In French, Aix-la-Chapelle, the name by which the city is generally known; in Latin Aquae Grani, later Aquisgranum.
A Hebrew word signifying: ruin, destruction (Job 31:12); place of destruction; the Abyss, realm of the dead (Job 26:6; Proverbs 15:11).
A term used by writers of ascetical and mystical books to signify the first stage of the union of the soul with God by conforming to His Will.
Abbadie, Antoine d'
Astronomer, geodetist, genographer, physician, numismatist, philologian. (1810-1897)
Abban of Magheranoidhe, Saint
Nephew of St. Ibar, the apostle of Wexford (a predecessor and contemporary of St. Patrick), flourished 570-620. Founded numerous churches in the district of Ui Cennselaigh.
Abban of New Ross, Saint
Also known as St. Ewin, Abhan, or Evin.
Abban the Hermit, Saint
An Irishman who lived at Abingdon, England, before St. Patrick's lifetime.
A French word meaning primarily and strictly an abbot or superior of a monastery of men.
The female superior in spirituals and temporals of a community of twelve or more nuns.
A monastery canonically erected and autonomous, with a community of not fewer than twelve religious; monks under the government of an abbot; nuns under that of an abbess.
Abbo Cernuus
French Benedictine monk of St-Germain-des-Prés in Paris, sometimes called Abbo Parisiensis.
Abbon, Saint
Devoted himself to philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy.
A title given to the superior of a community of twelve or more monks.
Abbot, Commendatory
An ecclesiastic, or sometimes a layman, who holds an abbey in commendam.
Abbot, Henry
Layman, martyred at York, 4 July, 1597, pronounced Venerable in 1886.
Abbot, Lay
A name used to designate a layman on whom a king or someone in authority bestowed an abbey as a reward for services rendered.
Abbreviation, Methods of
Discusses forms used to get the most use from scarce and costly materials.
Abbreviations, Ecclesiastical
Latin abbreviations commonly seen in documents of the Catholic Church, the full Latin words or phrases, and their English meaning.
Those who make an abridgment or abstract of a long writing or discourse.
A titular see in the province of Rhodope on the southern coast of Thrace, now called Bouloustra.
Ecclesiastically considered, is the resignation of a benefice or clerical dignity.
Abdon and Sennen, Saints
Persian martyrs under Decius. (c. A.D. 250)
May be considered as a public crime and a matrimonial diriment impediment.
Complete or partial lists of letters of the alphabet, chiefly Greek and Latin, inscribed on ancient monuments, Pagan and Christian.
A sect of Anabaptists who disdained human knowledge, contending that God would enlighten His elect interiorly and give them knowledge of necessary truths by visions and ecstasies.
Commentary on the first murder victim from the traditional Catholic perspective.
Abel, Blessed Thomas
Biography of the priest and martyr, chaplain to Catherine of Aragon.
Abelard, Peter
Dialectician, philosopher, and theologian. (1079-1142)
Abelly, Louis
Associate of St. Vincent de Paul. (1603-1691)
A confederation of Algonquin tribes, comprising the Penobscots, Passamaquoddies, Norridgewocks, and others, formerly occupying what is now Maine, and southern New Brunswick.
Abercromby, John
Named as having lost his life from Catholic clergy violence.
Abercromby, Robert
Jesuit missionary in Scotland. (1532-1613)
Aberdeen, The Diocese of
A see founded in 1063 at Mortlach by Bl. Beyn.
Aberdeen, The University of
Founder William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen from 1483 to 1514.
Abgar, The Legend of
Concerns a correspondence that took place between God and the local potentate at Edessa.
Hebrew ebhyathar, Father of plenty, or, the great one is father.
Abingdon, The Abbey of
Located in the County of Berkshire, England, founded A.D. 675.
Abiogenesis and Biogenesis
According to their Greek derivation these two terms refer to the origin of life.
A denial, disavowal, or renunciation under oath.
A son of Ner, a cousin of Saul, and commander-in-chief of Saul's army.
Abomination of Desolation, The
Spoken of in St. Matthew, xxiv, 15, and St. Mark, xiii, 14.
Abortion, Physical Effects of
Covers definition, causes, and physical effects.
Abra de Raconis, Charles Francois d'
French bishop, born at the Château de Raconis in 1580 of a Calvinistic family; died 1646.
Abrabanel, Don Isaac
Jewish statesman, apologist and exegete. (1437-1508)
Outline of his life, with New and Old Testament views.
Abraham (in Liturgy)
Of all the names used, a special prominence accrues to those of Abel, Melchisedech, and Abraham.
Abraham a Sancta Clara
A Discalced Augustinian friar, preacher, and author of popular books of devotion. (1644-1709)
Abraham Ecchelensis
A learned Maronite, born in Hekel, or Ecchel (hence his surname), a village on Mount Lebanon, in 1600; died 1664 in Rome.
Abraham, The Bosom of
Found only in two verses of St. Luke's Gospel (xvi, 22, 23).
A class of ancient stone articles, of small dimensions, inscribed with outlandish figures and formulas.
Article covers Absalom, Son of David, Absalom, father of Mathathias, and Absalom, father of Jonathan.
Absalon of Lund
A Danish prelate, also known as Axel. (1128-1201)
The remission of sin, or of the punishment due to sin, granted by the Church.
One who cannot take wine without risk of vomiting.
Includes information about old and new testament fasting as well as church laws.
Abstinence, Physical Effects of
Article deals with effects due to partial or periodic abstinence, such as practiced by the Catholic Church.
A process (or a faculty) by which the mind selects for consideration some one of the attributes of a thing to the exclusion of the rest.
An English or Lowland Scotch form of the middle-Latin word abthania (Gaelic, abdhaine), meaning abbacy.
Abucara, Theodore
A bishop of Caria in Syria; d., probably, in 770.
An Italian bishop, b. at Thessalonica early in the fifth century; d. 469.
A titular see of Troas in Asia Minor, suffragan of Cyzicus in the Hellespontic province.
Provides details on the geography, ethnology, political revolutions, as well as church information.
Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, disciple and biographer of Eusebius, the historian, whose successor in the See of Caesarea he became in 340.
Academies, Roman
Historical and bibliographical notes concerning the more important of these associations of learned men.
Academy, The French
Founded by Cardinal de Richelieu in 1635.
Usually regarded as the small district on the south shore of the Bay of Fundy from Annapolis to the Basin of Minas.
A titular see of Macedonia, on the Strymonic Gulf, now known as Erisso.
The title of a certain hymn or, an Office in the Greek Liturgy in honour of the Mother of God.
The most northern of the five principal Philistine cities.
Accentus Ecclesiasticus
Parts of the liturgy the priest, or the deacon, or subdeacon, or the acolyte sang alone.
In canon law, the act by which one receives a thing with approbation or satisfaction.
Those Jansenists who accepted the Bull Unigenitus, issued in 1713 against the Jansenist doctrines.
Method of acquiring ownership of a thing arising from the fact that it is in some way added to, or is the fruit of something already belonging to oneself.
A term applied to the voting in conclave for the election of a pope, by which a cardinal changes his vote and accedes to some other candidate.
Three cardinals belonging to an illustrious Florentine family, Angelo, Niccolo, and Filippo.
The obvious division of things into the stable and the unstable.
Used in the classical Latin of Republican Rome as a general term for any manifestation of popular feeling expressed by a shout.
Acclamation (in Papal Elections)
One of the forms of papal election. Consists of all the cardinals present unanimously proclaiming one of the candidates Supreme Pontiff, without the formality of casting votes.
Accommodation, Biblical
Covers what is meant by biblical accommodation, its use in Sacred Scripture, and the rules which ought to regulate its use.
A term generally employed to designate a partner in some form of evildoing.
Accursius, Francesco
Covers an Italian jurisconsult of the Middle Ages, (1182-1260) and his son, also a lawyer, (1225-1293).
A term applied to the Eutychians who withdrew from Peter Mongus, the Monophysite Patriarch of Alexandria, in 482.
The name, before the Roman conquest in 146 B.C., of a strip of land between the gulf of Corinth and Elis and Arcadia, embracing twelve cities leagued together.
Counsellor of David, who joined the rebellion of Absalom.
Diocese in Ireland, suffragan to the Archdiocese of Tuam.
Achor Valley
The scene of the death of the "troubler" Achan.
Aci-Reale, The Diocese of
Located in Sicily; includes fourteen communes in the civil province of Catania, immediately subject to Rome.
Acidalius, Valens
Philologist, Latin poet, and convert to the Catholic Church. (1567-1595)
Ackermann, Leopold
Catholic professor of exegesis. (1771-1831)
A titular see of Phrygia Pacatiana, in Asia Minor, now known as Ahat-Keui.
Either, an appellation common to all Eastern ascetics known by the rigour of their vigils; or, a special order of Greek or Basilian monks devoting themselves to prayer and praise without intermission.
In ecclesiastical terminology signifies the order or arrangement of the divine office and also, in a wide sense, the office itself.
A cleric promoted to the fourth and highest minor order in the Latin Church, ranking next to a subdeacon.
Acosta, Joaquin
Served in the Colombian army and in 1834 attempted a scientific survey of the country between Socorro and the Magdalena River.
Acosta, Jose de
Founded a number of colleges, among them those of Arequipa, Potose, Chuquisaca, Panama, and La Paz.
A diocese in Italy under the immediate jurisdiction of the Holy See, comprising seven towns of the Province of Rome.
Acquaviva, Claudius
Fifth General of the Society of Jesus. (1543-1615)
Ptolemais, a titular metropolis in Phoenicia Prima, or Maritima. The city of Acre, now Saint-Jean d'Acre, was called Ptolemais in 281 or 267 B.C., by Ptolemy II.
A poem the initial or final letters of whose verses form certain words or sentences.
Act of Settlement (Irish)
1662 act passed by the Irish Parliament, the privileges of which were restored on the return of Charles II.
Acta Sanctae Sedis
A publication containing the principal public documents issued by the Pope, directly or through the Roman Congregations.
Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae
Abbreviated title of a celebrated work on the Irish saints by the Franciscan, John Colgan.
Acta Triadis Thaumaturgae
The lives of St. Patrick, St. Brigid, and St. Columba; published at Louvain, in 1647, by John Colgan.
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Baron Acton
Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, 1895-1902.
Acton, John Francis Edward
Sixth Baronet of the name. (1736-1811)
Acts of Roman Congregations
A term used to designate the documents issued by the Roman Congregations.
Acts of the Martyrs
Records of the trials of early Christian martyrs made by the notaries of the court.
Acts, Canonical
Derive their name from connection with ecclesiastical procedure.
Acts, Human
St. Thomas and the scholastics in general regard only the free and deliberate acts of the will as human.
Actual Grace
A supernatural gift of God to intellectual creatures (men, angels) for their eternal salvation.
Actus et Potentia
A technical expression in scholastic phraseology used to translate Aristotle's energeia or entelecheia, and dynamis.
Actus primus
A technical expression used in scholastic philosophy.
Actus Purus
A term employed in scholastic philosophy to express the absolute perfection of God.
One of the first to spread Manicheism in the Christian Orient.
Ad Apostolicae Dignitatis Apicem
Apostolic letter issued against Emperor Frederick II by Pope Innocent IV.
Ad Limina Apostolorum
A pilgrimage to the sepulchres of St. Peter and St. Paul at Rome.
Ad Limina Visit
The obligation for certain members of the hierarchy of visiting, the "thresholds of the Apostles", Sts. Peter and Paul, and of presenting themselves before the pope to give an account of the state of their dioceses.
Ad Sanctam Beati Petri Sedem
Letter issued by Alexander VII, dated at Rome, 16 October, 1656.
Ad Universalis Ecclesiae
A papal constitution dealing with admission to religious orders.
Adalard, Saint
Grandson of Charles Martel. Adalard was abbot of Corbie, and Pepin's prime minister.
Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen; born about 1000; died 1072.
Adalbert, Saint, Bishop of Magdeburg
Apostle of the Slavs, probably a native of Lorraine, d. 981.
Adalbert, Saint, Bishop of Prague
Missionary to the Hungarians and Poles. He was murdered in 997.
Adam in Early Christian Liturgy and Literature
Discusses his importance to the Fathers and to the authors of the many apocryphal writings of the first five centuries of the Christian Era.
Adam of Bremen
A German historian and geographer of the eleventh century.
Adam of Fulda
A monk of Franconia and one of the most learned musicians of his age.
Adam of Murimuth
An English chronicler of about the middle of the fourteenth century.
Adam of Perseigne
French Cistercian, Abbot of the monastery of Perseigne in the Diocese of Mans, born about the middle of the twelfth century.
Adam of St. Victor
A prolific writer of Latin Hymns, born in the latter part of the twelfth century.
Adam Scotus
A theologian and Church historian of the latter part of the twelfth century.
Adam, John
Preacher and opponent of Calvinists and Jansenists.
An obscure sect, dating perhaps from the second century, which professed to have regained Adam's primeval innocence.
Adamnan, Saint
Also called Eunan. Irish-born abbot of Iona, and St. Columba's biographer.
Addai, Doctrine of
Syriac document which relates the conversion of Edessa.
Addeus and Maris, Liturgy of
Oriental liturgy, sometimes assigned to the Syrian group; sometimes to the Persian group.
Addresses, Ecclesiastical
Rules as to what is fitting and customary in the matter of ecclesiastical correspondence.
Adelaide, Archdiocese of
Centered in Adelaide, capital of South Australia.
Adelaide, Saint
Or Adelheid. The widow of Otho, she died in 999.
Adelaide, Saint
Abbess, renowned for having the gift of miracles, d. 1015.
Fourth-century sect mentioned by the anonymous author known as Praedestinatus.
It comprises all Arabia, and is known as the Vicariate Apostolic of Arabia and Aden.
Adeodatus, Pope Saint
Brief article on this Roman monk, d. 676. Called Adeodatus II to distinguish him from his predecessor St. Deusdedit.
Adeste Fidelis
A hymn used at Benediction at Christmastide in France and England since the close of the eighteenth century.
An urgent demand made upon another to do something, or to desist from doing something, which is rendered more solemn by coupling with it the name of God.
Includes details on administrators of dioceses, parishes, and ecclesiastical institutions.
