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Annulment or Decree of Nullity, Annulment vs. Divorce: Early Church vs. Eastern Or, Annulment: Roots of a Growing problem, a Rebuttal, Annulment: Roots of a Growing problem, Annulments in America, Determining Grounds of Nullity, Marriage Annulment and the Procedures of the Tribu, Marriage Annulment Information, One Thing Leads to Another, The End of the Annulment Explosion
Christian Marriage and Christian Ministry
What Christian spouses do in their mutual life is Christian ministry. Michael G. Lawler expands the thought to the point of understanding.
Guidelines for the Sacrament of Marriage
A description of the concerns which a couple to be married should consider before getting married, from a Catholic perspective.
Holy Matrimony
A Bible based presentation on marriage, from "The Catholic FAQ."
Learn More About Marriage
There are four web sites and a series of questions and answers available on this web page about Marriage treated as a vocation as well as a Sacrament.
Love, Marriage and Annullement
Articles include: Changes in the outlook on marriage since the second Vatican Council, the understanding of marriage, its permanence, and a brief look at annulment.
Marriage in God's Plan
The full treatment of the teaching of the Catholic Church on Matrimony, from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, articles 1602 - 1666.
The Call to Holiness in Christian Marriage
Thomas N. and Kathleen Fischer Hart explain how married life appears ordinary, yet it is where Jesus obeyed the Father and is the context for a couple's growth in Christian holiness.
The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Here are six articles on Marriage, role models, love, marriage and the Catholic Wedding, and the Sacrament.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
This document from the Council of Trent presents a Canon of 12 anathemas in refutation of the heretics of those days on the question of Matrimony.
What is a Christian or Catholic Marriage?
Testimonials about Marriage, from interviews of lay parish leaders, mostly Catholic.