A Saint from New York: Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton
Long and pious hagiography, from a Feeneyite perspective.
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Biography of the founder of the Sisters of Charity in the United States.
Catholic Online: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Biographical portrait of the first native-born American to be canonized.
Dave Kopel: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Biography of Mother Seton, with numerous links.
Domestic Church: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Three accounts: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult.
Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
Fairly long biographical essay.
Elizabeth Bayley Seton
Illustrated biography.
National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Brief biography and a timeline, from the saint's national shrine in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
One Year Book of Saints: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Brief biography, by Clifford Stevens.
Patron Saints Index: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Illustrated profile, with links.
Saint Elizabeth Seton
Explores the life of Mother Seton. With lots of links.
Saints' Lives: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Short biography, by Ed LoPresti. With bibliography.
Seton Heritage
Includes a biography, timeline, list of religious congregations that trace their origins to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and links.
Seton, Saint Elizabeth Ann
Short biography in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School: St. Elizabeth
Brief biography of the school's patron saint.
Suite101.Com: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
How a young widow with five children became the first canonized saint born in the United States.
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Elizabet
The story of her "life full of surprises." Suitable for children.