Blessed Edmund Rice (1762-1844)
Short biography, from St. Thomas of Canterbury College, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Blessed Edmund Rice House
At Damascus College, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Biography of the founder of the Christian Brothers, for whom the house is named.
Brother Rice Province: Blessed Edmund Rice
Brief illustrated biography, from Christian Brothers province in the western United States.
Diocese of Waterford and Lismore: Blessed Edmund I
Illustrated biography.
Edmund Ignatius Rice
Biographical article on the founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (better known as the Irish Christian Brothers). In the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Edmund Rice Ethos
Biographical profile and prayer, from Aquinas College, Perth, Western Australia.
Edmund Rice Primary School: Blessed Edmund Rice
School in Tramore, County Waterford, Ireland, presents a biography of Edmund Rice, and the story of his beatification.
Edmund Rice--Founder
Biographical information from St Mary's Province of the Christian Brothers, Australia.
Iona College: Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice
Brief biography, timeline, prayers related to Bl. Edmund, bibliography.
Lost Orders
Feature story on Bl. Edmund Rice and the founding of the Christian Brothers. From BBC Religion & Ethics.
Philosophy and Ethos
Two projects on Edmund Rice undertaken by first-year students at St Aidan's, Whitehall, Dublin, Ireland.
St Francis Xavier Province: Blessed Edmund Rice
Brief illustrated biography, from an Australian province of the Christian Brothers.
St. Anselm's College: Blessed Edmund Rice
Brief biographical sketch, from school in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England.
Tampa Catholic High School: Blessed Edmund Rice
Br. Damian McCullagh offers an introduction to the life of Bl. Edmund.
The Edmund Rice Homepage
Br. Peter Hardiman presents an essay on Edmund Rice as a businessman, and thoughts on Edmund in relation to Celtic spirituality.
The Founder of the Christian Brothers
Brief illustrated biography of Bl. Edmund Rice, courtesy of Scoil Eoin, Athy, County Kildare, Ireland.
The Story
Illustrated biography of Bl. Edmund Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers. Includes photographs of significant places in his life, and an explanation of an icon. From the Edmund Rice Ireland Network.
The Story of Edmund
Short illustrated biography, from the Edmund Rice Family Network, New Zealand.