Administrator (of Ecclesiastical Property)
One charged with the care of church property.
Admonitions, Canonical
A preliminary means used by the Church towards a suspected person, as a preventive of harm or a remedy of evil.
Ado of Vienne, Saint
Benedictine monk, pilgrim, scholar, pastor, Archbishop of Vienne, d. 875.
Hebrew meaning "lord, ruler", a name bestowed upon God in the Old Testament.
Fourth son of King David, and Adonias the Levite are discussed.
Adoption, as defined in canon law, is foreign to the Bible.
Adoption, Canonical
The Church made its own the Roman law of adoption, with its legal consequences.
Adoption, Supernatural
The adoption of man by God in virtue of which we become His sons and heirs.
In a broad sense, a christological theory according to which Christ, as man, is the adoptive Son of God.
In the strict sense, an act of religion offered to God in acknowledgment of His supreme perfection and dominion, and of the creature's dependence upon Him.
Adoration, Perpetual
A term broadly used to designate the practically uninterrupted adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Adoro Te Devote
A hymn sometimes styled Rhythmus, or Oratio, S. Thomæ (sc. Aquinatis) written c. 1260.
Adrian Fortescue, Blessed
Knight of St. John, martyred in 1539.
Adrian III, Pope Saint
Short article on this pope, a Roman, who died in 885.
Adrian of Canterbury, Saint
African-born Benedictine abbot, d. 710.
Adrian of Castello
Italian prelate distinguished as a statesman and reviver of learning; born about 1460, died about 1521.
Adrian V, Pope
A Genoese, and nephew of Innocent IV. He was elected at Viterbo 12 July 1276, but died 18 August.
According to legend, Orestes, son of Agamemnon, built this city at the confluence of the Tonsus (Toundja) and the Ardiscus (Arda) with the Hebrus (Maritza).
Adrichem, Christian Kruik van
Catholic priest and theological writer. (1533-1585)
Abbot of the Cluniac monastery of Moutier-en-Der, d. 992, on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
Aduarte, Diego Francisco
Missionary and historian. (1566-1635)
Adulteration of Food
This act is defined as the addition of any non-condimental substance to a food.
The article considers adultery with reference only to morality.
According to 1907 usage, a period beginning with the Sunday nearest to the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle and embracing four Sundays.
A group of six American Protestant sects which hold in common a belief in the near return of Christ in person.
Advertisements, Book of
A series of enactments concerning ecclesiastical matters, drawn up by Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury (1559-75).
Advocates of Roman Congregations
Persons, ecclesiastical or lay, versed in canon and civil law, who plead causes before the ecclesiastical tribunals in Rome.
Advocates of St. Peter
A body of jurists constituting a society whose statutes were confirmed by a brief of Leo XIII, 5 July, 1878.
Advocatus Diaboli
A title given to an officer of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, established in 1587, by Sixtus V, to deal juridically with processes of beatification and canonization.
Advocatus Ecclesia
A name applied, in the Middle Ages, to certain lay persons, generally of noble birth, whose duty it was, under given conditions, to represent a particular church or monastery, and to defend its rights against force.
In English law the right of patronage of a church or ecclesiastical benefice, a right exercised by nomination of a clergyman to such church or other benefice.
A secret chamber or place of retirement in the ancient temples, and esteemed the most sacred spot; the innermost sanctuary or shrine.
Aedan of Ferns, Saint
Bishop and patron of Ferns, Ireland. (550-632)
Aegidius of Assisi, Blessed
Better known in English as Brother Giles. One of the first followers of St. Francis of Assisi, he died in 1262.
Aegidius of Viterbo
Cardinal, theologian, orator, humanist, and poet, born at Viterbo, Italy; died at Rome, 1532.
Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
The author of the homilies in Anglo-Saxon, a translator of Holy Scripture, and a writer upon many miscellaneous subjects.
Monk and biographer, of whom nothing is known except his Life of St. Canute the Martyr, written in 1109.
Aelred, Saint
Cistercian abbot, homilist, spiritual writer, d. 1166 or 1167.
Aeneas of Gaza
A Neo-Platonic philosopher, a convert to Christianity, who flourished towards the end of the fifth century.
Aengus, Saint (the Culdee)
Irish hermit, hagiographer, poet, late eighth century.
Mentioned in John 3:23, as the locality where the forerunner of Christ baptized.
The term appropriated by Gnostic heresiarchs to designate the series of spiritual powers evolved by progressive emanation from the eternal Being.
The largest and outer-most covering of the chalice and paten in the Greek church, corresponding to the veil in the Latin rite.
Aerius of Pontus
A friend and fellow ascetic of Eustathius, who became Bishop of Sebaste (355), and who ordained Aërius and placed him over the hospital or asylum in that city.
May be defined as a systematic training to right thinking and right feeling in matters of art, and is made a part of philosophy by A.G. Baumgarten.
Aeterni Patris
The Apostolic Letter of Pius IX, by which he summoned the Vatican Council. It is dated Rome, 29 June, 1868.
Aeterni Patris
An encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII (issued 4 August, 1879); not to be confused with the apostolic letter of the same name written by Pope Pius IX.
A Roman general, patrician, and consul, b. towards the end of the fourth century; d. 454.
Affinity (in Canon Law)
A relationship arising from the carnal intercourse of a man and a woman, sufficient for the generation of children, whereby the man becomes related to the woman's blood-relatives and the woman to the man's.
Affinity (in the Bible)
Scripture recognizes affinity as an impediment to wedlock.
A solemn declaration accepted in legal procedure in lieu of the requisite oath.
Afonzo de Albuquerque
Second son of Gonzallo de Albuquerque, lord of Villaverde.
Afra, Saint
Martyred at Augsburg in the Diocletian persecution (c. 304) for refusing to participate in pagan rites.
This name, which is of Phoenician origin, was at first given by the Romans to the territory about the city of Carthage.
African Church, Early
The name given to the Christian communities inhabiting the region known politically as Roman Africa.
African Liturgy
In use not only in the old Roman province of Africa of which Carthage was the capital, but also in Numidia and Mauretania.
African Synods
Commonly called African or Carthaginian Synods.
Mentioned in Acts 11:28, and 21:10, as a prophet of the New Testament.
Under certain circumstances the agape and the Eucharist appear to form parts of a single liturgical function.
Virgins who consecrated themselves to God with a vow of chastity and associated with laymen.
Fifth-century deacon of the church of Sancta Sophia at Constantinople, reputed tutor of Justinian.
Agatha, Saint
Virgin and martyr, died at Catania in Sicily, probably in the Decian persecution (250-253).
A supposed secretary of Tiridates II, King of Armenia, under whose name there has come down a life of the first apostle of Armenia, Gregory the Illuminator, who died about 332.
A Byzantine historian and man of letters, born at Myrina in Asia Minor about 536.
Agatho, Pope Saint
Short article on St. Agatho the Wonderworker, a Sicilian believed to have been over 100 years old at the time of his election.
In the diocese of Sion, Switzerland, owes its fame to an event related by St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons, the martyrdom of a Roman legion, known as the "Theban Legion", at the beginning of the fourth century.
Agazzari, Agostini
A musical composer, born 2 December 1578, of a noble family of Sienna; died probably 10 April, 1640.
Agde, Council of
Held in 506 at Agatha or Agde in Languedoc, under the presidency of St. Caesarius of Arlos.
Age of Reason
The name given to that period of human life at which persons are deemed to begin to be morally responsible.
Age, Canonical
Fixed by the canons, or law of the Church, at which her subjects become capable of incurring certain obligations, enjoying special privileges, embracing special states of life, holding office or dignity, or receiving the sacraments.
Agen, Diocese of
Comprises the Department of Lot and Garonne.
Agents of Roman Congregations
Persons whose business it is to look after the affairs of their patrons at the Roman Curia.
Aggeus (Haggai)
The tenth among the minor prophets of the Old Testament.
Aggressor, Unjust
According to the accepted teaching of theologians, it is lawful, in the defense of life or limb, of property of some importance, and of chastity, to repel violence with violence, even to the extent of killing an unjust assailant.
Agiles, Raymond d'
A chronicler and canon of Puy-en-Velay, France, toward the close of the eleventh century.
Agilulfus, Saint
Biography of the abbot of Stavelot, bishop of Cologne, martyred in 750.
Agios O Theos
The opening words in Greek of an invocation, or doxology, or hymn for it may properly receive any of these titles which in the Roman Liturgy is sung during the Improperia, or "Reproaches" at the ceremony of the Adoration of the Cross, on Good Friday.
Agnelli, Fra. Guglielmo
Sculptor and architect. (1238-1313)
Agnelli, Giuseppe
Chiefly known for his catechetical and devotional works. (1621-1706)
Agnellus of Pisa, Blessed
Deacon, founder of the English Franciscan Province, d. 1236.
Agnellus, Andreas, of Ravenna
Historian of that church, b. 805; the date of his death is unknown, but was probably about 846.
Agnes of Assisi, Saint
Brief biography of the younger sister of St. Clare, and prioress of the Poor Clares at Monticelli.
Agnes of Bohemia, Saint
Also called Agnes of Prague. Poor Clare, prioress.
Agnes of Montepulciano, Saint
Born in the neighbourhood of Montepulciano in Tuscany about 1268; died there 1317.
Agnes of Rome, Saint
Since the Middle Ages St. Agnes has been represented with a lamb, the symbol of her virginal innocence.
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana
An Italian woman of remarkable intellectual gifts and attainments. Member of the Blue Nuns in Milan. (1718-1799)
The Slavonic word for the square portion of bread cut from the first loaf in the preparation for Mass according to the Greek rite.
The name given to those who denied the omniscience either of God or of Christ.
A philosophical theory of the limitations of knowledge, professing doubt of or disbelief in some or all of the powers of knowing possessed by the human mind.
Agnus Dei
The name given to certain discs of wax impressed with the figure of a lamb and blessed at stated seasons by the Pope.
Agnus Dei (in Liturgy)
A name given to the formula recited thrice by the priest at Mass in the Roman rite.
One of the names given by the Donatists to those of their followers who went through cities and villages to disseminate the doctrine of Donatus.
Agony of Christ
The word is used only once in Sacred Scripture (Luke, xxii, 43) to designate the anguish of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemani.
Agony, Archconfraternity of Holy
An association for giving special honour to the mental sufferings of Christ during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemani.
Agostino Novello, Blessed
Born in the first half of the thirteenth century, at Termini, a village of Sicily, from which he derived his surname.
Agoult, Charles Consstance César Joseph Matthieu d
A French prelate, born at Grenoble, 1747; died at Paris, 1824.
Archiepiscopal see of the ancient kingdom of Croatia, in Austria, founded towards the end of the eleventh century as a suffragan of Kalocsa in Hungary, and made an archdiocese in 1852.
Theories and movements intended to benefit the poorer classes of society by dealing in some way with the ownership of land or the legal obligations of the cultivators.
An archiepiscopal see of Hungary, founded in 1009, and made an archdiocese in 1304, by Pius VII.
Agricola, Alexander
A celebrated composer of the fifteenth century, and pupil of Okeghem.
Agricola, George
Physician, mineralogist, historian, and controversialist. (1494-1555)
Agricola, Rudolph
Humanist of the earlier period, and a promoter of the study of the classics in Germany, born in 1442, or 1443, at Bafflo, hear Groningen, Holland; died at Heidelberg, 28 October, 1485.
Agrippa of Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius
Described as a "knight, doctor, and by common reputation, a magician".
Bishop of Carthage at the close of the second and beginning of the third century.
Aguas Calientes
A Mexican see dependent on Guadalaxara; erected by Leo XIII.
Aguirre, Joseph Saenz de
Cardinal, and learned Spanish Benedictine; born at Logro o, in Old Castile, 24 March, 1630; died 19 August, 1699.
A high court official under Josias and his two sons, who protected Jeremias from the fury of the populace.
Ahriman and Ormuzd
The modern Persian forms of Anro-Mainyus and Ahura Mazda, the Evil Spirit and the Good Spirit.
Aichinger, Gregor
Organist and composer of sacred music, born probably at Ratisbon in 1565; died at Augsburg, 21 January, 1628.
Aidan of Lindisfarne, Saint
Irish monk, first bishop of Lindisfarne, d. 651.
Aiguillon, Duchess of
Marie de Vignerot de Pontcourlay, Marquise of Combalet and Duchesse d'Aiguillon; niece of Cardinal Richelieu. Born 1604; died at Paris, 1675.
Aikenhead, Mary
Foundress of the Irish Sisters of Charity. (1787-1858)
Ailbe, Saint
A disciple of St. Patrick and bishop of Emly, died in the first half of the sixth century.
Aileran, Saint
Irishman, rector of the School of Clonard, distinguished scholar and author, d. 664.
Ailly, Pierre d'
French theologian and philosopher, bishop and cardinal, born 1350 at Compiègne; died probably 1420 at Avignon.
Airoli, Giacomo Maria
Jesuit Orientalist and Scriptural commentator. (1660-1721)
In architecture, one of the lateral or longitudinal divisions of a church, separated from the nave by rows of piers, pillars, or columns.
Aix, Archdiocese of
Includes the districts of Aix and Arles (Department of the Bouches-du-Rhône).
Aix-en-Provence, Councils of
Councils were held at Aix in 1112, 1374, 1409, 1585, 1612, 1838, and 1850.
A city of Upper Egypt, situated on the banks of the Nile.
Akominatos, Michael & Nicetas
Two famous Greeks of the later Byzantine period.
A titular see of Caria in Asia Minor, supposed to be the present Arab-Hissar.
The substance commonly known as alabaster is a fine-grained variety of gypsum. Oriental alabaster, the alabastrites of the classical writers, is a translucent marble obtained from stalagmitic deposits.
A South American diocese, in eastern Brazil, dependent on Bahia.
Alain de l'Isle
Monk, poet, preacher, theologian, and eclectic philosopher. (1128-1203)
Alanus de Rupe, Blessed
Dominican promoter of the Rosary. (1428-1475)
Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de
Spanish novelist and poet. (1833-1891)
The first knowledge of Alaska was acquired in 1741 through the expedition under Vitus Bering, a Dane in the Russian service, who sailed from Okhoysk.
An Italian bishopric under the immediate jurisdiction of the Holy See, comprising seven towns in the Province of Rome.
