomas More Catholic Parish: Our Patron, St. T
Biographical sketch of their patron saint.
The Facts About Thomas More
Bullet list. Suited to teenagers.
The History Guide: Sir Thomas More, 1478-1535
Portrait and short biography of the English statesman. Also, Erasmus's description of More.
The King's Good Servant, but God's Serva
Ladyhawk would like everyone to know that Sir Thomas More was sainted not only for his death, but for his life.
The Life of Sir Thomas More
By William Roper, More's son-in-law. 117K.
The Life of Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
Hypertext biography of the Renaissance English author and Catholic martyr. At Luminarium.
The Man for All Seasons
A review of Peter Ackroyd's book "The Life of Thomas More."
The St. Thomas More Web Site
Links to texts, courses, biographies, organizations, and images.
The Story of Thomas More
Complete online text of the book by John Farrow. With portrait.
The Trial of Sir Thomas More, 1535
An online account of the trial and execution, from the World Wide Legal Information Association.
Thomas More
Topics include educational societies and research functions related to More, and biographical material.
Thomas More & His Utopia
Profile of the quintessential "Renaissance man" and English humanist.
Thomas More the Saint
Page for children tells about his life, and what he was like.
Tudor Citizens: Sir Thomas More
Two portraits, curriculum vitae, links, and a biographical essay on perhaps the most famous victim of Henry VIII's perverse judicial policies.
University of Surrey Catholic Society: Our Patron,
Portrait, biographical profile, "Prayer of St. Thomas More," links.
Utopia as Mirror for a Life and Times
Keynote speech by biographer Richard Marius from 1995 conference.
What Is Literature?: More, Sir Thomas
Brief biography.
What politicians can learn from Thomas More
Lessons from the life of a sixteenth-century lawyer.