english deutsch
Ad Petri Cathedram
On Truth, Unity and Peace, in a Spirit of Charity. John XXIII's first encyclical. Promulgated 29 June, 1959.
Aeterna Dei Sapientia
On St. Leo the Great. Encyclical of Pope John XXIII promulgated on 11 November, 1961.
Full text of all of John XXIII's encyclicals, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each chapter in its own file.
Grata Recordatio
On the Rosary. Encyclical promulgated 26 September, 1959.
Mater et Magistra
Christianity and Social Progress. Deplores the arms race and addresses the economic disparity between nations. Encyclical promulgated 15 May, 1961.
Meditation for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Brief reflection on how Francis followed Christ, and the implications for us.
Meditation for the Feast of the Guardian Angels
Excerpts. Published 2 October, 1959.
Pacem in Terris
Peace on Earth. Catholic social teaching. Peace must be based on rights and responsibilities. First encyclical addressed to all people, not only Christians. Promulgated 11 April, 1963.
Paenitentiam Agere
On Penance. Encyclical promulgated 1 July, 1962.
Princeps Pastorum
On the Missions. Encyclical promulgated 28 November, 1959.
Sacerdotii Nostri Primordia
Encyclical on St. John Vianney, promulgated 1 August, 1959.