A white linen vestment with close fitting sleeves, reaching nearly to the ground and secured round the waist by a girdle.
Alba Pompeia, Diocese of
Comprises eighty towns in the province of Cuneo and two in the province of Alexandria, in Italy.
Manichæan heretics who lived in Albania, probably about the eighth century.
Italian family said to be descended from Albanian refugees of the fifteenth century. Includes information on six family members.
The ancient Epirus and Illyria, is the most western land occupied by the Turks in Europe.
A suburban see, comprising seven towns in the Province of Rome.
Diocese comprising the entire counties of Albany, Columbia, Delaware, Fulton, Greene, Montgomery, Otsego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington, and that part of Herkimer and Hamilton counties south of the northern line of the townships of Ohio and Russia, Benson and Hope, in the State of New York.
Diocese comprising seventy-nine towns in the province of Port Maurice and forth-five in the province of Genoa, suffragan to the Archdiocese of Genoa, Italy.
Albergati, Niccolo
Cardinal and Bishop of Bologna. (1357-1443)
Alberic of Ostia
Benedictine monk and Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia. (1080-1147)
Albero de Montreuil
Archbishop, of Trier born about 1080; died 1152.
Bishop of Riga, Apostle of Livonia, d. 17 January, 1229.
Albert Berdini of Sarteano, Blessed
Franciscan Friar and missionary. (1385-1450)
Albert II, Archbishop of Magdeburg in Saxony
Eighteenth Archbishop of Magdeburg in Saxony, date of birth unknown; d. 1232.
Albert of Brandenburg
Cardinal and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. (1490-1545)
Albert, Blessed
Canon regular, papal legate, and Patriarch of Jerusalem. He was assassinated in 1215.
Albert, Saint
Cardinal, bishop of Liège, martyred in 1192 or 1193.
Alberta and Saskatchewan
The twin provinces of the Canadian West, so called because they were formed on the same day.
Alberti, Leandro
Historian, born at Bologna in 1479; died same place, probably in 1552.
Alberti, Leone Battista
Florentine ecclesiastic and artist of the fifteenth century.
Albertrandi, John Baptist
A Polish Jesuit, of Italian extraction, born at Warsaw, 7 December, 1731; died August, 1808.
Albertus Magnus, Saint
Called "the Universal Doctor." Dominican scientist, philosopher, theologian, instructor of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Albi (Albia), Archdiocese of
Comprises the Department of the Tarn.
Albi, Council of
Held in 1254 by St. Louis on his return from a Crusade.
Albi, Juan de
A Spanish Carthusian of the Convent Val-Christ, near Segovia, date of birth uncertain; died 27 December, 1591.
A neo-Manichæan sect that flourished in southern France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
A scholarly English monk, pupil of Archbishop Theodore, and of Abbot Adrian of St. Peter's, Canterbury, contemporary of Saint Bede (673-735).
Albrechtsberger, Johann G.
Master of musical theory, and teacher of Hummel and Beethoven. (1736-1809)
Albright Brethren, The
A body of American Christians chiefly of German descent, founded, in 1800, by the Rev. Jacob Albright, a native of Pennsylvania (1759-1808).
Alcalá, University of
Had its inception in the thirteenth century, when Sancho IV, conceived the idea of founding a Studium Generale in Alcalá de Henares.
Alcántara, Military Order of
First committed to the care of the Castilian Knights of Calatrava.
The art of transmuting baser metals into gold and silver.
High-priest, the leader of the hellenizing party in the time of Judas Machabeus.
Alcock, John
Bishop of Rochester, Worcester, and Ely. (1430-1500)
The term is understood to include all the changes that may occur in the human organism after the ingestion of any form of alcohol.
Alcuin, Blessed
Lengthy article on the educator, scholar, theologian, liturgist, who died in 804.
Aldegundis, Saint
Daughter of SS. Walbert and Bertilia. Flemish nun, founder of monastery at Maubeuge, d. about 684.
A former Cistercian Abbey in the valley of the Vils in Lower Bavaria.
A Northumbrian king, son of King Oswin; d. 14 December, 705.
Aldhelm, Saint
Abbot of Malmesbury and Bishop of Sherborne, Latin poet and ecclesiastical writer (c. 639-709).
Aldric, Saint
Bishop of Le Mans in the time of Louis le Debonnaire, born c. 800; died at Le Mans, 7 January, 856.
Alea, Leonard
A French polemical writer of the early years of the nineteenth century, b. in Paris, date unknown; d. 1812.
Alegre, Francisco Xavier
Historian, born at Vera Cruz, in Mexico, or New Spain, 12 November, 1729; died at Bologna, 16 August, 1788.
Alemany, Joseph Sadoc
First Archbishop of San Francisco. (1814-1888)
Alenio, Guilio
Chinese missionary and scholar, born at Brescia, in Italy, in 1582; died at Fou-Tcheou, China, in August, 1644.
Ales and Terralba
Diocese made up of 42 communes in the province of Cagliari, Archbishopric of Oristano, Italy.
Alessandria della Paglia
Diocese in Piedmont, Italy, a suffragen of Vercelli.
Diocese in European Turkey, since 1886 suffragan of Scutari.
Name of several Bishops in the early Christian period.
Alexander Briant, Saint
English Jesuit and martyr. (1556-1581)
Alexander I, Pope Saint
In Christian antiquity he was credited with a pontificate of about ten years.
Alexander Natalis
A French historian and theologian, of the Order of St. Dominic. (1639-1724)
Alexander of Abonoteichos
The most notorious imposter of the second century of the Christian era.
Alexander of Hales
Biographical article on the first of the scholastic theologians to use Aristotelean principles in systematic theology.
Alexander of Jerusalem, Saint
Bishop of Cappadocia, and afterwards associated as coadjutor with the Bishop of Jerusalem.
Alexander V
Pietro Philarghi, born c. 1339, on the island of Crete (Candia), whence his appellation, Peter of Candia; elected 26 June, 1409; died at Bologna, 3 May, 1410.
Alexander VI, Pope
Rodrigo Borgia, born at Xativa, near Valencia, in Spain, 1 January, 1431; died in Rome, 18 August, 1503.
Alexander VII, Pope
Fabio Chigi, born at Sienna, 13 February, 1599; elected 7 April, 1655; died at Rome, 22 May, 1667.
Alexander VIII, Pope
Pietro Ottoboni, born at Venice, April, 1610; elected 5 October, 1689; died at Rome, 1 February, 1691.
Alexander, Saint
Patriarch of Alexandria, date of birth uncertain; died 17 April, 326.
Alexandria, Councils of
Details several councils held here.
Alexandria, The Church of
Founded by St. Mark the Evangelist, the center from which Christianity spread throughout all Egypt, the nucleus of the powerful Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Alexandrian Library, The
The Great Library of Alexandria, so called to distinguish it from the smaller or "daughter" library in the Serapeum, was a foundation of the first Ptolemies for the purpose of aiding the maintenance of Greek civilization in the midst of the conservative Egyptians.
Alexandrine Liturgy, The
The parent rite of all others in Egypt.
Alexandrinus, Codex
Greek manuscript of the Old and New Testaments, so named because it was brought to Europe from Alexandria and had been the property of the patriarch of that see.
Alexian Nuns
Fifteenth century nuns who adopted the Rule of St. Augustine and devoted themselves to the same corporal works of mercy as those of the Brothers of St. Alexius, or Cellites.
A religious institute which had its origin at Mechlin, in Brabant, in the fifteenth century, during the ravages of the "black death."
Alexis Falconieri, Saint
Joined the Laudesi, a pious confraternity of the Blessed Virgin, and there met the six future companions of his life of sanctity.
Alexius, Saint
An Eastern saint whose veneration was transplanted from the Byzantine empire to Rome, whence it spread throughout western Christendom.
Alfield, Blessed Thomas
Priest, born at Gloucestershire; martyred at Tyburn, 6 July, 1585.
Alfieri, Pietro
A priest and at one time a Camaldolese monk. (1801-1863)
Alfonso de Zamora
A converted Spanish Rabbi, baptized 1506; died 1531.
Alfonso of Burgos
Royal confessor of Ferdinand and Isabella. Died 1489.
Alford, Michael
A Jesuit missionary in England during the persecution. (1587-1652)
Alfwold, Saint
Bishop of Sherborne, in Dorsetshire; d. 1058.
An Italian diocese comprising twenty-two communes in the province of Sassari, and four in that of Cagliari, Archdiocese of Sassari.
Archdiocese comprising the province of Algeria in French Africa. Its suffragans are the Sees of Oran and Constantine.
The Micmacs, Abenakis, Montagnais, Penobscots, Chippewas, Mascoutens, Nipissings, Sacs, Pottowatomies, and Illinois, the Pequods of Massachusetts, the Mohegans of New York, the Lenapes of Pennsylvania and Delaware, with many other minor tribes, may be classed among them.
A diocese made up of twelve communes in the province of Caserta, Archbishopric of Benevento, Italy.
In a broad sense, whatever is necessary to sustain human life: not merely food and drink, but lodging, clothing, care during sickness and burial.
In the common legal sense of the word, the allowance by order of the court a husband pays to his wife for her maintenance while she is living separately from him, or paid by her former husband to a divorced woman.
Aliturgical Days
Those days on which the "liturgy", i.e. the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist, is not allowed to be celebrated.
All Hallows College
An institution devoted to the preparation of priests for the missions in English-speaking countries.
All Saints' Day
Celebrated on the first of November. Instituted to honour all the saints, known and unknown, and, according to Urban IV, to supply any deficiencies in the faithful's celebration of saints' feasts during the year.
All Souls' Day
The commemoration of all the faithful departed is celebrated by the Church on 2 November, or, if this be a Sunday or a solemnity, on 3 November.
Diocese; suffragan of the Archdiocese of Agra, India.
Allatius, Leo
A learned Greek of the seventeenth century. (1586-1669)
Allegranza, Joseph
A Milanese Dominican who won distinction as a historian, archaeologist, and antiquary. (1715-1785)
Allegri, Antonio
Artist known as Correggio, the place of his birth. (1494-1534)
Allegri, Gregorio
Composer from the same family which produced the painter Correggio.
Allemand, Jean
A French priest and Orientalist. (1799-1833)
Allen, Edward Patrick
Fifth Bishop of Mobile, Alabama, U.S.; born at Lowell, Massachusetts, 17 March, 1853.
Allen, Frances
The first woman of New England birth to become a nun. (1784-1819)
Allen, George
Educator, born at Milton, Vermont, 17 December, 1808; died in Worcester, Massachusetts, 28 May, 1876.
Allen, John
Archbishop of Dublin, canonist, and Chancellor of Ireland. (1476-1534)
Allen, John
Priest and martyr. He was executed at Tyburn in the beginning of the year 1538.
Allerstein, August
Jesuit missionary in China, born in Germany, died in China, probably about 1777.
Alliance, Holy
The Emperor Francis I of Austria, King Frederick William III of Prussia, and the Tsar Alexander I of Russia, signed a treaty on 26 September, 1815, by which they united in a "Holy Alliance."
Allioli, Joseph Franz
Studied theology at Landshut, was ordained at Ratisbon, 1816, studied Oriental languages (1818-20), became professor in the University at Landshut in 1824, and was transferred with the university to Munich in 1826, but owing to a weak throat he had to accept a canonry at Ratisbon. Became Dean of the chapter at Augsburg, in 1838.
Allison, William
One of the English priests who were victims of the plots of 1679-80.
A solemn form of address or speech from the throne employed by the Pope on certain occasions.
Allouez, Claude
Jesuit missionary and explorer. (1620-1689)
A Hebrew word signifying a "young woman", unmarried as well as married.
Alma Redemptoris Mater
The opening words of one of the four Antiphons sung at Compline and Lauds, in honour of the Blessed Virgin, at various seasons of the year.
Almagro, Diego de
Generally considered a foundling; came to Panama in 1514 with Pedro Arias de Avila (D'Avila), and soon distinguished himself in military expeditions.
A suffragan see of the Archdiocese of Granada in Spain.
Almond, John
English Cistercian and Confessor the Faith. (d. 1585)
Almond, John, Venerable
English priest and martyr. (1577-1612)
Almond, Oliver
Sixteenth-century English priest and writer.
Alms and Almsgiving
Any material favour done to assist the needy, and prompted by charity.
A party of heretics who arose after the Cataphrygians, Quartodecimans, and others, and who received neither the Gospel of St. John nor his Apocalypse.
Aloysius Gonzaga, Saint
Short biography of this Jesuit student, who died in 1591 at the age of 23.
Alpha and Omega (in Scripture)
Employed from the fourth century as a symbol expressing the confidence of orthodox Christians in the scriptural proofs of Our Lord's divinity.
Alphabet, Christian Use of the
The Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets have been variously made use of in Christian liturgy.
Alphege, Saint
Saint Elphege, martyred Archbishop of Canterbury. (954-1012)
Alphonsus Liguori, Saint
Born at Marianella, near Naples, 27 September, 1696; died at Nocera de' Pagani, 1 August, 1787.
Alphonsus Rodriguez, Saint
Jesuit lay-brother who entered the Society at the age of forty. (1532-1617)
The German Imperial Territory so known, and divided for State purposes into three civil districts.
Altamura and Acquaviva
An exempt archipresbyterate in the province of Bari, in southern Italy.
Altar (in Liturgy)
In the New Law the altar is the table on which the Eucharistic Sacrifice is offered.
Altar Bell
A small bell placed on the credence or in some other convenient place on the epistle side of the altar.
Altar Breadboxes
Made of wood, tin, britannia, silver, or other metal. A round flat weight, covered if necessary with silk or linen, and having a knob on top, so as to be easily taken hold of, is placed on the breads.
Altar Breads
Bread is one of the two elements absolutely necessary for the sacrifice of the Eucharist.
Altar Candles
For mystical reasons the Church prescribes that the candles used at Mass and at other liturgical functions be made of beeswax.
Altar Candlesticks
Consists of five parts: the foot, the stem, the knob about the middle of the stem, the bowl to receive the drippings of wax, and the pricket, i.e. the sharp point that terminates the stem on which the candle is fixed.
