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A Saint from New York: Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton
Long and pious hagiography, from a Feeneyite perspective.
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Biography of the founder of the Sisters of Charity in the United States.
Catholic Online: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Biographical portrait of the first native-born American to be canonized.
Dave Kopel: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Biography of Mother Seton, with numerous links.
Domestic Church: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Three accounts: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult.
Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
Fairly long biographical essay.
Elizabeth Bayley Seton
Illustrated biography.
National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Brief biography and a timeline, from the saint's national shrine in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
One Year Book of Saints: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Brief biography, by Clifford Stevens.
Patron Saints Index: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Illustrated profile, with links.
Saint Elizabeth Seton
Explores the life of Mother Seton. With lots of links.
Saints' Lives: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Short biography, by Ed LoPresti. With bibliography.
Seton Heritage
Includes a biography, timeline, list of religious congregations that trace their origins to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and links.
Seton, Saint Elizabeth Ann
Short biography in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
St. Elizabeth Bayley Seton
Short biography, by Todd Drain.
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School: St. Elizabeth
Brief biography of the school's patron saint.
Suite101.Com: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
How a young widow with five children became the first canonized saint born in the United States.
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Elizabet
The story of her "life full of surprises." Suitable for children.