Amantissimi Redemptoris, Amantissimus, Apostolicae Nostrae Caritatis, Beneficia Dei, Cum nuper, Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia, Etsi multa, Exultavit cor nostrum, Graves ac diuturnae, Gravibus Ecclesiae Pius IX
Brief biographical profile of Pio Nono.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Pope Pius IX
Biography of this pope, who died in 1878.
Columbia Encyclopedia: Pius IX
Short biography of this nineteenth-century pontiff.
Office of Papal Liturgical Celebrations: Pope Pius
Biographical article published in L'Osservatore Romano, 6 September 2000, and Pope John Paul II's homily at the beatification.
Patron Saints Index: Pius IX
Illustrated profile. Includes a list of people he beatified or canonized.
Popes Through the Ages: Pius IX
Short account of his pontificate.
The Beatification of Pope Pius IX
No one doubts that Pius IX was a dedicated churchman. But he does not have a popular cultus. Article wonders aloud which quality of his predecessor it is that Pope John Paul II is holding up for emulation. [America]