Altar Canopy
The "Caeremoniale Episcoporum (I, xii, 13), treating of the ornaments of the altar, says that a canopy (baldachinum) should be suspended over the altar.
Altar Cards
To assist the memory of the celebrant at Mass in those prayers which he should know by heart, cards on which these prayers are printed are placed on the altar in the middle, and at each end.
Altar Carpets
The sanctuary and altar-steps of the high altar are ordinarily to be covered with carpets.
Altar Cavity
A small square or oblong chamber in the body of the altar, in which are placed the relics of two canonized martyrs.
Altar Cloths
The custom of using three altar-cloths began probably in the ninth century, but at present it is of strict obligation for the licit celebration of Mass.
Altar Curtain
Drawn around the altar at certain parts of Mass.
Altar Frontal
An appendage which covers the entire front of the altar, from the lower part of the table to the predella, and from the gospel corner to that of the epistle side.
Altar Horns
On the Jewish altar there were four projections, one at each corner, which were called the horns of the altar. These projections are not found on the Christian altar, but the word cornu ("horn") is still maintained to designate the sides or corners of the altar.
Altar Lamp
In the Old Testament God commanded that a lamp filled with the purest oil of olives should always burn in the Tabernacle of the Testimony without the veil.
Altar Lanterns
Used in churches to protect the altar candles and lamp, if the latter for any reason, such as a draught, cannot be kept lit.
Altar Ledge
A step behind the altar, raised slightly above it, for candlesticks, flowers, reliquaries, and other ornaments.
Altar Linens
The corporal, pall, purificator, and finger towels.
Altar of Our Lady
In general it signifies any altar of which the Blessed Virgin is the titular.
Altar of Repose
Sometimes called less properly sepulchre or tomb, more frequently repository.
Altar Protector
A cover made of cloth, baize or velvet which is placed on the table of the altar, during the time in which the sacred functions do not take place.
Altar Rail
The railing which guards the sanctuary and separates the latter from the body of the church. Also called the communion-rail.
Altar Screen
A cloth, on which images of Our Lord, of the Blessed Virgin, or of saints, are represented, may be suspended above the altar, unless such images are painted on the wall.
Altar Side
That part of the altar which faces the congregation.
Altar Steps
The number of steps leading up to the high altar is for symbolical reasons uneven; usually three, five, or seven, including the upper platform.
Altar Stone
A solid piece of natural stone, consecrated by a bishop, large enough to hold the Sacred Host and chalice.
Altar Tomb
A tomb, or monument, over a grave, oblong in form, which is covered with a slab or table, having the appearance of an altar.
Altar Vase
Vase to hold flowers for the decoration of the altar.
Altar Vessels
The chalice is the cup in which the wine and water of the Eucharistic Sacrifice is contained.
Altar Wine
Wine is one of the two elements absolutely necessary for the sacrifice of the Eucharist. For valid and licit consecration vinum de vite, i.e. the pure juice of the grape naturally and properly fermented, is to be used.
Altar, Double
An altar having a double front constructed in such a manner that Mass may be celebrated on both sides of it at the same time.
Altar, High
The chief altar in a church, raised on an elevated plane in the sanctuary, where it may be seen simultaneously by all the faithful in the body of the church.
Altar, History of the Christian
An elevated surface, tabular in form, on which the Sacrifice of the Mass is offered.
Altar, Portable
Consists of a solid piece of natural stone which must be sufficiently hard to resist every fracture.
Altar, Privileged
An altar is said to be privileged when, in addition to the ordinary fruits of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, a plenary indulgence is also granted whenever Mass is celebrated thereon.
Altar, Stripping of an
Removal of the altar-cloths, vases of flowers, antipendium, and other ornaments, so that nothing remains but the cross and the candlesticks with the candles extinguished.
The fees received by a priest from the laity when discharging any function for them, e.g. marriages, baptisms, funerals.
A picture of some sacred subject painted on the wall or suspended in a frame behind the altar, or a group of statuary on the altar.
Altars (in Scripture)
Describes several biblical uses of the word.
Altars (in the Greek Churches)
The altar of the Russian Orthodox or the Ruthenian Greek Catholic churches means the sanctuary, and not merely the altar known to Latin churches.
Altmann, Blessed
The friend of Gregory VII and Anselm, conspicuous in the contest of the Guelphs and Ghibellines, as Bishop of Passau and Papal Legate.
A term formed by Auguste Comte in 1851, to denote the benevolent, as contrasted with the selfish propensities.
The name assumed by some false mystics who appeared in Spain in the sixteenth century and claimed to have direct intercourse with God.
Signifies in ecclesiastical usage, a student preparing for the sacred ministry in a seminary.
Alva y Astorga, Pedro d'
A Friar Minor of the Strict Observance and a writer on theological subjects. (d. 1667)
Alvarado, Alonzo de
A Knight of Santiago, b. at Secadura de Trasmura, near Burgos, date unknown; d. 1559.
Alvarado, Fray Francisco de
A native of Mexico, entered the Dominican order 25 July, 1574.
Alvarado, Pedro de
Accompanied Grijalva on his exploration of Yucatan and the Mexican coast in 1518, and was the chief officer of Cortez during the conquest of Mexico.
Alvarez de Paz
A famous mystic of the Society of Jesus. (1560-1620)
Alvarez, Balthazar
A Spanish mystic, who was the spiritual director of St. Teresa. (1533-1580)
Alvarez, Diego
Spanish theologian, born about 1550; died At Trani, Kingdom of Naples, 1635.
Alypius, Saint
Placed in the Roman Martyrology by Gregory XIII, in 1584, the evidence of his sanctity being sufficiently clear from the account of his life by St. Augustine.
Alzate, José Antonio
Seventeenth century priest born at Ozumba, Mexico.
A Semitic term meaning mother, adopted by the Copts and the Greeks as a title of honour applied to religious and ladies of high rank.
Amadeo, Giovanni Antonio
Italian architect and sculptor. (1447-1522)
Amadia and Akra
Designates two Catholic dioceses of the Chaldean Rite in Kurdistan, Turkey in Asia.
Amalarius of Metz
A liturgical writer, b. at Metz, in the last quarter of the eighth century; d. about 850.
Amalberga, Saint
Relative of Pepin of Landen and the mother of three saints, Gudila, Reinelda, and Emembertus.
Amalberga, Saint
Virgin who rejected Charlemagne's advances.
A people remembered chiefly as the most hated of all the enemies of Israel.
Archdiocese directly dependent on the Holy See, has its seat at Amalfi, not far from Naples.
Heretical sect founded towards the end of the twelfth century.
Amalricus Augerii
A church-historian of the fourteenth century, and member of the Augustinian Order.
Amandus, Saint
Apostle of Flanders; born near Nantes, in France, about the end of the sixth century.
A titular see and metropolis of Pontus in Asia Minor on the river Iris, now Amasiah.
A titular see of Paphlagonia in Asia Minor, on a peninsula jutting into the Black Sea.
Amat, Thaddeus
Second Bishop of Monterey and Los Angeles, California. (1810-1878)
Name of two titular sees, one in Syria, suffragan of Apameia, with an episcopal list known from 449 to 536; the other on the southern coast of Cyprus, whose episcopal list reaches from the fourth century to 787.
Amazones, Diocese of
A South American diocese, dependent on San Salvador of Bahia.
A word of Greek origin, supposed to signify a mountain or elevation.
Ambo (in the Russian and Greek Church)
Sometimes two ambos were used, from one of which the Epistle was read and from the other the Gospel.
Amboise, George d'
French cardinal, archbishop, and statesman. (1460-1510)
Ambronay, Our Lady of
A sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin at Ambronay, France, regarded as one of the two candles of devotion to Our Lady in the Diocese of Belley.
Ambros, August Wilhelm
Historian of music and art critic. (1816-1876)
Ambrose of Camaldoli, Saint
Italian theologian and writer. (1386-1439)
Ambrosian Basilica
Erected at Milan by fourth-century bishop, St. Ambrose, and was consecrated in the year 386.
Ambrosian Hymnography
The term implies no attribution of authorship, but rather a poetical form or a liturgical use.
Ambrosian Library
Founded between 1603 and 1609 by Cardinal Federigo Borromeo at Milan.
Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite
The liturgy and Rite of the Church of Milan, which derives its name from St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (374-397).
The Order of St. Ambrose was the name of two religious congregations, one of men and one of women, founded in the neighbourhood of Milan during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
The name given to the author of a commentary on all the Epistles of St. Paul, with the exception of that to the Hebrews.
A cloister, gallery, or alley; a sheltered place, straight or circular, for exercise in walking; the aisle that makes the circuit of the apse of a church.
Diocese comprising seven towns in the province of Perugia, Italy, and is under the immediate jurisdiction of the Holy See.
Amelote, Denis
Ordained in 1631, a Doctor of the Sorbonne, and member of the French Oratory. (1609-1678)
One of a small number of Hebrew words which have been imported unchanged into the liturgy of the Church.
Amende Honorable
An obsolete form of honorary satisfaction, customary in the Church in France as late as the seventeenth century.
Amerbach, Veit
Humanist and convert from Lutheranism to the Catholic Church. (1503-1557)
Consists of three main divisions: North America, Central America, and South America.
America, Pre-Columbian Discovery of
Offers details of early exploration.
American College at Louvain, The
An institution for the education of priests founded in 1857.
American College in Rome, The
Owes its existence chiefly to Archbishop Hughes, of New York, and Archbishop Kenrick of Baltimore.
American College in Rome, The South
The Rev. Ignatius Victor Eyzaguirre went to Rome, in 1857, and proposed to the Pope the erection of a college for students from Latin American countries.
Amiatinus, Codex
Manuscript of the Latin Vulgate Bible, kept at Florence in the Bibliotheca Laurentiana.
A short linen cloth, square or oblong in shape and, like the other sacerdotal vestments, needing to be blessed before use.
Amico, Antonio
Canon of Palermo, and ecclesiastical historian of Syracuse and Messina, (d. 1641).
Amico, Francesco
Theologian born at Cosenza, in Naples, 2 April, 1578.
An Armenian Rite diocese located in Mesopotamia, Asiatic Turkey.
Ammen, Daniel
American naval officer and author (1820-1898)
Ammon, Saint
An Egyptian who, forced into marriage, persuaded his wife to pronounce a vow of chastity, which they kept faithfully, though living together for eighteen years; at the end of this time he became a hermit in the desert of Nitria, and she formed a congregation of religious women in her own house.
Former Benedictine abbey in Lower Franconia (Bavaria), founded in the early part of the eighth century by St. Pirmin.
A titular see of Phrygia in Asia Minor, now known as Hergen Kaleh.
A name of doubtful origin and meaning, used to designate an ancient people often mentioned in the Old Testament.
A term applied to the condition of certain ecclesiastics in regard to their benefices or offices.
Vicariate Apostolic of Amoy, located in China, created in 1883, and entrusted to the care of the Dominicans.
Vessels generally made of clay, and furnished with ears or handles.
Their peculiarity consists in the sediment of dark red colour they contain, from which they derive the name, blood-ampullæ, on the theory that the sediment is the remains of the blood of a martyr.
An Italian diocese in Sardinia, suffragan of Sassari.
The name of certain ancient Irish elegies or panegyrics on native saints.
The Syrian houses in the region of Hauran were inhabited, from the third century to the seventh, by the upper and middle classes of the population. A house of this kind in perfect preservation is still to be seen at Amrah.
The capital, and second residential city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
An object generaliy inscribed with mysterious formulæ and used by pagans as a protection against various maladies, as well as witchcraft.
Amulets, Use and Abuse of
Amulets have had quite a general vogue among all people of all times and have been characterized by a bewildering variety as to the material, shape, and method of employment.
A titular see of Peloponnesus in Greece, in the ecclesiastical province of Hellas, a suffragan of Corinth.
Amyot, Jacques
Bishop of Auxerre, Grand Almoner of France. (1513-1593)
A violent and extremely radical body of ecclesiastico-civil reformers which first made its appearance in 1521 at Zwickau.
Anacletus II
The title which was taken by Cardinal Pietro Pierleone at the contested papal election of the year 1130.
A term in medicine, and the allied sciences, signifying a state of insensibility to external impressions, consequent upon disease, or induced artificially by the employment of certain substances known as anæsthetics, or by hypnotic suggestion.
An Italian diocese in the province of Rome under the immediate jurisdiction of the Holy See.
A philosophical term used to designate, first, a property of things; secondly, a process of reasoning.
The process by which anything complex is resolved into simple, or at least less complex parts or elements.
Anastasia, Saint
This martyr enjoys the distinction, unique in the Roman liturgy, of having a special commemoration in the second Mass on Christmas day.
Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Librarian of the Roman Church. (810-879)
Anatolius, Saint
Fifth century Patriarch of Constantinople.
The science of the form and structure of living beings.
A titular metropolitan see of Cilicia (Lesser Armenia), suffragan of Antioch.
Anazco, Pedro de
A missionary and student of Indian languages. (1550-1605)
Anchieta, Joseph
Jesuit missionary, commonly known as the Apostle of Brazil, born on the Island of Tenerife, in 1553, of noble family; died in Brazil, 1596.
Anchor (as Symbol), The
Regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety.
In Christian terminology, men who have sought to triumph over the two unavoidable enemies of human salvation, the flesh and the devil, by depriving them of the assistance of their ally, the world.
Ancilla Dei
A title often given to a deceased woman in early Christian inscriptions.
Ancona and Umana
An Italian diocese in the Archdiocese of Ancona.
Ancona, Ciriaco d'
An Italian antiquary whose family name was Pizzicolli, born at Ancona about 1391; died about 1455 at Cremona.
Ancren Riwle
The name given to a thirteenth century code of rules for the life of anchoresses, which is sometimes called "The Nuns' Rule".
A titular see of Galatia in Asia Minor, suffragan of Laodicea.
Ancyra, Councils of
Three councils were held in the former capital of Galatia (now Angora) in Asia Minor, during the fourth century.
The name given by the Arabs to the portion of Spain subject to their dominion.
Anderdon, William Henry
English Jesuit and writer, born in London, 26 December, 1816; died 28 July, 1890.
Anderledy, Anthony Maria
General of the Society of Jesus. (1819-1892)
Anderson, Lionel Albert
An English Dominican, b. about 1620; d. 21 October, 1710.
