english deutsch
A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and of the Brideg, Ascent of Mount Carmel, Counsels to a Religious, Dark Night of the Soul, Sayings of Light and Love, The Dark Night, The Living Flame of Love, The Spiritual Canticle
A Spiritual Director for All Time for All
Excerpt from the book Spiritual Direction & Spiritual Directors, dealing with the teachings of Saint John of the Cross.
Carmelite Studies VI
An entire issue dedicated to John of the Cross. Now out of print, but the full text of these scholarly essays is available online.
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. John of the Cross
Article on the life and teaching of this Discalced Carmelite associated with St. Teresa of Avila. Mystic, Doctor of the Church, d. 1591.
Catholic Online: St. John of the Cross
Reflection on the life of this saint, by Terry Matz.
For All the Saints: John of the Cross
General Introduction to the Collected Works of St.
By Kieran Kavanaugh. From the 1991 edition. Includes biographical information.
John of the Cross, Friar, Reformer, Poet, Mystic
Biographical sketch. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
John of the Cross, Saint
Biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia. With short bibliography.
Kurt F. Reinhardt: St. John of the Cross
Essay on why John of the Cross is truly a saint for our age.
Master in the Faith
Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II for the Fourth Centenary of the Death of St. John of the Cross. Given 14 December, 1990.
Mysticism in World Religions: John of the Cross
Very brief biographical profile, quotations.
Patron Saints Index: John of the Cross
Illustrated profile.
Sacred Heart Parish: St. John of the Cross
Short biography.
Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the
Brief illustrated biography, with prayer.
St. John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Brief biography with links to translations of "Ascent of Mount Carmel," "Dark Night of the Soul," and "Spiritual Canticle of the Soul."
Teresian Carmel in Austria: John of the Cross
Illustrated biography.
The Ecole Glossary: John of the Cross
Short biography, by Emily K.C. Strand.
The Metaphysics of Mysticism
A commentary on the mystical philosophy of St. John of the Cross, by Geoffrey K. Mondello. An examination of epistemological issues.
Thomas Merton: St. John of the Cross
Essay on the saint's character and teaching, from the book "Saints for Now," edited by Clare Boothe Luce.