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A Catholic Page for Lovers: Blessed Francis Xavier
An introduction to this Redemptorist missionary to the United States.
American Wonderworker
Lengthy biographical article on the Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos.
Blessed Francis X. Seelos
Portrait, biography, and prayer.
Father Francis Seelos to be beatified Jan. 27
News article on the Redemptorist priest from Bavaria who spent the final year of his life in New Orleans, where he succumbed to yellow fever. [Clarion Herald]
Francesco Saverio Seelos (1819-1867)
Biography of the Redemptorist missionary, and papal homily at his beatification.
Francis X. Seelos
Short biographical article on the missionary priest.
Francis Xavier Seelos
Illustrated profile, with links.
Mystics and Martyrs: Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
Brief profile, with portraits.
The Redemptorists, Denver Province: Blessed Franci
Brief biography.
The Seelos Center
Located in New Orleans. Information on the center, Father Seelos, and his cause for canonization.