Anderton, Blessed Robert
English priest and martyr, b. in the Isle of Wight about 1560; d. 25 April, 1586.
Andlaw, Heinrich Bernhard, Freiherr von
Catholic statesman. (1802-1871)
Andrada, Antonio de
Missionary and explorer of Tibet in the seventeenth century.
André, Bernard
Fifteenth-century friar, poet, chronographer.
Andrea Dotti, Blessed
Born 1256, in Borgo San Sepolero, Tuscany, Italy; d. there 31 August, 1315.
Andrea Pisano
An Italian sculptor and architect, b. 1270; d. 1349.
Andreas, Saint
Theologian, homilist, hymnographer. (d. 740)
Andrew Avellino, Saint
Born 1521 at Castronuovo, a small town in Sicily; died 10 November, 1608.
Andrew of Lonjumeau
Dominican missionary and papal ambassador. (d. 1253)
Andrew the Scot, Saint
Archdeacon of Fiesole, born probably at the beginning of the ninth century; died about 877.
Andrew, Saint
A martyr of the Faith in Lampsacus, a city of Mysia, in the persecution of Decius.
Andria, Diocese
Comprises three towns in the Province of Bari and one in the Province of Potenza, Archdiocese of Trani, Italy.
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus, Saints
Martyrs of the Diocletian persecution. (c. 304)
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco
Born in Rome c. 1567; died. c. 1620.
Anfossi, Filippo
Italian Dominican, b. at Taggia, in the province of Genoa; d. in Rome, 14 May, 1825.
Ange de Saint Joseph
French missionary friar of the Order of Discalced Carmelites. (1636-1697)
Ange de Sainte Rosalie
French genealogist and friar of the house of the Petits-Pères of the Discalced Augustinians. (1655-1726)
The word is used in Hebrew to denote indifferently either a divine or human messenger.
Angel, Guardian
The lowest orders of angels are sent to men.
Angela Merici, Saint
Foundress of the Ursulines. (1474-1540)
Angela of Foligno, Blessed
Umbrian penitent and mystical writer. (1248-1309)
Angeli, Francesco degli
Missionary to Ethiopia. (1567-1628)
Angelicals, The
A congregation of women founded at Milan about 1530 by Countess Luigia Torelli of Guastalla for the protection and reclamation of girls.
Angelo Carletti di Chivasso, Blessed
Moral theologian of the order of Friars Minor. (1411-1495)
Angelo Clareno da Cingoli
One of the leaders of the Spiritual Franciscans.
Angels of the Churches
St. John in the Apocalypse is shown seven candlesticks and in their midst, the Son of Man holding seven stars. The candlesticks represent the seven Churches of Asia; the stars, the angels of those Churches.
Angels, Early Christian Representations of
The oldest fresco in which an angel appears is the Annunciation scene (second century) of the cemetery of St. Priscilla.
A short practice of devotion in honour of the Incarnation repeated three times each day, morning, noon, and evening, at the sound of the bell.
Angelus Bell
The triple Hail Mary recited in the evening, which is the origin of our modern Angelus, was closely associated with the ringing of a bell.
Angelus, Silesius
Convert, poet, controversialist, the son of a Lutheran Polish Nobleman. (1624-1677)
Comprises the territory embraced in the department of Maine and Loire.
Angers, University of
Early in the eleventh century this school became famous under the direction of Marbodus.
Anges, Notre Dame de
A miraculous shrine near Lur, France, containing a crypt (Sainte Chapelle) which tradition dates back to an early period.
Angilbert, Saint
Abbot of Saint-Riquier, died 18 February, 814.
Angiolini, Francesco
A noted scholar, b. at Piscenza, Italy, 1750; d. at Polotsk, 21 February, 1788.
Anglesea, The Priory of
Founded in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas for a community of Austin Canons, by Henry I. Dugdale.
Anglican Orders
In the creed of the Catholic Church, Holy Order is one of the Seven Sacraments instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
A term used to denote the religious belief and position of members of the established Church of England.
Anglin, Timothy Warren
Canadian journalist and member of Parliament, born in the town of Cloankilty, County Cork, Ireland, 1822; died 3 May, 1896, in Canada.
Anglo-Saxon Church, The
History of the occupation, conversion, and development.
An Italian diocese comprising twenty-seven towns and three villages in the province of Potenza and nine towns and one village in the province of Cosenza, Archdiocese of Acerenza.
Angola and Congo
Diocese of Portuguese West Africa, suffragan of Lisbon.
Diocese; comprises the Department of the Charente in France, and has always been suffragan to the Archbishopric of Bordeaux, under the old régime as well as under the Concordat.
The episcopal see of the Azores, suffragan of Lisbon.
Angulo, Pedro
Native of Burgos in Spain, came to America in 1524 as a soldier, but joined the Dominican order in 1529.
Vicariate Apostolic comprising the territory of the German Duchy of Anhalt.
Anima Christi
Well known prayer dating from the first half of the fourteenth century and enriched with indulgences by Pope John XXII in the year 1330.
Anima, College and Church of the, in Rome
S. Maria dell' Anima, the German national church and hospice in Rome, received its name, according to tradition, from the picture of Our Lady which forms its coat of arms.
Animals in Christian Art
Animal forms have always occupied a place of far greater importance than was ever accorded to them in the art of the pagan world.
Animals in the Bible
The sacred books were composed by and for a people almost exclusively given to husbandry and pastoral life, hence in constant communication with nature.
Animals, Cruelty to
Includes sections on pagan, Old and New Testament, scholastic, and Catholic perspectives.
Animuccia, Giovanni
An Italian composer, born at Florence about 1500; died 1571.
Anise has been, since Wyclif, the rendering of anethon in the English Versions, But this is not accurate. The exact equivalent of the plant anethon is dill, while anise corresponds to the pimpinella anisum.
Details of four women by this name in sacred scripture.
Anna Comnena
Byzantine historian, eldest daughter of Alexius Comnenus, Emperor of Constantinople (1081-1118).
Anna Maria Gesualda Antonia Taigi, Blessed
Venerable Servant of God, born at Siena, Italy, 29 May, 1769; died at Rome, 9 June, 1837.
Annals, Ecclesiastical
The historical literature of the Middle Ages may be classed under three general heads: chronicles, annals, and lives of the saints.
Son of Seth, succeeded (A.D. 6 or 7) Joazar in the high-priesthood by appointment of Quirinius who had come to Judea to attend to the incorporation of Archelaus's territory into the Roman province of Syria.
Annat, François
French Jesuit, theologian, writer, and opponent of Jansenism. (1590-1670)
The first fruits, or first year's revenue of an ecclesiastical benefice paid to the Papal Curia (in medieval times to bishops also).
Anne d'Auray, Sainte
A little village three miles from the town of Auray, in the Diocese of Vannes, famous for its sanctuary and for its pilgrimages, or pardons, in honour of St. Anne.
Anne de Xainctonge, Venerable
Foundress of the Society of the Sisters of St. Ursula of the Blessed Virgin. (1567-1621)
Anne, Saint
The traditional name of the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Diocese comprising the Department of Haute-Savoie in France.
Annegarn, Joseph
Catholic theologian and popular writer. (1794-1843)
Annibaldi, Annibale d'
Theologian, b. of a Roman senatorial family early in the thirteenth century; d. at Rome, 1 September, 1271.
Annibale, Giuseppe d'
Cardinal and theologian. (1815-1892))
Annius of Viterbo
Archeologist and historian, born at Viterbo about 1432; died 13 November, 1502.
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Fact
In the sixth month after the conception of St. John the Baptist by Elizabeth, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the Virgin Mary.
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Feast
In the Latin Church this feast is first mentioned in the Sacramentarium of Pope Gelasius.
Annunciation, The Orders of the
A penitential order founded by St. Jeanne de Valois.
Anointing of the Sick
A sacrament to give spiritual aid and comfort and perfect spiritual health, including, if need be, the remission of sins, and also, conditionally, to restore bodily health, to Christians who are seriously ill.
Ansaldi, Casto Innocenzio
Theologian and archaeologist. (1710-1780)
Ansegisus, Saint
Born about 770, of noble parentage; died 20 July, 833, or 834.
Anselm of Lucca (the Younger), Saint
Born at Mantua c. 1036; d. in the same city, 18 March, 1086.
Anselm, Saint
Archbishop of Canterbury, Doctor of the Church. (1033-1109)
Anthelmi, Joseph
French ecclesiastical historian. (1648-1697)
Anthony Baldinucci, Blessed
Entered the Society of Jesus 21 April, 1681, and was ordained priest 28 October, 1695.
Anthony Daniel, Saint
Huron missionary, born at Dieppe, in Normandy, 27 May 1601, slain by the Iroquois.
Anthony of Padua, Saint
Franciscan thaumaturgist, born at Lisbon, 1195; died at Vercelli, 13 June, 1231.
Anthony of Sienna
A Dominican theologian, so called because of his great veneration for St. Catharine of Sienna.
Anthony of the Desert, Saint
Founder of Christian monasticism.
Anthony of the Mother of God
A Spanish Carmelite, b. at Leon in Old-Castile; d. 1641.
Anthony, Orders of Saint
Religious communities or orders under the patronage of St. Anthony the Hermit, father of monasticism, or professing to follow his rule.
Anthropomorphism, Anthropomorphites
A term used in its widest sense to signify the tendency of man to conceive the activities of the external world as the counterpart of his own.
Defines the word according to its biblical and ecclesiastical usage.
An Eastern sect which flourished about A. D. 200 to 400, and which was so designated as being the "opponents of Mary".
The remains of the loaves or cakes from which the various portions are cut for consecration in the Mass, according to the Greek Rite, are gathered up on a plate, in the sanctuary and kept upon the prothesis, during the celebration of the Mass.
The shiretown of the county of the same name in Nova Scotia.
Consecrated corporal of a kind used only in the Greek Rite.
A titular see of the Thebaid, now Esneh or Esench, a city in Egypt.
The heretical doctrine that Christians are exempt from the obligations of moral law.
Antioch, The Church of
A city on the banks of the lower Orontes.
Antiochene Liturgy
The family of liturgies originally used in the Patriarchate of Antioch begins with that of the Apostolic Constitutions; then follow that of St. James in Greek, the Syrian Liturgy of St. James, and the other Syrian Anaphorus.
One or more psalm verses or sentences from Holy Scripture which are sung or recited before and after each psalm and the Magnificat during Matins and Vespers.
Antiphon (in Greek Liturgy)
The Greek Liturgy uses antiphons, not only in the Office, but also in the Mass, at Vespers, and at all the canonical Hours.
Antiphon (in the Greek Church)
Socrates, the church historian (Hist. Eccl., VI, viii), says that St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, the third in succession from St. Peter in that see, once had a vision of angels singing the praises of the Trinity in alternating hymns, and remembering the vision, gave this form of singing to the Church of Antioch.
Antiphon, Communion
The term Communion is used, not only for the reception of the Holy Eucharist, but also as a shortened form for the antiphon that was originally sung while the people were receiving the Blessed Sacrament.
One of the present liturgical books intended for use in the liturgical choir, and originally characterized, by the assignment to it principally of the antiphons used in various parts of the Roman liturgy.
Antiphonary, Gregorian
Discovered in a Montpellier manuscript of the tenth or eleventh century.
Speculations concerning the rotundity of the earth and the possible existence of human beings "with their feet turned towards ours" were of interest to the Fathers of the Early Church only in so far as they seemed to encroach upon the fundamental Christian dogma of the unity of the human race, and the consequent universality of original sin and redemption.
A false claimant of the Holy See in opposition to a pontiff canonically elected.
Antiquities, Biblical
Details domestic, political, and sacred antiquities.
So called from its position opposite to Bari in Italy; the Catholic archiepiscopal see of Montenegro.
Vicariate Apostolic in Chile, dependent on the Sacred Congregation of Ecclesiastical Affairs.
Antonelli, Giacomo
Cardinal; Secretary of State to Pius IX. (1806-1876)
Antonelli, Nicolò Maria
Cardinal, learned canonist, ecclesiastical historian, and Orientalist. (1698-1767)
Antoniano, Giovanni
Patrologist, b. at Nimeguen, in Holland, early in the sixteenth century; d. same place, in 1588.
Antoniano, Silvio
Cardinal, writer on education. (1540-1603)
Antoniewicz, Charles
Polish Jesuit and missionary. (1807-1852)
Antonio María Claret y Clará, Saint
Spanish prelate and missionary, born at Sallent, near Barcelona, 23 Dec., 1807; d. at Fontfroide, Narbonne, France, on 24 Oct., 1870.
Antonio Maria Zaccaria, Saint
Founder of the Clerks Regular of St. Paul, commonly known as the Barnabites. (1502-1539)
A supposed Latin Christian poet of the third century.
Antony, Franz Joseph
Received Holy Orders, and in 1819 became choirmaster at the cathedral, succeeding his father as organist, in 1832.
Anunciación, Fray Domingo de la
Dominican missionary. (1510-1591)
Anunciación, Fray Juan de la
Born at Granada in Spain, probably 1514; died 1594.
A tribe of North American Indians belonging linguistically to the Athapascan stock whose original habitat is believed to have been Northwestern Canada.
A titular metropolitan see of Syria, in the valley of the Orontes, whose episcopal list dates from the first century.
Aparisi y Guijarro, Antonio
Parliamentary orator, jurisconsult, Catholic controversialist, and Spanish litterateur. (1815-1872)
Founder of a Gnostic sect; died at an advanced age late in the second century.
Wrter born of pagan parents during the last half of the third century.
Apiarius of Sicca
A priest of the diocese of Sicca, in proconsular Africa.
Apocalypse, Book of
The name given to the last book in the Bible, also called the Book of Revelation.
A name given in the history of theology to the doctrine which teaches that a time will come when all free creatures will share in the grace of salvation; in a special way, the devils and lost souls.
Indicates in general the ecclesiastical envoys of Christian antiquity, whether permanent or sent temporarily on missions to high ecclesiastical authorities or royal courts.
Classified according to their origin, instead of following the misleading division of the apocrypha of the Old and New Testaments.
For several days after a great feast the celebrant turns back to certain prayers of the feast and repeats them in commemoration of it. The last day of such repetition of the prayers of the previous feast is called the apodosis.
