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Ad Caeli Reginam, Deiparae Virginis Mariae, Divino Afflante Spiritu, Divino Afflante Spiritu, Doctor Mellifluus, Ecclesiae Fastos, Fulgens Corona, Fulgens Radiatur, Haurietis Aquas, Humani Generis
A Catholic Response: Pope Pius XII and the Holocau
Article points out that accusing Pope Pius XII of being indifferent to the Holocaust is a recent development based on fiction. At the time and immediately afterwards, the press and persecuted Jews hailed the Vatican as the one beacon in a darkened Europe.
A Friend in Word and Deed: Pope Pius XII and the J
Lengthy article by Thomas J. Nash attempts to remedy the cultural amnesia which has led to a round of finger-pointing against Pius XII.
Bum Rap
A book accusing Pius XII of being "Hitler's Pope" overestimates the pontiff's influence and underestimates his character. Lawrence Osborne reviews John Cornwell's "Hitler's Pope." In Salon.
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights: Po
FAQ and several articles defending Pius XII.
Columbia Encyclopedia: Pius XII
Biographical article.
In Defense of Pope Pius XII
Article by Kenneth Woodward, published in Newsweek, 30 March, 1998. Pius was neither silent nor inactive about the Holocaust. In fact, during the Second World War, he was lauded for his singular efforts to halt the carnage.
Myth vs. Historical Fact
Article by Pierre Blet, one of the team of researchers who compiled the 11-volume set of Vatican documents related to World War II. These documents show that it is a baldfaced lie to assert that Pius condoned Nazism.
Pius XII and the Holocaust
It is telling that the Nazis regarded Pacelli as anti-Nazi, and that Jewish sources give voluminous testimony about Pius XII's efforts on behalf of Jews. Personal page lists many books, reviews, articles, and Internet sites on the topic.
Pius XII as Scapegoat
Opinion piece by Michael Novak, in First Things. The recent charges against Pope Pius XII do not stand up to scrutiny. They are illogical, inconsistent, and fly in the face of facts.
Pius XII Was No Nazi
Far from being "Hitler's Pope," Pius XII was a heroic defender of Jews during World War II. Why is this good man being defamed? Excerpt from Ralph McInerny's "The Defamation of Pius XII."
Pius XII: Greatness Dishonoured
An excerpt from the book by Michael O'Carroll.
Pope Pius XII
Illustrated profile includes list of people he beatified or canonized, excerpts from his writings, links.
Pope Pius XII
A Jesuit sets the record straight, with a barrage of quotations from people who were in a position to know very well what Pius XII did during World War II.
Popes Through the Ages: Pius XII
An account of his pontificate.
Real Faults
Kevin Madigan reviews John Cornwell's "Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII."
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church
Reviewer James Carroll expounds the argument of John Cornwell's book "Hitler's Pope": that Pius XII was anti-Semitic and power-hungry. In the October 1999 issue of The Atlantic.
The Holy See: Pius XII
Section of the Vatican's official web site. Portrait, coat of arms, archive of some of his writings and speeches.
Thomas Craughwell: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
Fifty years ago the charge that Pius XII was anti-Semitic would have been incomprehensible.
Top 100 Catholics: Pope Pius XII
Biographical sketch of Pius XII, voted one of the top Catholics of the 20th century by visitors to the Daily Catholic web site.