O'Reilly, Edmund (Archbishop of Armagh)
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
Odilia, Saint
Patroness of Alsace, d. 720, founded the convent of Hohenburg.
Odo of Cambrai, Blessed
Benedictine abbot, bishop of Cambrai, exiled for political reasons, d. 1113.
Odo, Saint
Benedictine monk, Archbishop of Canterbury, died in 959.
Office of the Dead
Historical article on a special set of prayers for the deceased.
Ogilvie, Saint John
Scotsman, raised Calvinist, converted to Catholicism, became a Jesuit priest and missionary to his native land, was tortured and martyred in 1615.
Oldcorne, Blessed Edward
Englishman, Jesuit priest, martyred in 1606.
Olympias, Saint
Widow, deaconess, renowned for her almsgiving, and a staunch supporter of St. John Chrysostom.
Omer, Saint
Swiss-born bishop of Terouenne in Belgic Gaul, founder of a monastery. He died in about 670.
Orange River, Vicariate Apostolic of
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
Oratory, French Congregation of the
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
Oresme, Nicole
Article by Pierre Duhem on this medieval scientific thinker.
Origen and Origenism
Provides a biography and review of his works, as well as commentary on posthumous influences and the Origenistic Crises.
Oriol, Saint Joseph
Earned a doctorate in theology, served as a parish priest, renowned for gifts of prophecy and miracles.
Osmund, Saint
A Norman by birth, Osmund became bishop of Salisbury, and died in 1099.
Oswald, Saint
Archbishop of York, d. 992 while washing the feet of the poor, as was his daily custom during Lent.
Oswin, Saint
Biography of the king and martyr, who was murdered in 651.
Othmar, Saint
First abbot of St. Gall. He died in prison in 759.
Otho, Marcus Salvius
Details on the reign of Roman Emperor.
Otto, Saint
Swabian courtier, was named bishop of Bamberg in 1102, and founded over twenty monasteries.
Ouen, Saint
Seventh-century Archbishop of Rouen, founder of several monasteries, devoted to theological studies, friend of St. Eloi.
Our Lady of the Fields, Brothers of
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
Our Lady, Help of Christians, Feast of
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
Owen, Saint Nicholas
A Jesuit lay brother, skilled in building hiding places for priests. He died under torture in 1606.
Oxford Movement, The (1833-1845)
Lengthy historical article on the Tractarian Movement includes information on John Henry Newman, as well as on other leading lights of this nineteenth-century Anglo-Catholic campaign, such as John Keble and Hurrell Froude.