A Christological theory, according to which Christ had a human body and a human sensitive soul, but no human rational mind, the Divine Logos taking the place of this last.
Apollinaris (the Elder)
A Christian grammarian of the fourth century, first at Berytus in Phoenicia, then at Laodicea in Syria.
Apollinaris Claudius, Saint
A Christian apologist, Bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia in the second century.
Apollonia, Saint
A holy virgin who suffered martyrdom in Alexandria during a local uprising against the Christians previous to the persecution of Decius at the end of 248 or beginning of 249.
Apollonius of Ephesus
Anti-Montanist Greek ecclesiastical writer, between 180 and 210.
A theological science which has for its purpose the explanation and defence of the Christian religion.
The dismissal blessing said by the Greek priest at the end of the Mass, Matins, or Vespers.
A dismissal prayer or hymn said or sung at the end of the Greek Mass and at other times during Matins and Vespers.
Aporti, Ferrante
An educator and theologian, born at San Martino dell'Argine, province of Mantua, Italy, 20 Nov., 1791; died 14 Nov., 1858, at Turin.
The word itself in its etymological sense, signifies the desertion of a post, the giving up of a state of life; he who voluntarily embraces a definite state of life cannot leave it, therefore, without becoming an apostate.
Apostle (in Liturgy)
The name given by the Greek Church to the Epistle of the Divine Liturgy, which is invariably of Apostolic origin and never taken, as sometimes happens in the Roman Rite, from the Old Testament.
Apostle Spoons
A set of thirteen spoons, usually silver, the handles of which are adorned with representations of Our Lord (the Master spoon) and the twelve Apostles.
Apostles of Erin, The Twelve
Twelve holy Irishmen of the sixth century who went to study at the School of Clonard in Meath.
Apostles' Creed
A formula containing in brief statements, or "articles," the fundamental tenets of Christian belief, and having for its authors, according to tradition, the Twelve Apostles.
Apostles, Portraits of the
Details of the earliest painted representations of the Apostles still in existence.
Apostles, The
Apostolos (Apostle) means one who is sent forth, who is entrusted with a mission.
Apostleship of Prayer, The
A pious association otherwise known as a league of prayer in union with the Heart of Jesus.
Apostolic Blessing
The popes very often delegated to others the power to give this blessing in answer to petitions from princes, at the close of missions, and on such occasions.
Apostolic Camera
The former central board of finance in the papal administrative system, which at one time was of great importance in the government of the States of the Church, and in the administration of justice.
Apostolic Church-Ordinance
A third-century pseudo-Apostolic collection of moral and hierarchical rules and instructions, compiled in the main from ancient Christian sources.
Apostolic Churches
All the individual orthodox churches could, in a sense, be called Apostolic Churches, because they were in some more or less mediate connection with the Apostles.
Apostolic College
This term designates The Twelve Apostles as the body of men commissioned by Christ to spread the kingdom of God over the whole world and to give it the stability of a well-ordered society.
Apostolic Constitutions
A fourth-century pseudo-Apostolic collection, in eight books, of independent, though closely related, treatises on Christian discipline, worship, and doctrine, intended to serve as a manual of guidance for the clergy, and to some extent for the laity.
Apostolic Executor
A cleric who puts into execution a papal rescript, completing what is necessary in order that it be effective.
Apostolic Expeditors
Officials who attend to the sending of Bulls, Briefs, and Rescripts, that emanate from the Apostolic Chancery, the Dataria, the Sacred Paenitentiaria, and the Secretariate of Briefs.
Apostolic Fathers, The
Christian writers of the first and second centuries who are known, or are considered, to have had personal relations with some of the Apostles, or to have been so influenced by them that their writings may be held as echoes of genuine Apostolic teaching.
Apostolic Letters
The letters of the Apostles to Christian communities or those in authority.
Apostolic See, The
A metaphorical term, used, as happens in all languages, to express the abstract notion of authority by the concrete name of the place in which it is exercised.
Apostolic Succession
Article claims that Apostolic succession is found in the Catholic Church and not in others.
Apostolic Union of Secular Priests, The
An association of secular priests who observe a simple rule embodying the common duties of their state, afford mutual assistance in the functions of the ministry, and keep themselves in the spirit of their holy vocation by spiritual conferences.
Apostolicae Curae
A Bull of Leo XIII issued 15 September, 1896, and containing the latest papal decision with regard to the validity of Anglican orders.
Apostolici Ministerii
A Bull issued 23 May, 1724, by Innocent XIII, for the revival of ecclesiastical discipline in Spain.
Apostolici Regiminis
A Bull issued 19 December, 1513, by Leo X, in defence of the Catholic doctrine concerning the immortality of the soul.
The mark by which the Church of today is recognized as identical with the Church founded by Jesus Christ upon the Apostles.
Apostolicum Pascendi Munus
A Bull issued by Clement XIII, 12 January, 1765, in defense of the Society of Jesus against the attacks made upon it.
Apostolicæ Sedis Moderationi
A Bull of Pius IX (1846-78) which regulates anew the system of censures and reservations in the Catholic church.
Apostolicæ Servitutis
A Bull issued by Benedict XIV, 23 February, 1741, against secular pursuits on the part of the clergy.
The adherents of a heresy which sprang up in the third century and spread through the western and southern parts of Asia Minor.
Deification, the exaltation of men to the rank of gods.
The article deals not with natural but with supernatural visions, that is, visions due to the direct intervention of a power superior to man.
The official name given to an officer in ecclesiastical courts designated to serve the summons, to arrest a person accused, and, in ecclesiastico-civil procedure, to take possession, physically or formally, of the property in dispute.
Appeal as from an abuse
The object was to safeguard equally the rights both of the State and of the Church.
The purpose of this article is to give a comprehensive view of the positive legislation of the Church on appeals belonging to the ecclesiastical forum; but it does not treat of the nature of the ecclesiastical forum itself nor of the rights of the Church and its supreme head, the pope, to receive appeals in ecclesiastical matters.
An act by which a bishop or other superior grants to an ecclesiastic the actual exercise of his ministry.
In theology, appropriation is used in speaking of the different Persons of the Trinity.
The semicircular or polygonal termination to the choir or aisles of a church.
Apse Chapel
A chapel radiating tangentially from one of the bays or divisions of the apse, and reached generally by a semicircular passageway, or ambulatory, exteriorly to the walls or piers of the apse.
A small or secondary apse, one of the apses on either side of the main apse in a triapsidal church, or one of the apse-chapels when they project on the exterior of the church.
Apt, Council of
Held 14 May, 1365, in the cathedral of that city by the archbishops and bishops of the provinces of Arles, Embrun, and Aix, in the south of France.
A name given to several sects in the early Church.
An Italian archdiocese in the Abruzzi, directly dependent on the Holy See.
Aquila and Priscilla
Jewish tentmakers, who left Rome in the Jewish persecution under Claudius, 49 or 50, and settled in Corinth.
A former city of the Roman Empire, situated at the head of the Adriatic.
Aquileia, Councils of
A council held in 381, presided over by St. Valerian of Aquileia.
Aquileian Rite
Aquileia and certain of its suffragan sees had a special rite but they do not give any clear indication as to what this rite was.
Aquino, Sora, and Pontecorvo
An Italian diocese immediately subject to the Holy See.
The cradle of Islam and, in all probability, the primitive home of the Semitic race.
Arabia, Councils of
In 246 and 247 two councils were held at Bostra in Arabia against Beryllus, Bishop of the see, and others who maintained with him that the soul perished and arose again with the body.
Arabia, Vicariate Apostolic of
Arabia formerly belonged to the mission of Galla (Africa), but was made a separate prefecture Apostolic by Pius IX, 21 Jan., 1875.
Arabian School of Philosophy
A circumstance which favoured the study of letters and philosophy was the accession to the throne about A.D. 750 of the Abassides, an enlightened line of Caliphs who encouraged learning, and patronized the representatives, chiefly Syrian and Persian, of foreign culture.
A small sect of the third century, whose founder is unknown, and which is commonly named from Arabia, where it flourished, but sometimes also Thanatopsychitae.
Aragon and Castile
The united kingdom which came into existence by the marriage (1469) of Isabella, heiress of Castile, with Ferdinand the Catholic, King of Aragon.
Aran, The Monastic School of
During three hundred years from about 500 to 800, Aran Mor and its sister islands were a famous centre of sanctity and learning, which attracted holy men from all parts of Ireland to study the science of the saints in this remote school of the West.
Arason Jón
The last Catholic bishop of Iceland before the introduction of Protestantism. (1484-1550)
A Christian poet of the sixth century, probably of Ligurian origin.
A method of arranging differences between two parties by referring them to the judgment of a disinterested outsider whose decision the parties to a dispute agree in advance to accept as in some way binding.
Arbogast, Saint
Has been claimed as a native of Scotland, but this is owing to a misunderstanding of the name "Scotia", which until late in the Middle Ages really meant Ireland.
Arbroath, Abbey of
Founded on the east coast of Scotland (1178) by William the Lion, for Benedictines, and was colonized by monks from Kelso.
Arbuthnott, Missal of
A manuscript Scottish missal or mass-book, written in 1491 by James Sibbald, priest of Arbuthnott, in Scotland, for use in that church.
A box in which the Eucharist was kept by the primitive Christians in their homes.
Arcachon, Our Lady of
A miraculous image venerated at Arcachon, France, and to all appearances the work of the thirteenth century.
Arcadelt, Jacob
A distinguished musician, born in Holland at the close of the fifteenth, or at the beginning of the sixteenth century.
A titular see on the coast of Phoenicia, between Tripolis and Antaradus, suffragan of Tyre.
An Encyclical Letter on Christian marriage, issued 10 February, 1880, by Leo XIII.
A structure composed of separate pieces, such as stone or bricks, having the shape of truncated wedges, arranged on a curved line so as to retain their position by mutual pressure.
Archange de Lyon
A preacher of the Capuchin order whose name was Michael Desgranges. (1736-1822)
An archbishop or metropolitan, in the present sense of the term, is a bishop who governs a diocese strictly his own, while he presides at the same time over the bishops of a well-defined district composed of simple dioceses but not of provinces.
A confraternity empowered to aggregate or affiliate other confraternities of the same nature, and to impart to them its indulgences and privileges.
The incumbent of an ecclesiastical office dating back to antiquity and up to the fifteenth century of great importance in diocesan administration, particularly in the West.
Archdeacon, Richard
An Irish Jesuit, whose name is sometimes given as Archdekin or Arsdekin. (1620-1693)
Not an ecclesiastical province, but only that diocese of the province which is the archbishop's own.
Arches, The Court of
Was held in the Church of St. Mary le Bow (Sancta Maria de Arcubus), in Cheapside, the chief and most ancient court and consistory of the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
A Greek word for bishop, when considered as the culmination of the priesthood.
In the Greek Rite the superior of a monastery or of several monasteries.
Archinto, Filipo
An Italian theologian and diplomatist. (1500-1558)
Architecture, Ecclesiastical
All ecclesiastical architecture may be said to have been evolved from two distinct germ-cells, the oblong and the circular chamber.
Archives, Ecclesiastical
A collection of documents, records, and memorials, pertaining to the origin, foundation, growth, history, and constitutions of a diocese, parish, monastery, or religious community under the jurisdiction of the Church.
A Gnostic sect which existed in Palestine and Armenia about the middle of the fourth century.
Since the fourth century numerous dioceses had an archpriest, or head of the college of presbyters, who aided and represented the bishop in the discharge of his liturgical and religious duties.
Archpriest Controversy
Arose in England on the appointment of George Blackwell as archpriest with jurisdiction over the secular clergy of England and Scotland, by the Holy See on 7 March, 1598.
Archæology, Christian
That branch of the science which is the study of ancient Christian monuments.
Archæology, The Commission of Sacred
Founded in the middle of the nineteenth century for the purpose of promoting and directing excavations in the Roman Catacombs and on other sites of Christian antiquarian interest.
Term applied by the primitive Christians to one form of the tombs that exist in the Roman catacombs.
A Frankish Bishop of the latter part of the seventh century.
An Irish diocese in the ecclesiastical province of Armagh, takes its name from a town in the parish and barony of same name in county Longford, province of Leinster.
Site of an ancient abbey, now a parish and village in the county Meath, Ireland.
Ardchatten, The Priory of
An Argyllshire house belonging to the Order of Vallis Caulium, or Val des Choux (the Valley of Cabbages), founded by Duncan Mackoul about A.D. 1230 and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John Baptist.
Arden, Edward
An English Catholic, executed during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
Ardilliers, Notre Dame des
A statue, fountain, and Church of Our Lady at Saumur, France.
Aremberg, Prince Charles d'
Definitor-general and Commissary of the Capuchins. (d. 1669)
Arequipa, Diocese of
Suffragan of the Archdiocese of Lima, Peru.
Arevalo, Faustino
Jesuit hymnographer and patrologist. (1747-1824)
Arevalo, Rodriguez Sanchez de
A learned Spanish bishop. (1404-1470)
A diocese of Tuscany, in Italy, which is directly dependent on the Holy See. It
Argenson, Pierre de Voyer d'
Called the vicomte d'Argenson, chevalier, vicomte de Mouzé, seigneur de Chastres, was the fifth Governor-General of Canada (1657-61), b. 1626; d. 1710.
A South American confederation of fourteen provinces, or States, united by a federal Constitution framed on the same lines as the Constitution of the United States of America.
A titular see of Peloponnesian Greece, from the fifth to the twelfth century.
Arguello, Luis Antonio
Governor of California, born at San Francisco, 1784; died there in 1830.
Argyll and the Isles, Diocese of
The Diocese of Argyll, founded about 1200, was separated from the Diocese of Dunkeld; it included the western part of Dunkeld, beyond the Drumalban mountain range, together with the Isle of Lismore, in which the cathedral was erected.
Argyropulos, John
Humanist, and translator of Aristotle, born at Constantinople, 1416; died at Rome about 1486.
Arialdo, Saint
Martyred at Milan in 1065, for his attempt to reform the simoniacal and immoral clergy of that city.
A heresy which arose in the fourth century, and denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
Arias de Avila, Pedro
A Spanish knight from Segovia, b. about the middle of the fifteenth century; d. at Leon, 1530.
Arias Montanus, Benedictus
Orientalist, exegete, and editor of the "Antwerp Polyglot", born at Frejenal de la Sierra in Estremadura, Spain, 1527; died at Seville, 1598.
Arias, Francis
Writer of ascetical treatises, born at Seville in Spain, 1533, died in that place, 15 May, 1605.
Archbishop of Mainz; date of birth unknown; d. 6 April, 1032.
Ariosto, Ludovico
Son of Nicolo Ariosto, Governor of Reggio, and Daria Malaguzzi, born at Reggio in Emilia, 8 September, 1474; died at Ferrara, 6 June, 1533.
A name given in Josephus to the author of a letter ascribing the Greek translation of the Old Testament to six interpreters sent into Egypt from Jerusalem.
A Christian apologist living at Athens in the second century.
Philosopher, born at Stagira, a Grecian colony in the Thracian peninsula Chalcidice, 384 B.C.; died at Chalcis, in Euboea, 322 B.C.
Includes history, population, and government details from early in the twentieth century.
Ark of the Covenant
A kind of chest, measuring two cubits and a half in length, a cubit and a half in breadth, and a cubit and a half in height.
Ark, Noah's
The form, very likely foursquare, was not convenient for navigation, but, as has been proven by the experiments of Peter Jansen and M. Vogt, it made the Ark a very suitable device for shipping heavy cargoes and floating upon the waves without rolling or pitching.
Includes history, climate, government, education, and Catholic information.
Arlegui, Fray José
A Spaniard from Biscay, first attached to the Franciscan province of Cantabria, then transferred to Zacatecas in Mexico.
Arles, The Synods of
The first Council of Arles was held in 314, for the purpose of putting an end to the Donatist controversy.
Armada, The Spanish
A fleet intended to invade England and to put an end to the long series of English aggressions against the colonies and possessions of the Spanish Crown.
Archdiocese founded by St. Patrick about 445, as the primatial and metropolitan see of Ireland.
Armagh, The School of
The School of Armagh seems to have been the oldest, and down to the time of the Anglo-Norman invasion continued to be one of the most celebrated, of the ancient schools of Ireland.
Armagnac, Georges d'
French cardinal and diplomatist, b. c. 1501; d. 2 June, 1585.
A mountainous region of Western Asia occupying a somewhat indefinite area to the southeast of the Black Sea.
A city in the Transylvanian county of Szolnok-Doboka.
Armentia, Fray Nicolás
Bishop of La Paz, appointed 22 October, 1901; b. at Bemedo, diocese of Vittoria, Spain, 5 December, 1845.
The popular designation of the doctrines held by a party formed in the early days of the seventeenth century among the Calvinists of the Netherlands.
Celebrated French family, the history of which is connected with that of Jansenism and of PortRoyal.
Arne, Thomas Augustine
English composer, b. 12 March 1710, at London; d. 5 March, 1778.
Arni Thorlaksson
An Icelandic bishop, b. in Iceland, 1237; d. at Bergen, 1297.
A Christian apologist, flourished during the reign of Diocletian (284-305).
Arnold of Brescia
Born at Brescia towards the end of the eleventh century, date of death uncertain.
Arnoldi, Alberto
Italian sculptor and architect, b. at Florence, fourteenth century.
Arnoldi, Bartholomaeus
Usually called Usingen, after his birthplace, an Augustinian friar, teacher of Luther, and with him inmate of the Augustinian monastery at Erfurt. (1463-1532)
Arnolfo di Cambio
Sometimes called di Lapo, the principal master of Italian Gothic, b. at Florence, about 1232.
Arnpeck, Veit
Bavarian historian, b. at Landshut in 1440; d. at the same place about the year 1505.
Arnulf of Bavaria
Son of Luitpold of the Agilulfing family and of Kunigunde, and Duke of Bavaria from 907 to 937.
Arnulf of Lisieux
Studied canon law at Rome, and wrote in defence of Pope Innocent II a violent letter against Gerard, Bishop of Angouleme.
Arnulf of Metz, Saint
Merovingian bishop and statesman. (580-640)
Diocese comprising the Department of Pas-de-Calais in France.
Arras, Councils of
In 1025 a council was held at Arras against certain (Manichaean) heretics who rejected the sacraments of the Church.
Arricivita, Juan
A native of Mexico in the eighteenth century.
Arrighetti, Nicola
Mathematician, b. at Florence and died there in 1639.
Arrighetti, Nicolò
A professor of natural philosophy at Spoleto, Prato, and Sienna, b. at Florence, 17 March, 1709; d. 31 January, 1767.
Arrowsmith, Saint Edmund
English martyr, born in 1585 at Haddock; executed at Lancaster, 23 August, 1628.
It was under the Dynasty of the Arsacids, who ruled the Persian empire from the year 256 B.C. to A.D. 224, that Christianity found its way into the countries watered by the Euphrates and the Tigris.
Art, Ecclesiastical
Article explores the origin, history, and types.
Mentioned as the leader of an Antitrinitarian sect at Rome, in the third century.
Arthur, James
A Dominican friar, and a theologian of note, b. at Limerick, Ireland, early in the seventeenth century; d. (probably) 1670.
Arthur, Thomas
A celebrated Catholic physician of the seventeenth century, born at Limerick, 1593, died c. 1666.
Articles of Faith
Certain revealed supernatural truths such as those contained in the symbol of the Apostles.
Articles, The Organic
A name given to a law regulating public worship, comprising 77 articles relative to Catholicism, and 44 relative to Protestantism, presented by order of Napoleon to the Tribunate and the legislative body at the same time that he made these two bodies vote on the Concordat itself.
A peculiar service in the Greek Church performed as the concluding part of Vespers.
Arts, Bachelor of
A degree marking the completion of the traditional curriculum of the college.
Arts, Master of
An academic degree higher than that of Bachelor.
Arts, The Faculty of
One of the four traditional divisions of the teaching body of the university.
Arts, The Seven Liberal
Chiefly used during the Middle Ages. Doesn't mean arts as the word is understood today, but those branches of knowledge which were taught in the schools of that time.
A Russian city in the trans-Caucasian province of Kutais.
Arundel, Thomas
Sixtieth Archbishop of Canterbury, second son of Robert, Earl of Arundel and Warren, b. 1353; d. 19 February, 1414.
Asaph, Saint
First Bishop of the Welsh See of that name in the second half of the sixth century.
Ambassador of Innocent IV (1243-54) to the Tartars.
Ascendente Domino
A Bull issued by Gregory XIII, 24 May, 1584, in favor of the Society of Jesus, to confirm the constitution of the Society, and the privileges already granted to it by Paul III, Julius III, Paul IV, and Pius V.
The elevation of Christ into heaven by His own power in presence of His disciples the fortieth day after His Resurrection.
Ascension, Feast of the
The fortieth day after Easter Sunday, commemorating the Ascension of Christ into heaven, according to Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and Acts 1:2.
Ascetical Theology
Briefly defined as the scientific exposition of Christian asceticism.
The word asceticism comes from the Greek askesis which means practice, bodily exercise, and more especially, atheletic training.
Ascoli, Satriano, and Cirignola
An Italian diocese, suffragan to the Archdiocese of Beneventum.
Diocese comprising sixteen towns in the Province of Ascoli-Piceno, two in that of Aquila, and two in that of Teramo, Italy.
The property by which a being exists of and from itself.
The daughter of Putiphare (Poti-phera), priest of On.
Ash Wednesday
The Wednesday after Quinquagesima Sunday, which is the first day of the Lenten fast.
A number of passages in the Old Testament connect ashes with mourning.
Ashley, Ralph, Blessed
English Jesuit lay-brother, cook and domestic servant, was tortured and martyred in 1606.
Ashton, John
An early Jesuit missionary in Maryland; born in Ireland, 1742; died in Maryland, 1814, or 1815.
Ashton, Venerable Roger
Martyr, third son of Richard Ashton of Croston, in Lancashire. Hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn, 23 June, 1592.
Article intended to give a rapid survey of the geography, ethnography, political and religious history of Asia, and especially of the rise, progress, and actual condition of Asiatic Christianity and Catholicism.
Asia Minor
The peninsular mass that the Asiatic continent projects westward of an imaginary line running from the Gulf of Alexandretta (Issus) on the Mediterranean to the vicinity of Trebizond (Trapezus) on the Black Sea.
More properly Ezion-geber, a city of Idumea, situated on the northern extremity of the Ælanitic Gulf, now called the Gulf of Akabah.
The rite of sprinkling the congregation with holy water before the principal Mass on Sunday.
Aspilcueta, Martin
Spanish canonist and moral theologian. (1491-1586)
Ass in Caricature of Christians, The
The calumny of onolatry, or ass-worship, attributed by Tacitus and other writers to the Jews, was afterwards, by the hatred of the latter, transferred to the Christians.
A Prefecture Apostolic in the ecclesiastical province of Calcutta, India, established in 1889.
An illustrious Maronite family of Mount Lebanon, Syria, four members of which, all ecclesiastics, distinguished themselves during the eighteenth century in the East and in Europe.
Assemblies of the French Clergy
Meetings of the Clergy of France for the purpose of apportioning the financial burdens laid upon the Church by the kings of France, and incidentally for other ecclesiastical purposes.
Asser, John
A learned monk of St David's, Menevia, b. in Pembrokeshire; d. probably, 910.
Asses, Feast of
The feast dates from the eleventh century, though the source which suggested it is much older.
Assessor of the Holy Office
An official of the Congregation of the Inquisition.
In ecclesiastical law, learned persons who function is to counsel a judge with whom they are associated in the trial of causes.
Assicus, Saint
Bishop and Patron of Elphin, in Ireland, one of St. Patrick's converts, and his worker in iron.
The maintainers of the Mosaic Law against the invasion of Greek customs.
Assimilation, Physiological
The vital function by which an organism changes nutrient material into living protoplasm.
Assimilation, Psychological
As applied to a mental process, assimilation derives all its force and meaning from the analogy which many educationists have found to exist between the way in which food is incorporated into the living tissue and the manner in which truth is acquired by the growing mind.
Assistant at the Pontifical Throne
Those prelates who belong to the Papal Chapel and hold toward the Pope much the same relation as cathedral canons do to the bishop.
Assizes of Jerusalem
The code of laws enacted by the Crusaders for the government of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Assmayer, Ignaz
An Austrian musician, born at Salzburg, 11 February, 1790; died in Vienna, 31 August, 1862.
Association of Ideas
A principle in psychology to account for the succession of mental states.
Association of Priestly Perseverance
A sacerdotal association founded in 1868 at Vienna, and at first confined to that Archdiocese.
Association, Right of Voluntary
Any group of individuals freely united for the pursuit of a common end.
Associations, Pious
Under this term are comprehended all those organizations, approved and indulgenced by Church authority, which have been instituted especially in recent times, for the advancement of various works of piety and charity.
Assumption of Mary, Feast of the
The principal feast of the Blessed Virgin.
Assumption, Augustinians of the
Had its origin in the College of the Assumption, established in Nîmes France, in 1843.
Assumption, Little Sisters of the
A congregation whose work is the nursing of the sick poor in their own homes.
Assumption, Sisters of the
A congregation of French nuns devoted to the teaching of young girls.
Assur - Titular See
A titular see of Proconsular Africa, now Henchir-Zenfour.
This is a utensil for the Liturgy according to the Greek Rite, which is not used in Roman Rite.
Name of several prominent persons in early Christian history.
One of the divisions of the province of Alexandria, and suffragan of Turin.
The supposed science which determines the influence of the stars, especially of the five older planets, on the fate of man.
Divided into two main branches, astrometry and astrophysics; the former concerned with determining the places of the investigation of the heavenly bodies, the latter, with the investigation of their chemical and physical nature.
Astronomy in the Bible
Includes examples of Old and New Testament references.
Astruc, Jean
Son of a converted Protestant minister. (1684-1766)
Son of the Inca war chief Huayna Capac and an Indian woman from Quito.
Atahualpa, Jean Santos
Claimed to have been sent by God to drive the Spaniards from western South America.
Duchesne introduced the word to designate those cases in which species revert spontaneously to what are presumably long-lost characters.
Athabasca, Vicariate Apostolic of
Suffragan of Saint Boniface; erected 8 April, 1862, by Pius IX.
Athanasian Creed, The
One of the symbols of the Faith approved by the Church and given a place in her liturgy.
Athanasius, Saint
Bishop of Alexandria, Confessor and Doctor of the Church.(296-373)
That system of thought which is formally opposed to theism.
Athelney, The Abbey of
Established in the County of Somerset, England. Founded by King Alfred, A.D. 888, as a religious house for monks of the Order of St. Benedict.
A Christian apologist of the second half of the second century of whom no more is known than that he was an Athenian philosopher and a convert to Christianity.
A small inland town in the county Galway, Ireland, anciently called Athnere, from Ath-na-Riagh, the king's ford, or the abode of the king.
Athens, Modern Diocese of
The majority of Catholics who live within the Diocese of Athens are foreigners, or of foreign descent.
Athos, Mount
The mountain that the architect Dinocrates offered to turn into a statue of Alexander the Great with a city in one hand and in the other a perennially flowing spring.
Atienza, Juan de
Jointly with Father Jose de Acosta, directed the publication of catechisms and textbooks of Christian doctrine for the use of the Indians.
Atkinson, Paul, of St. Francis
One of the notable confessors of the English Church during the age which succeeded the persecution of blood.
Atkinson, Sarah
Irish philanthropist and biographer. (1823-1893)
Primarily, the smallest particle of matter which can exist.
The system of those who hold that all bodies are composed of minute, indivisible particles of matter called atoms.
Atonement, Day of
A most solemn fast, on which no food could be taken throughout the day, and servile works were forbidden.
Atonement, Doctrine of the
In Catholic theology, the Atonement is the Satisfaction of Christ, whereby God and the world are reconciled or made to be at one.
An Act of Parliament for putting a man to death or for otherwise punishing him without trial in the usual form.
Attala, Saint
Born in the sixth century in Burgundy; died 627.
A titular metropolitan see of Pamphylia in Asia Minor.
Attaliates, Michael
Byzantine stateman and historian, probably a native of Attalia in Pamphylia.
Patriarch of Constantinople (406-425), born at Sebaste in Armenia; died 425.
Attigny, Councils of
Several councils held here are detailed.
Attiret, Jean Denis
Painter, born at Dole, France, 31 July, 1702; died at Pekin, 8 December, 1768.
A faithful follower of Gregory VII in his conflict with the simoniac clergy.
Atto of Vercelli
A learned theologian and canonist of the tenth century.
Attracta, Saint
Known as the foundress of several churches in the Counties of Galway and Sligo, Ireland.
Attributes, Divine
In order to form a more systematic idea of God, and as far as possible, to unfold the implications of the truth, God is All-Perfect, this infinite Perfection is viewed, successively, under various aspects, each of which is treated as a separate perfection and characteristic inherent to the Divine Substance, or Essence. A certain group of these, of paramount import, is called the Divine Attributes.
The Council of Trent has defined contrition as "sorrow of soul, and a hatred of sin committed, with a firm purpose of not sinning in the future".
Aubarède, Jean-Michel-d'Astorg
Canon regular,and Vicar Capitular of Pamiers, born 1639; died 4 August, 1692.
Aubermont, Jean-Aontoine d'
Theologian of Bois-le-Duc; died 22 November, 1686.
Aubery, Joseph
Jesuit missionary in Canada, born at Gisors in Normandy.(1673-1755)
Aubignac, François Hédelin, Abbé d'
Grammarian, poet, preacher, archeologist, philologist. (1604-1676)
Aubusson, Pierre d'
Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, born 1423; died 1503.
Archdiocese; comprises the Department of Gers in France.
Diocese comprising the Provincial District of Auckland (New Zealand), with its islets, and the Kermadec Group.
Auctorem Fidei
A Bull issued by Pius VI, 28 August, 1794, in condemnation of the Gallican and Jansenist acts and tendencies of the Synod of Pistoia (1786).
Audiences, Pontifical
The receptions given by the pope to cardinals, sovereigns, princes, ambassadors, and other persons, ecclesiastical or lay, having business with or interest in the Holy See.
Born at Saorgio, near Nice, in 1734; died at Rome, July, 1794.
Audin, J.-M.-Vincent
Writer, born at Lyons in 1793; died in Paris, 21 February, 1851.
Audisio, Guglielmo
Devoted himself to historical studies, especially in illustration of the papacy. (1801-1882)
The designation of certain officials of the Roman Curia, whose duty it is to hear and examine the causes submitted to the pope.
The family name of four generations of distinguished French artists, natives of Paris and Lyons, which included eight prominent engravers and two painters.
Auenbrugger, Leopold
An Austrian physician, born 19 November, 1722; died 17 May, 1807.
Aufsees, Jobst Bernhard von
Canon of Bamberg and Würzburg, born 28 March, 1671, on the family estate of Mengersdorf; died 2 April, 1738.
Auger, Edmond
Entered the Society of Jesus while St. Ignatius was still living, and was regarded as one of the most eloquent men of his time. (1530-1591)
Diocese in the Kingdom of Bavaria, Germany, suffragan of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising.
Augsburg, Synods of
Two general imperial synods were held in Augsburg. The first, convened in August, 952, through the efforts of Emperor Otto the Great, provided for the reform of abuses in civil and ecclesiastical life. A similar synod, convened by Anno, Archbishop of Cologne (27 October, 1062), was occupied with the internal conditions of the empire and the attitude of the Church of Germany towards the schism of Cadalus, antipope during the reign of Alexander II.
Augustin von Alfeld
One of the earliest and most aggressive opponents of Luther, born in the village of Alfeld, near Hildesheim, from which he took his surname; died probably in 1532.
Augustine of Canterbury, Saint
First Archbishop of Canterbury, Apostle of the English. (d. 604)
Augustine of Hippo, Life of Saint
Three periods of his life are detailed, (1) the young wanderer's gradual return to the Faith; (2) the doctrinal development of the Christian philosopher to the time of his episcopate; and (3) the full development of his activities upon the Episcopal throne of Hippo.
Augustine of Hippo, Teaching of Saint
Covers his teaching and influence in three sections, (1) His function as a doctor of the church, (2) His system of grace, and (3) Augustinism in history.
Augustine of Hippo, Works of Saint
Covers the writings, including autobiography and correspondence, philosophy, general apology, scriptural exegesis, and preaching.
Augustine, Rule of Saint
Details of several writings that have been given this title
Augustinus, Antonius
Historian of canon law and Archbishop of Tarragona in Spain, born at Saragossa 26 February, 1517, of a distinguished family; died at Tarragona, 31 May, 1586.
Augustinus-Verein, The
An association organized in 1878 to promote the interests of the Catholic press, particularly the daily press, of Germany.
A titular see of Palestine, suffragan of Petra.
The name by which Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus, the first Roman emperor, in whose reign Jesus Christ was born, is usually known; born at Rome, 62 B.C.; died A.D. 14.
Aulne Abbey
A former Cistercian monastery near Landelies on the Sambre in the Diocese of Liège.
Its original meaning was a cupboard and it has never lost this more general sense, but even in classical Latin it had of it acquired in addition the special signification of a cupboard of holding books.
Aunarius, Saint
Bishop of Auxerre in France, born 573, died 603.
Roman Emperor, 270-275, born near Sirmium in Pannonia, 9 September, 214; died 275.
Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus
Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180, born at Rome, 26 April, 121; died 17 March, 180.
Aureoli, Petrus
A Franciscan philosopher and theologian. (1280-1322)
The site of the Mohawk village, Montgomery County, New York, U.S.A., in which Father Issac Jogues, and his companions, Goupil and Lalande, were put to death for the Faith by the Indians.
Aurispa, Giovanni
A famous ltalian humanist and collector of Greek manuscripts, born about 1369 at Noto, in Sicily; died at Ferrara in 1459.
Ausculta Fili
A letter addressed 5 December 1301, by Pope Boniface VIII to Philip the Fair, King of France.
Austin, John
An English lawyer and writer, born 1613 at Walpole, in Norfolk; died London, 1669.
Includes history, education, and religious statistics.
Austremonius, Saint
Apostle and Bishop of Auvergne. (c. 314)
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, The
The European monarchy whose dominions have for their main life-distributing artery the River Danube, in its course from Engelhartszell, near Passau, to Orsova. South of the Danube lie the Austrian Alpine provinces and the provinces of Carinthia and Carnola; north of the Danube are the Carpathian and Sudetic provinces.
The term is used in two senses. It is applied first to a book or document whose contents are invested with a special authority, in virtue of which the work is called authentic. In its second sense it is used as a synonym for "genuine", and therefore means that a work really emanates from the author to whom it is ascribed.
Authenticity of the Bible
authority of Holy Writ is twofold on account of its twofold authorship. The various books which make up the Bible are authentic because of their respective authors. They also possess a higher authenticity because they're the inspired word of God.
Authority, Civil
The moral power of command, supported by physical coercion, which the State exercises over its members.
Authorized Version, The
Name given to the English translation of the Bible produced by the Commission appointed by James I, and in consequence often spoken of as "King James's Bible".
A designation in early Christian times of certain bishops who were subject to no patriarch or metropolitan, but depended directly on the triennial provincial synod or on the Apostolic See.
Autos Sacramentales
A form of dramatic literature which is peculiar to Spain, though in some respects similar in character to the old Morality plays of England.
Autpert, Ambrose
An early medieval writer and abbot of the Benedictine Order, born in France, early in the eighth century.
Autran, Joseph
French poet, born at Marseilles 20 June, 1813; died in the same city, 6 March, 1877.
Comprises the entire Department of Saone et Loire in France. It was suffragan to the Archdiocese of Lyons under the old regime.
Auxentius of Milan
Ordained (343) to the priesthood by Gregory, the intruded Bishop of Alexandria.
Auxentius of Mopsuestia
Baronius places this bishop in the Roman martyrology, Tillemont is inclined to believe that Auxentius was an Arian.
Auxentius, Junior
Originally Mercurinus, a Scythian, and a disciple of Ulfilas, or Wulfila, of whose life and death he wrote an account.
Auxerre, Councils of
In 585 (or 578) a Council of Auxerre held under St. Annacharius formulated forty-five canons, closely related in context to canons of the contemporary Councils of Lyons and Mâcon.
Auxiliary Bishop
A bishop deputed to a diocesan who, capable of governing and administering his diocese, is unable to perform the pontifical functions; or whose diocese is so extensive that it requires the labors of more than one; or whose episcopal see has attached to it a royal or imperial office requiring protracted presence at court.
Auxilius of Naples
The name (probably fictitious, according to Hefele) of an ecclesiastic to whom we owe a series of remarkable writings (P. L., CXXIX, 1054 sqq.) that deal with the controversies concerning the succession and fate of Pope Formosus (891-896), and especially the validity of the orders conferred by him.
A German poetess, the first woman known to have written in German and probably identical with a recluse of that name who died in Austria in the vicinity of Melk, A.D. 1127.
Avancini, Nicola
Chiefly known as an ascetical writer, born in the Tyrol, 1612; died 6 December, 1686.
The word is used, in a technical sense, in the Hindu religion to denote the descent upon earth of a portion of the essence of a god, which then assumes some coarser material form, be it animal, monster, or man.
Avaugour, Pierre du Bois, Baron d'
Sixth Governor General of Canada.
Ave Maria
The Hail Mary (sometimes called the "Angelical salutation", sometimes, from the first words in its Latin form, the "Ave Maria") is the most familiar of all the prayers used by the Universal Church in honour of our Blessed Lady.
Ave Maris Stella
The first verse of an unrhymed, accentual hymn, of seven stropes of four lines each, assigned in Roman Breviary to Vespers in the Common office, the Office of Saturdays, and the Little Office (as well as for Feasts) of the Blessed Virgin.
Ave Regina
An antiphon so called from its first line, Ave regina caelorum (Hail, Queen of Heaven).
An Italian diocese in the Province of Naples, suffragan to Benevento.
Arabian philosopher, physician, astronomer, mathematician, and poet, b. at Saragossa towards the end of the eleventh century; d. at Fez, 1138.
Avendano, Fernando
Priest born at Lima, Peru, either towards the end of sixteenth or in the beginnig of the seventeenth century; died at Lima, in 1665, shortly after being appointed Bishop of Santiago de Chile.
A Premonstratensian abbey belonging to the circary of Brabant and situated near Diest in the Archdiocese of Malines.
Arabian philosopher, astronomer, and writer on jurisprudence; born at Cordova, 1126; died at Morocco, 1198.
Aversa, Diocese of
Comprising twenty-one towns in the Province of Caserta and twelve in the Province of Naples, it is under the immediate jurisdiction of the Holy See.
Avesta, The
The sacred books of Parsees, or Zoroastrians, and the main source of our knowledge concerning the religious and spiritual life the ancient Persians.
Avesta, Theological Aspects of the
Explores the subjects of God, dualism, angelology, and man.
Jewish religious poet, moralist, and philosopher. He was born at Malaga in 1020 or 1021, and died at Saragossa in 1070.
Arabian physician and philosopher, born at Kharmaithen, in the province of Bokhara, 980; died at Hamadan, in Northern Persia, 1037.
Written in the form of Avennio in the ancient texts and inscriptions, takes its name from the House, or Clan, Avennius.
Avignon, Councils of
Details of several councils held here.
Avignon, University of
Developed from the already existing schools of the city, was formally constituted in 1303, by a Bull of Boniface VIII.
Avila, Francisco de
Curate or vicar in the province of Huarochiri of Peru, later curate at Huánaco, finally Canon of the Church of La Plata, in Bolivia.
Avila, Sancho de
Born at Avila of the Kings, in Old Castile, 1546, and named after the place of his birth; died at Plasencia, in the same province, 6 or 7 December, 1625.
Avranches, Council of
In 1172 (September 27-28) a Council was held at Avranches in France, apropos of the troubles caused in the English Church by the murder of St. Thomas Becket.
Avril, Philippe
Jesuit, born at Angouleme, France, 16 September, 1654; died in a shipwreck in 1698.
A titular metropolitan see of ancient Christian Ethiopia.
Ayacucho, Diocese of
A Peruvian diocese, suffragan to Lima.
Ayeta, Fray Francisco de
A Spanish Franciscan of the seventeenth century.
Ayllón, Lucas Vésquez de
This Spanish discoverer of Chesapeake Bay, and the first who tried to find a northwest passage from Europe to Asia, date of birth uncertain; died 18 October, 1526.
Aylward, James Ambrose Dominic
Theologian and poet, born at Leeds, 4 April, 1813; died at Hinckley (England), 5 October, 1872.
Tribe of sedentary Indians inhabiting the northern sections of Bolivia.
Aymeric of Piacenza
A learned Dominican, b. at Piacenza, Italy; d. at Bologna, 19 August, 1327.
Azara, Féliz de
Spanish naturalist, b. at Barbunales in Aragon, 18 May, 1746; d. 1811.
Azaria, Aristaces
A Catholic Armenian abbot and archbishop, b. at Constantinople, 18 July, 1782; d. at Vienna, 6 May, 1854.
Azarias, Brother
Educator, essayist, litterateur, and philosopher, b. near Killenaule, County Tipperary, Ireland, 29 June, 1847.
Azevedo, Luiz de
An Ethiopic missionary and scholar, born, probably at Carrezedo Montenegro, in the Diocese of Braga, in Portugal, in 1573; died in Ethiopia in 1634.
Azor, Juan
Professor of philosophy and later of theology, both dogmatic and moral, at Piacenza, Alcalá, and Rome. (1559-1603)
An archipelago situated in that tract of the Atlantic Ocean which is known to mariners as the Sargasso Sea.
Three uses, one of the five great cities of the Philistines, the mountain to which Bacchides pursued the Jews in battle, and a titular see of Palestine situated near the seacoast, between Jaffa and Ascalon.
A surname applied to the tribe of the Mexica, or Chichimeca Mexitin, which occupied aboriginal Mexico, in more or less contiguous groups, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the Spaniards first came into contact with them.
Unfermented cakes used by the Jews in their various sacrifices and religious rites.
A term of reproach used by the schismatic Greeks since the eleventh century against the Latins, who, together with the Armenians and the Maronites, celebrate the Holy Eucharist with unleavened bread.